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medicines were free, and that the expense was all<br />

paid by Christians in America.<br />

All this, with the talk with Doctor Gray and a<br />

further conversation with Doctor Burmer, so powerfully<br />

affected Honda Jiro that he at once made up<br />

his mind to live in Yokohama and to learn from<br />

these men more about Jesus and the religion which<br />

sent out such missionaries. Going back to Yedo to<br />

arrange his affairs with the Fukui officers, he took<br />

with him a copy of Doctor Grey's translation into<br />

Japanese of the Four Gospels in manuscript.<br />

" It is a rough draft and merely a beginning,"<br />

said the doctor, as he looked kindly over his spectacles<br />

at Honda, and smiled with a merry twinkle<br />

of the eye. " You are a scholar, and will find many<br />

infelicities in it. I shall be especially thankful if<br />

you will compare the Chinese version arid mine and<br />

write out your copy," he added seriously, as he<br />

grasped warmly Honda's hand, and said : The entrance<br />

of God's words give and light, may your soul<br />

come into the full day of obedience and love to<br />

Christ."<br />

Honda thanked him heartily, and took his journey<br />

to Yedo. After three weeks he received permission<br />

direct from his feudal master in Fukui, through the<br />

influence of " the old prince," as the ex-daimio Matsudaira<br />

was now called, to remain two years in<br />

Yokohama. With this permission came also an<br />

unsolicited appointment as agent for the clan, at<br />

a small salary sufficient for his support. Evidently<br />

the old prince had divined his plan and was encour-

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