1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Bob Moran and f.mily, DIck MOlny .nd IIm.ly,<br />

John Motal, Tony MlIllen and bmily, La rry Nie·<br />

mlec, Vcmida Robmlon and family, Bill SaulteR<br />

and f.mlly, Don StorvallLU, Savannah Smuh and<br />

famIly, Bob T,uelur .nd famIly, Dewey V,a."<br />

Ch.rlone WashlDllOn .nd bmlly, Le roy W,lfOn<br />

and f.mlly and Mana W,lfOn and famIly"<br />

Roben TIUeJu. was Icdecled 10 the chalfman<br />

shIp <strong>of</strong> the local'. Executive Bo,ud II the AuguII<br />

Boa rd meeting<br />

LJ, WRtNC£ F BIHIIL. ~5<br />

Graduates<br />

....--...;;. ~--<br />

Pitturcd . re the l udu.ting apprentices <strong>of</strong> loul<br />

175, Ch. Itanoola, T .. nn, ll'h 10 .igh. Irt, .ow on ..,<br />

~ Ralph fint, inJUUCIO" BlII B.twt., Gary Cltver,<br />

R.ndy Day, OeW.yne Wood.lI, 1.0 . lI udrkk,<br />

' inl tn/Ctol, Ronnie Willi.ml, ins!ructor, 8u5incu<br />

Manllrr Bill LowerYI Ind Bob Fosltr, luililn.<br />

busineu man'ler and IATC ehai"nan, row IWO,<br />

lIubell Pickell, inMructor, lim Ibun, inuructo.,<br />

Teny Linds. y, App.t ntktship Commhtet member,<br />

Dick Srilwell, .ui!!anl East Tennuue NECA<br />

chapter man.,er, Don Daughtrey, App. enlice<br />

Commill re memMr, Bill trtlos6eld, Apprrntice<br />

-;- Committff membel, Ri chard Cu.d, Mlk .. Gus,<br />

Ronnie Reenr, Cla yton Wom ac k, T erry Cusdl,<br />

.nd Buddy lonn, ill, uuClur; rOW Ihree, 8<strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong>0hn·<br />

son , inn.uclor, loe fa.lus, G. eg nrdlcy, Ed Kemper,<br />

1' ,1 Ca rl TaylOl, Gres Oazemon, Rod Nonh,<br />

.nd Nd $(ln Frueh.<br />

t<br />

Outstanding Apprentices<br />

Shown he re, Idt to rilhl, Ire Terry Cauell, OU I­<br />

sl'ndinlapprenliec, Ed K .. mper, ,r., Ollutlndinl<br />

'pp.enlierl Vitk Stilwell, Rob FOS' er, and Rill<br />

Lowe.y.<br />

' Apprentices Graduate<br />

At Annual Banquet<br />

-<br />

L.U. 175 li,o, .. nl,e& OII !, CIIA'ITANOOGA,<br />

TENN.- The ChUlanC)(l~ loml Apprenllcesh,p<br />

and TramlDg Committee h051 .. d Ihe Annual AI'<br />

p. cnl,ersh'(l Banquet for Ihe 15 graduating app.en<br />

uees <strong>of</strong> <strong>1984</strong> al the Soulhem Inn In b SI RIdge.<br />

Tennessee, on Ihe mgln <strong>of</strong> IUDe JO Th~ m<br />

allendance cnloyed an e .... Hlng <strong>of</strong> CIeedlcn! food,<br />

fellowshIp .nd IOlp".II0 0 plus a rcal ehillen,c<br />

!lot. Mabry Arms. ong gave an Insptrln~ enhlht<br />

enm!\. cnlhu$'UIIC and chailengmlt speech 10 the<br />

graduatlnl .pp.enlltU II really covered ~JI 0/ us<br />

who we.e presenl Twelfth O'SHICI Inlern.llonal<br />

V,ce Prcsldenl HIJ.lHowcr and M.s HlghlOwel<br />

shared thc evening wllh us and observed IhclI<br />

anmvcIsary at Ihe same lime. There were many<br />

0lhc' lIutsl5 presenl, mdlldmg WIve" sweethearts,<br />

!!lcnds .nd Pllcnt!!-well,wlsher, all We cong.al<br />

ula,,: .<strong>11</strong> tht g,adulling Ipp.enllCtS, along wllh<br />

thell WIVe$ and f.fOllles, upon [hll SICII mllulUne<br />

on Ihell lives and wh h Ihem the but <strong>of</strong> eYe ry,h,"g<br />

It Ihey conllnlle (0 rnako: their m.,b IIpOn 'h"<br />

world<br />

Craduates, bere's a shOll COU'K In hu .. n rel.<br />

uons. The Jilt mOSI Imponam word - ~n 1 admll<br />

I made a mlslak .., the Ave most Imrmt

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