Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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<strong>Justified</strong> <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Ellen May and disposed of the body. Wynn enters the bar to talk privately with Boyd. He slides<br />

a wad of cash across the table. ”I need you to help me find someone,” Wynn says. Raylan then<br />

interviews the young woman who originally broke into Arlo’s house looking for Drew’s bag. Turns<br />

out she was sent there by her stepfather, Josiah.<br />

Raylan pays a visit to Josiah, who Raylan handcuffs to his car and drags across the yard until<br />

the old man talks. Josiah claims that Drew Thompson broke both his legs when he parachuted<br />

into Harlan and went to live with the hill people. Later, Bob warns Raylan that the hill folk eat<br />

people. ”Nice knowing you, Raylan,” he quips. Raylan dismisses the rumor, but does call Tim to<br />

tell the younger marshal that he is headed into the wild.<br />

Soon, Raylan is overtaken by a group of ragged men carrying rifles. He is tossed into a barn ...<br />

where Boyd sits. ”Hello, Raylan,” smirks Boyd, a fellow captive. ”Don’t suppose you saw Josiah<br />

lately?” Moments later, Boyd is dragged from the makeshift cell. The captors start to beat Boyd<br />

before Boyd turns the tables and knocks one of the men to the ground. Raylan bursts out and<br />

takes down the second captor. Just then, the door to the barn flies open and the group’s leader<br />

appears with a loaded rifle. He says Josiah called and said Raylan was headed their way. ”This<br />

ain’t the darkest Africa – we have a phone.”<br />

Raylan claims to be kin to the hill people through a cousin, Mary. Sure enough, Mary arrives<br />

just as Raylan and Boyd are being dragged to an abandoned mine to die. The old woman orders<br />

that Raylan be spared and then Raylan comes to Boyd’s defense, saying that if anybody gets<br />

killed he’ll have to report it all to his bosses at the marshal’s office. So the hill folk let the pair go.<br />

Later, Cousin Mary explains that Drew Thompson left years ago. Boyd points out that the race<br />

to find Drew Thompson is on. ”May the best man win,” he says. On the way back to civilization,<br />

such as it is, Raylan handcuffs Boyd to a tree. May the best man win, indeed. ”I’ve come to a<br />

conclusion,” Boyd says. ”I don’t like you.”<br />

At the bottom of the hill, Colt has shown up and is talking with Tim about their shared military<br />

history. Raylan returns and informs Colt that Boyd is up the trail about a mile. ”You’ll need a<br />

saw,” Raylan says. Later, a freed Boyd calls Wynn with a new deal: in exchange for finding Drew<br />

Thompson, Boyd gets half the area’s drug business. Wynn agrees and hangs up. Johnny, who<br />

is visiting Wynn, protests. What about their deal to rid the world of Boyd? ”I can promise him a<br />

rocket ship and a Goddamn unicorn,” Wynn says. ”Once he brings me Drew Thompson, he and<br />

I are done.” Johnny is satisfied.<br />

Colt returns to Sheriff Shelby’s office. Shelby explains that one of his deputies saw a girl<br />

resembling Ellen May hitch a ride with a long-haul trucker whom she seemed to know. ”Don’t<br />

bother Boyd with this!” Colt demands. ”Talk to me. Are we clear?” Colt exits – and Ellen May<br />

emerges from hiding. Ellen May now knows that Boyd and Ava planned to kill her. ”If you’re<br />

willing, maybe you can help me bring down Boyd Crowder,” Shelby asks Ellen May. She appears<br />

agreeable enough. Boyd then meets with Arlo’s attorney – and offers a wad of cash to break<br />

attorney-client privilege. She smiles.<br />

Raylan returns to Josiah’s shack and discovers the man’s police-issued ankle bracelet ... but<br />

not the man. ”How the hell did you do that?” the marshal wonders to himself. The answer is a<br />

few feet away: Josiah’s dismembered foot.<br />


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