Form 5a - ICP Forests

Form 5a - ICP Forests

Form 5a - ICP Forests


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(130) Matric pressure – Volumetric water content<br />

(Soil Water)<br />

Determinations of volumetric water content made in the FutMon project should be done<br />

according to following pre-set matric pressures:<br />

pF kPa volumetric soil water content (m3.m-3)<br />

0.0 0 (= Total Porosity) Mandatory<br />

1.0 -1 Mandatory<br />

1.7 -5 Mandatory<br />

2.0 -10 Optional<br />

2.5 -33 Mandatory<br />

3.0 -100 Optional<br />

3.4 -250 Optional<br />

4.2 -1500 Mandatory<br />

(131) Code of the WRB Reference Soil Group (2006) D_SOIL_GROUP<br />

(Soil)<br />

Code Description Code Description<br />

AC Acrisol KS Kastanozem<br />

AB Albeluvisol LP Leptosol<br />

AL Alisol LX Lixisol<br />

AN Andosol LV Luvisol<br />

AT Anthrosol NT Nitisol<br />

AR Arenosol PH Phaeozem<br />

CL Calcisol PL Planosol<br />

CM Cambisol PT Plinthosol<br />

CH Chernozem PZ Podzol<br />

CR Cryosol RG Regosol<br />

DU Durisol SC Solonchak<br />

FR Ferralsol SN Solonetz<br />

FL Fluvisol ST Stagnosol<br />

GL Gleysol TC Technosol<br />

GY Gypsisol UM Umbrisol<br />

HS Histosol VR Vertisol<br />

(132) Code of the WRB Qualifier (1 till 6) D_SOIL_ADJECTIVE<br />

(Soil)<br />

Code Qualifier Code Qualifier Code Qualifier<br />

ap Abruptic ge Gelic pe Pellic<br />

ae Aceric gt Gelistagnic pt Petric<br />

ac Acric gr Geric pc Petrocalcic<br />

ao Acroxic gi Gibbsic pd Petroduric<br />

ab Albic gc Glacic py Petrogleyic<br />

ax Alcalic gl Gleyic pg Petrogypsic<br />

al Alic gb Glossialbic pp Petroplinthic<br />

aa Aluandic gs Glossic ps Petrosalic<br />

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