Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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<strong>Justified</strong> <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Dewey, in the meantime, storms into an appliance store and demands money from the register.<br />

It’s only a little over $200, and Dewey becomes crazed, wanting to know where the cash is<br />

from all the store’s expensive items. The sales clerk (Michael Scott Allen) explains that everyone<br />

uses credit cards now, and shows the desperate man a register drawer of receipts.<br />

Dewey panics and heads to a strip club... and, again, finds almost no cash. ”It’s 10 in the<br />

morning!” a pole dancer explains. A bouncer then tries to disarm Dewey, who savagely beats the<br />

big guy with the butt of his gun.<br />

Later, Givens shows up and the strippers explain that Dewey was bleeding from sutures on<br />

his abdomen. One notes that it looks as if the man had been involved in a kidney transplant<br />

because her aunt who’d gotten a pair of kidneys had identical scars. Givens frowns.<br />

Ava visits Boyd at Johnny’s bar where have a tender bonding moment over their bullet wounds<br />

to the chest. Boyd regrets that he was basically forced to kill Devil – and Ava comforts her man.<br />

Ava then shows the scar on her chest. ”Dickie Bennett is going to pay for that,” Boyd growls.<br />

Boyd then shows his own scar. The message is clear: the two are in this life together.<br />

Givens, meanwhile, visits Ash Murphy in the hospital where he is cuffed in his bed with<br />

morphine drip control in hand. The corrections officer is not pleased to see him, and tells Givens<br />

that with his two accomplices dead, he knows that he’s looking at a life sentence for Felony<br />

Murder. ”What do you know about kidneys?” Givens persists. ”They’re the Cadillac of beans,”<br />

the uncooperative Ash responds, but when Givens takes his drip control away and sits on one of<br />

his broken legs, Ash admits that Lance has grand designs of stripping Dewey’s body for ”parts”<br />

– parts that will sell for tens of thousands. Afterward, Givens has a flirtatious conversation with<br />

a cute nurse who has come to look in on her patient. She gives some general answers to his<br />

questions about kidney functionality, before he asks her about doctors who might be involved in<br />

organ transplants. She volunteers that he might be interested in a certain Dr. Boisineau.<br />

Back at Johnny’s bar, Boyd has a sit down with Ava’s Dr. Stern. But Boyd doesn’t to talk<br />

about Ava’s rehabilitation after being shot. Instead, Boyd knows the doc has been writing Oxy<br />

prescriptions in exchange for protection and money. Boyd gently suggests that the man sell the<br />

Oxy and give Boyd the money, but the alarmed man says ”They’ll kill me.” Boyd extracts the<br />

information that he means certain people in Frankfort, and turns up the pressure on the doctor<br />

to cooperate with him by not-so-subtly threatening the doctor’s elderly ailing mother if he refuses.<br />

Dewey, meanwhile, wanders into a convenience store and demands cash. The pious store<br />

owner, however, doesn’t like Dewey’s blasphemous language – and fires a hidden sawn-off shotgun<br />

from under the counter and wounds Dewey in the leg. After a brief firefight inside the store,<br />

Dewey scrambles to temporary sanctuary in a storage room.<br />

Sometime later, Givens and Rachel arrive at the store where the local police are trying to get<br />

Dewey to surrender. Givens talks with Dewey through the closed storage door, and explains that<br />

if Dewey’s kidneys really were removed, he wouldn’t be able to urinate. ”Why don’t you try taking<br />

a piss and, if you can do it, we know you still have your kidneys,” Givens says. Dewey, who<br />

has been shot in the leg, hobbles to the sink... and successfully urinates. ”You mean I had four<br />

kidneys,” the greatly relieved escaped criminal shouts.<br />

As Dewey is removed to an ambulance, Rachel informs Givens that corrections officer Ash<br />

has died in the hospital.<br />

Later, Boyd and Johnny enter a bar where Tanner and a young woman, Trixie, sit near the<br />

jukebox. Boyd takes out Devil’s cell phone and dials the last number called. Suddenly, the cell<br />

phone resting in front of Tanner begins to buzz. Bingo! Boyd takes a seat at Tanner’s table and<br />

wonders what business the man had with Devil. ”I want you to take a message to the man you<br />

work for. Do you understand?” When Tanner doesn’t answer, Johnny gives him a serious beatdown.<br />

”You tell your boss that if he has anything to say in reply, I’ll be at my cousin Johnny’s<br />

bar,” Boyd says, as the brothers exit with Johnny cracking him with the butt of his shotgun<br />

again for good measure. ”Stop on in,” Johnny says as he wheels his way out, doing a little<br />

guerilla marketing, ”we have two-for-one Wednesdays and Thursdays.”<br />

Givens, in the meantime, has gone to the hospital to discover that Ash died of an apparent<br />

stress-related stroke. He inquires after the nurse, who he describes as being ”Cute as a pailful of<br />

kittens,” and gets a puzzled look in return as she is virtually unknown to the hospital staff.<br />

Hours later, Givens shows up at Layla’s house, and she invites him in for a drink. Turns<br />

out that she works at a nearby transplant center – and had her first shift as a hospital nurse<br />

shortly after Ash checked in. ”A person with a suspicious mind might think you had something<br />


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