Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Justified Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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<strong>Justified</strong> <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

– and then pokes him in what looks to be a gunshot wound. ”You should do something about<br />

that before it gets infected,” Mr. Duke taunts.<br />

Later, Givens visits the office, handing Ava over to Rachel for safekeeping. ”Just what part<br />

of ’being under investigation’ confuses you?” Art sarcastically asks. ”You shot somebody else –<br />

at her house!?” The boss is angry that Givens slept with a woman so closely involved in the<br />

investigation into the recent actions of the modern-day cowboy. Givens, for his part, can hardly<br />

protest. Perhaps sleeping with Ava wasn’t justified. Later, Winona introduces herself to Ava. ”I’m<br />

Raylan’s ex wife,” she said. ”You ever been tangled up with a law enforcement officer?” Ava isn’t<br />

sure what to say.<br />

Cut to prison, where Givens meets Boyd. ”You don’t know anything about somebody taking a<br />

shot at Ava?” Givens asks. Boyd claims to know nothing about the matter. Givens then suggest<br />

that perhaps Boyd’s father, who is also locked up, had something to do with it. Instead of answering,<br />

Boyd begins to preach – which is the very last thing Givens wants to hear. He springs<br />

across the table, to choke Boyd against the wall. Guards quickly break up the scuffle. ”I’m so<br />

very disappointed in you,” says an eerily calm Boyd.<br />

Cut back to the dingy house, where Red is feeling much better. Mr. Duke, meanwhile, is still<br />

angry. ”You were to spot – that’s it!” Mr. Duke says. ”You see, there’s rules to being a hit man.”<br />

So we’re dealing with a hit man and his ”apprentice.” But who hired them?<br />

Later, a calmer Givens once again sits down with Boyd. ”Anyway, you were saying?” Givens<br />

says. Boyd tells the marshal that his father swore not to hurt Ava – for now. Instead, Boyd<br />

theorizes that perhaps the mysterious hit man wasn’t after Ava at all. Perhaps the shotgunwielding<br />

assailant was there to ”off” Givens himself. The cowboy is shocked – mostly because it<br />

makes perfect sense (Givens certainly has made enemies). Then Boyd drops another potential<br />

bomb: ”How well do you know Sheriff Hunter?”<br />

Sure enough, we cut to Hunter meeting with Mr. Duke and his young apprentice. Red. The<br />

talk soon turns to Givens. ”We can set him up so you can put him down at a distance,” Hunter<br />

tells Mr. Duke, who claims to have been given ”very specific orders.” In other words, the men from<br />

Miami who ordered the hit on Givens want it up close and personal. Suddenly, Hunter pulls his<br />

gun and shoots the Mr. Duke d-e-a-d where he sits. ”Jesus Christ!” Red screams. Hunter then<br />

explains that the cartel isn’t going to like the fact their hired gun is dead, so ”We have to give<br />

them what they want... Raylan Givens.”<br />

Hunter then calls Givens, who is on to the sheriff thanks to Boyd. ”You know I got Ava?”<br />

Hunter asks. ”Pay careful attention now – or she dies.” So Givens meets Hunter on a rural road.<br />

Givens demands proof of life. Sure enough, Ava has been bound and gagged in Red’s van. Givens<br />

drops (supposedly) all his weapons and gets into the driver’s seat of Hunter’s police cruiser.<br />

Hunter calls the U.S. Marshals and threatens to shoot Givens ”in the back of the head” if he<br />

sees any officers approaching as the cruiser and the van attempt to escape. Hunter then explains<br />

that the cartel approached him with an offer: they’d deliver Henry Crowder if Hunter did them a<br />

”favor.”<br />

Meanwhile, Ava has worked out of her bonds – and attacks Red in the driver’s seat of the<br />

van. It swerves – and then crashes to the side of the road. Givens takes advantage of the distraction<br />

and promptly reaches back to disarm Hunter, breaking his wrist in the process. He has<br />

Hunter cuff himself before approaching the van to find Ava is alright. Red, in the meantime, is<br />

unconscious at the wheel. Case closed, but not the episode.<br />

Cut to the prison, where some inmates surround Boyd and confront him about talking to<br />

Givens. They accuse him of being a ”snitch” brandish an edged weapon and start beating him<br />

viciously.<br />

Suddenly, a big man roughly intervenes, telling the accusers that they are not to touch a<br />

”man of God.” Boyd smiles. ”It’s good to see you, Daddy,” he says.<br />


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