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first of all the world by the gods, was sacred, and<br />

invasion by foreigners was defilement. His own<br />

province, Echizen, he believed rose out of the waves<br />

by divine command next after the islands of Awaji<br />

and Sado. He hated the Yedo rulers for not sufficiently<br />

honoring the emperor. He even thought<br />

his own prince tardy and lukewarm in zeal. Notwithstanding<br />

that his ancestors had been feudal retainers<br />

of the house of Echizen for over two hundred<br />

years, he severed his allegiance by having his<br />

name erased from the muster-roll. He gave up his<br />

salary, payable in rice, withdrew from all support,<br />

and was now a ronin, that is a<br />

" "<br />

floating or " wave<br />

man," free to go his own way but also obliged to support<br />

himself. Concerning this young man, as we<br />

have said, Rai Goro had his suspicions.<br />

Arriving near the imperial shrine on the mountain,<br />

Mr. Rai, remaining in the deep shadows, descried<br />

by the aid of the moonlight a kneeling figure.<br />

Gently approaching to within a few steps he recognized<br />

him at once as Honda Jiro by his dress and<br />

the peculiar glitter of his sword-scabbard lying near.<br />

Wishing to be sure of the suppliant's object, he<br />

bade his servant wait behind, while he, removing<br />

his sandals, moved in his socks to within a few feet<br />

without being discovered. Once within easy earshot<br />

he heard his prayer repeated over and over.<br />

The young man lay prone upon the ground, his lips<br />

touching the earth. He then raised his body, resting<br />

on his knees and heels, and putting his hands<br />

together palm to palm prayed again and again as<br />

follows :

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