1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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54<br />

~ b~lInced by 19<strong>11</strong>2 'lr 1983" One yeu liter,<br />

PreSlIlent Re~'1n ,;aId, "This admimsnau'ln I.<br />

C'lmmlllW to a babnced budget, and we will R,ht<br />

to the la ~ t blow to achieve <strong>11</strong> by <strong>1984</strong> .. Latel In<br />

1981. Flu.denl RUllan sUled, "\ d.d nOl come<br />

here 10 b.lance the budllel_nOl II the uJ'X'n~ <strong>of</strong><br />

my tu.·cumng program and my ddcn,e prolllam<br />

[f we ca n't do II In <strong>1984</strong>, we 'll have 10 do It lltci "<br />

rhis I. Ihe same man wh o blamed me and you<br />

101 Ihe problems <strong>of</strong> Ihe pUI .nd fOf our 10 called<br />

polocy ul " tax and lax, s!",-nd and sJK"nd. " Let', jte<br />

who il the ,Icat·deflcit trnlOr in Americi Lisled<br />

t....1"w ~rt Ihe luul .JeRCI1I accumulaud dutinll<br />

eacb rtnident'l lelm Imce fTlnltlin D. RlIOSeveh<br />

~lImnmll LD 1933<br />

franklin D. Roosevelt. DemOCflt. $1970 bllhon,<br />

H~"y S TlUm~n , Democrat. $. 4 billion, DwiVIl<br />

o EISenhower, Republican, $IS.8 b.lhon, lohn f<br />

Kennedy, O!:mocral, $ <strong>11</strong> .9 bllhon. lyndon B lohn·<br />

_. Crmocral, 542.0 b,lhon, Ri chard M N,K on,<br />

Rcpuhhun. St'ill 7 hllhnn. C.rI~101 II. Fnr'\, R~pub ·<br />

Iican, Si24.S b,IILon, I,mmy Calle r, Democrat,<br />

SI81 0 billion, and Ronald ReI8.1.O, Republlcln,<br />

S7IB 6 bLihon lactual and en'mated).<br />

Aftel fOUl yu.s 'lf Ronald', " I wtll balance the<br />

budget by 1982 Dr 1983," Rcagan ddlCLt$ a.e ~reater<br />

Ihan Ihe cu mul~tive dcfku, from Rooscvelt thlOugh<br />

Cartel In 47 yUII (Roosevelt Canerl the tOlal<br />

ddlcll equalled 564S.J b,lhon 10 ILUI lour shmt<br />

yean, P,u,denl Ru pn has lun up a deR clI <strong>of</strong><br />

57186 b,llIon. IU 51 ,ma,loe wh. 1 be could run up<br />

to .nother fout yelts<br />

The Rugan ptO'lam JlVtS tax breaks to the nch<br />

and SJ'X'nds unnecusary amounlS on dden~ Ihs<br />

198 1 lax b,1l alone (oombuled OVCl 5400 b,IILon<br />

10 Ihese ddicllsl<br />

And then Ronald Reagan I'Ys we mus, ICI Ie·<br />

spons.bly .Ind cut ,I", bu.Jllcl morc Iu eOrlllulthe<br />

deRel! How mucb more can be cutl hm.ILu wllh<br />

,ncomCi around 520.000 pel ycar wliltake !edNal<br />

program benefit CUIS mO le th.n tWice as h'gh as<br />

upper· Income I~mll!u. CU~'Anleed studenl lOins<br />

hive been Cui 20 percenl. wllh In add,tional t3<br />

J'X' lcent CUI rn Olher sludcnt fln.nc,al.id fund,o,<br />

for dllldvamagcd .nd handlClpped ch,ldren In<br />

demcntary and ~('cnnduy ~rhnnl, hn been CUI by<br />

17 pe rcent Medicale hu becn CUt by S percenl.<br />

fcdt,al employen hulth beneflu e LiI by 16 J'X'lCent<br />

wh,le rlem,ums .ncluwd by 56 petteD! ReUle·<br />

menl and dlsab,hly rlo~ lams h.ve ~en cut by $26<br />

billron Youlh employmcot and ",Inrn, PIU"aml<br />

h.ye [)c,en cut by JS pe reenl And ),CI, wllh all<br />

thue eU!J In "pc

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