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A 2TEW NATION. 369<br />

of the new government was to ratify the treaties<br />

with the foreign nations in the name of the<br />

Mikado.<br />

All this was not done without opposition, and the<br />

who had now the<br />

far-seeing and high-souled patriots<br />

destinies of Japan in their hands were denounced as<br />

traitors both by the fanatical retainers of Tokugawa<br />

and by the haters of the bakufu, who thought that<br />

they had been betrayed by their old comrades. To<br />

many of the ronins the possession of the Mikado and<br />

government had been eagerly awaited as the signal<br />

of war, but instead they found it meant peace. Echizen<br />

and Owari were sent to Ke'iki to invite him to<br />

high office under the new government. He at first<br />

agreed, but afterward yielded to the counsel of Aidzu<br />

and other clans and advanced on Kyoto with a<br />

large army to drive out the men forming the new<br />

government. At the battle of Fushimi, fought during<br />

three days, from January 27 to 30, the ex-Tycoon's<br />

forces were beaten and he himself found refuge<br />

on the American man-of-war Iroquois. The loyal<br />

army now marched against Yedo, captured it, fought a<br />

battle at Uye'no, and then in the north won victories<br />

in many places. On the sea, with the ironclad ex-<br />

Confederate ram Stonewall, brought from the United<br />

States, the loyal forces overcame the navy of the<br />

adherents of Tokugawa. Yedo was made the kyo,<br />

or capital, and being in the east was called Tokyo,<br />

or Eastern Capital. Here the Mikado came to live,<br />

and henceforth Tokyo became the political, literary,<br />

educational, and religious center of the empire.<br />

Kyoto was named Sai-kyo, or the western capital,

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