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trouble among the wage-earners and laborers. Indeed<br />

all who could not depend on keeping away<br />

hunger when the cost of rice was over two cents a<br />

pound were in real distress.<br />

Some of the daimios, while pretending to hate the<br />

foreigners, found the profits of trade very agreeable,<br />

and secretly investing their funds in business, had<br />

and thus<br />

agents among the merchants at the port<br />

increased their income. They enjoyed strange luxuries<br />

in food; and the<br />

dainties, the watches, clocks,<br />

carpets, mirrors, art works, and curiosities of Europe<br />

and America were seen in their palaces.<br />

In not a few districts rice-riots became numerous<br />

and troublesome. The farmers, not being allowed<br />

to keep or bear arms, cut and sharpened bamboo<br />

poles, hardening them in the fire, and with these and<br />

sickles, reaping-hooks, forks, and various agricultural<br />

implements, they assembled in masses under their<br />

rude banner a long, wide strip of matting, on which<br />

was smeared in ink some motto expressing their<br />

wrongs or demanding redress and, marching to<br />

the government offices, clamored for justice according<br />

to their ideas. Often in the disturbances an<br />

officer, tax-collector, or treasurer was slain, though<br />

usually the sharp swords of the samurai scattered<br />

the peasants like sheep. After taking the heads off<br />

the ringleaders, order was restored, though matters<br />

were not always mended, for the troubles now were<br />

less personal than political.<br />

When Honda Jiro, arriving in Yedo from Kyoto<br />

in June, 1863, received official permission to visit

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