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torch. They had a far larger and nobler purpose<br />

in view, even a united empire, a restored emperor,<br />

a government founded on public opinion, and Japan<br />

made strong before the world ;<br />

but first they must<br />

destroy the bakufu. Early in the year 1864 the<br />

British legation near Shinagawa was set on fire and<br />

burned. Near the inn of the Big Gold-fish at the<br />

Kudan, Mr. Hanawa Jiro, who had collected, for the<br />

Premier li, precedents for the deposing of the Mikado<br />

by the Tycoon, was assassinated. In Kyoto the<br />

same sort of work went on. No sooner had Ke'iki,<br />

the guardian and advance-officer of the Tycoon,<br />

arrived in that city, than the two-sworded men<br />

pressed upon him the question of driving out the<br />

aliens. He replied that as soon as the Tycoon<br />

should arrive, the matter would be settled. This<br />

evasive answer so disgusted the fire-eating patriots<br />

that they at once assassinated Mr. Kagawa, a former<br />

agent of the Yedo government, and sent his head to<br />

Ke'iki as a hint to hurry up the expelling of foreigners,<br />

while the arms of the headless trunk were sent<br />

to the nobleman, master of -the unfortunate man.<br />

Neither Aidzu, protector of Kyoto, nor the prince<br />

of Echizen, both of whom nobly strove to uphold<br />

the honor of Tokugawa, as well as to honor the emperor,<br />

could restrain these apparently savage acts<br />

which were indicative of the stern purpose of the<br />

patriots.<br />

The Tokugawas, as individual gentlemen, were<br />

noble patriots, but they were victims of a bad system<br />

and of the times, for no personal worth of pri-

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