Form 5a - ICP Forests

Form 5a - ICP Forests

Form 5a - ICP Forests


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hfg Fragic horizon hpg Petrogypsic horizon hvo Voronic horizon<br />

hfu Fulvic horizon hpp Petroplinthic horizon hye Yermic horizon<br />

b) Diagnostic properties<br />

Code Description Code Description<br />

pap Abrupt textural change pgl Gleyic colour pattern<br />

pab Albeluvic tonguing prp Lithological discontinuity<br />

pan Andic properties prd Reducing conditions<br />

pad Aridic properties pcc Secondary carbonates<br />

ple Continuous rock pst Stagnic colour pattern<br />

pfl Ferralic properties pvr Vertic properties<br />

pgr Geric properties pvi Vitric properties<br />

c) Diagnostic materials<br />

Code Description Code Description<br />

mte Artefacts mmn Mineral material<br />

mca Calcaric material mhi Organic material<br />

mco Colluvic material moc Ornithogenic material<br />

mfv Fluvic material mti Sulphidic material<br />

mgp Gypsiric material mek Technic hard rock<br />

mlm Limnic material mtf Tephric material<br />

(135) Depth of appearance of diagnostic (1 till 10)<br />

(Soil)<br />

The depth of the upper limit of the diagnostic horizon/property/material in cm from upper limit<br />

of mineral soil is provided in this field. Note that on peat soils thicker than 40 cm, the 0 cm line<br />

is located at the upper limit of the peat layer.<br />

(136) WRB publication code D_WRB_PUB<br />

(Soil)<br />

Several editions of the WRB 2006 soil classification system exist. Here you should put<br />

a code referring the year of publication of the reference document used for the soil<br />

classification.<br />

The version used for Soil Classification has to be submitted with field "WRB publication code"<br />

in form .PRF using the code in the table below:<br />

code WRB publication (URL)<br />

06en<br />

07en<br />

07ge<br />

http://www.fao.org/ag/Agl/agll/wrb/doc/wrb2006final.pdf<br />

http://www.fao.org/ag/agl/agll/wrb/doc/wrb2007_corr.pdf<br />

http://www.bgr.bund.de/cln_101/nn_336362/DE/Themen/Boden/Produkte/Schriften/<br />

Downloads/<br />

WRB__deutsche__Ausgabe,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/<br />

WRB_deutsche_Ausgabe.pdf<br />

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