LCP Proudreed PLC - Irish Stock Exchange

LCP Proudreed PLC - Irish Stock Exchange

LCP Proudreed PLC - Irish Stock Exchange


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egulations will not occur in the future. Sanctions for alleged or actual non-compliance with environmental<br />

laws and/or regulations and the costs of remedying any such breach and the effect of any unremedied<br />

breach could have an adverse effect on the value of Secured Properties or their rental income-generating<br />

capacity.<br />

Upon the original acquisition by the relevant Transferor and/or for previous financings of the Secured<br />

Properties, various Environmental Reports were commissioned from environmental investigation agencies<br />

and consultants. Such reports date from before 2004. No subsequent Environmental Reports have<br />

been commissioned. Some of these assessments were intrusive surveys and audits, but some were based<br />

only upon desktop research. The Secured Properties for which such Environmental Reports were<br />

obtained cover approximately 54 per cent. of the total value of the Secured Properties. These<br />

Environmental Reports were provided to King Sturge and have been taken into account in the<br />

preparation of the Valuation Report, however the Borrowers are not able formally to rely on them.<br />

Various environmental laws may require a current or previous owner, occupier or manager of property to<br />

investigate and/or remediate substances or releases at or from such property that cause or are likely to<br />

cause harm to the environment or water pollution. These owners, occupiers or managers may also be<br />

obliged to pay damages in legal proceedings for property damage, for investigation and clean-up costs and<br />

liabilities to third parties in connection with such substances. Such laws typically impose clean-up<br />

responsibility and liability having regard to whether the owner, occupier or operator knew of or caused<br />

the presence of the substances. Even if more than one person may have been responsible for the<br />

contamination, each person coming within the ambit of the relevant environmental laws may be held<br />

responsible for all of the clean-up costs incurred.<br />

If an environmental liability arises in relation to Secured Properties and it is not remedied, or is not<br />

capable of being remedied, this may result in the affected Secured Properties either being sold at a<br />

reduced sale price or becoming unsaleable. In addition, third parties may bring legal proceedings against<br />

a current or previous owner, occupier or operator of a site for damages and costs resulting from substances<br />

emanating from that site. These damages and costs may be substantial. In addition, the presence of<br />

substances on a Secured Property could result in personal injury or similar claims by private plaintiffs.<br />

Any environmental liability incurred by a Borrower, or by an Occupational Tenant could adversely affect<br />

its ability to service its debt, or, in the case of an Occupational Tenant, pay its rent, thereby reducing the<br />

relevant Borrower’s funds needed to service the relevant Commercial Mortgage Loan. It might also<br />

adversely affect the value of the security granted by such Borrower.<br />

If any environmental liability were to exist or arise in respect of any Secured Property, none of the<br />

Borrower Security Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee or the Note Trustee should incur any such liability,<br />

unless it could be established that the Borrower Security Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee or the Note<br />

Trustee, as applicable, had entered into possession of the relevant Secured Property(ies) or had exercised<br />

a significant degree of control or management of either the relevant Secured Property(ies) or the relevant<br />

environmental problem(s). The Borrower Security Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee or the Note<br />

Trustee, if deemed to be a mortgagee in possession, or a receiver appointed by the Borrower Security<br />

Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee or the Note Trustee, as applicable, could become responsible for<br />

environmental liabilities in respect of a Secured Property and any such liability could ultimately affect the<br />

amounts available to the Issuer to make payments under the Notes. If the Borrower Security Trustee, the<br />

Issuer Security Trustee or the Note Trustee, as applicable, unduly directed or interfered with the actions<br />

of the directors of the Borrower owning the affected Secured Properties or directed or interfered with the<br />

receiver’s actions or if a receiver’s indemnity had been given and that indemnity covered environmental<br />

liabilities, this could also result in a liability for the Borrower Security Trustee and/or the Issuer Security<br />

Trustee and/or the Note Trustee.<br />

The Borrowers will warrant in the Commercial Mortgage Loan Agreements on the Closing Date, in<br />

respect of each of the Secured Properties, as to environmental matters as summarised in ‘‘Summary of<br />

Principal Documents – The Commercial Mortgage Loan Agreements – Representations and Warranties’’<br />

below. A breach of the environmental representation and warranty contained in a Commercial Mortgage<br />

Loan Agreement will constitute a Loan Event of Default in respect of the relevant Borrower unless the<br />

underlying circumstances are remedied within any relevant rectification period and save where the breach<br />

is immaterial.<br />

There will be no structural survey reports provided, or required to be provided, under the Commercial<br />

Mortgage Loan Agreements.<br />


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