S p rin g 2010 - University of Kent

S p rin g 2010 - University of Kent

S p rin g 2010 - University of Kent


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Sp<strong>rin</strong>g <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kent</strong><br />

theGradPost<br />

Mental health<br />

across a climatechallenged<br />

region<br />

Edvard Munch<br />

Gea<strong>rin</strong>g up for a<br />

challenge<br />

A newsletter created by postgraduates for postgraduates

2 theGradPost<br />

Welcome<br />

Welcome to the sp<strong>rin</strong>g <strong>2010</strong><br />

edition <strong>of</strong> The GradPost.<br />

Well, here we are in a brand new decade,<br />

looking forward to what it will b<strong>rin</strong>g. Thanks for<br />

all the positive feedback from the winter<br />

edition <strong>of</strong> The GradPost – your comments and<br />

contributions are really valuable to us. As for<br />

this new edition, our team has worked as hard<br />

as ever and we hope you enjoy reading all the<br />

interesting articles, from the Copenhagen<br />

model conference to the regular PG Snapshot.<br />

Many thanks to the Graduate School, the<br />

Design & P<strong>rin</strong>t Centre and the Publications<br />

team for their brilliant assistance as usual.<br />

Happy reading!<br />

Kate Rees<br />

Chief GradPost Editor<br />

Workshop reflections:<br />

getting a PhD in the UK<br />

Annual Conference<br />

The fifth Annual Conference <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Research School <strong>of</strong> Politics and<br />

International Relations, 21st May<br />

<strong>2010</strong>, Woolf College. For more<br />

information, please visit<br />

www.kent.ac.uk/graduateschool/<br />

community<br />

I am one <strong>of</strong> those people<br />

who find going to London<br />

an intimidating experience.<br />

I struggle to ‘read’ a map or<br />

keep up with the pace in<br />

which the city moves.<br />

Then, there is the Underground. No eye contact.<br />

No encouragement to conversation. Magazines,<br />

novels, iPods, free newspapers, all weapons in<br />

the fight against human connection. To be fair,<br />

this is the same with trying to get a PhD. You<br />

have a destination, you have guides (books,<br />

journals, conferences etc), but you also have<br />

a lot <strong>of</strong> distractions.<br />

I arrived early at Woburn House in Tavistock<br />

Square, a few yards from Euston Station, for<br />

a one-day workshop for international research<br />

students on ‘How to Get a PhD in the UK’ under<br />

the tutelage <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor John Wakeford <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Missenden Centre for the Development <strong>of</strong> Higher<br />

Education. It was an insightful experience<br />

informed by the diversity <strong>of</strong> views and<br />

participants.<br />

It can be a strange experience attending a<br />

workshop on how to get a PhD when the only<br />

way to do so is to get on with it. But such<br />

workshops do help. A PhD is daunting. It is a<br />

lonely affair at times. There is no need to crash<br />

into a brick wall when you can find your way<br />

round the wall. Academia is based on dialogue:<br />

dialogue with your subject matter, dialogue with<br />

your supervisor(s), dialogue with your peers,<br />

dialogue with people you meet at conferences<br />

and workshops, dialogue with your flatmates,<br />

and generally dialogue with your surrounding<br />

environment.<br />

Time management is essential, too. Speed is not<br />

only for Formula One racing junkies. Never say<br />

I will take as long as it takes. Manage your time<br />

and resources. Organising your time well is the<br />

ingredient for completion. Never assume you will<br />

have more time in the future and put things <strong>of</strong>f<br />

until then. Deadlines may seem distant but they<br />

aren’t. Other commitments should not take<br />

priority. A PhD is real work and we should care<br />

all <strong>of</strong> the time.<br />

There is a moral to this tale. Never forget to be<br />

good to yourself. It is indeed a long way to go.<br />

Have a life outside <strong>of</strong> work and study. You can<br />

only go so long without seeing daylight before<br />

your mind and body rebel. Eat healthily (eg lots<br />

<strong>of</strong> omega 3 for the brain, ha ha!), exercise and<br />

give yourself time with your friends and family<br />

without feeling guilty. Make sure you get your<br />

sleep. Listen to your body and take breaks when<br />

you need to. Make sure you take holidays where<br />

you actually just relax and don’t think about work<br />

or research at all. I learnt through all this that<br />

getting a PhD is not just about acqui<strong>rin</strong>g a paper<br />

diploma or the ego-enhancing title <strong>of</strong> ‘Dr’, it’s a<br />

collection <strong>of</strong> experiences.<br />

How to Get a PhD in the UK: Workshop for<br />

International Students took place on 2nd<br />

November 2009 at Woburn House, London.<br />

Tinashe Mushakavanhu<br />

PhD English

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kent</strong> 3<br />

Focus on research<br />

Mental health across<br />

a climate-challenged<br />

region: trans-Pacific<br />

service provision<br />

I joined the School <strong>of</strong><br />

Anthropology and<br />

Conservation as a Graduate<br />

Teaching Assistant at the end<br />

<strong>of</strong> September, so the recent<br />

‘snow days’ are the first<br />

chance that I’ve had to reflect<br />

on the transition from part-time<br />

health worker to full-time<br />

researcher.<br />

I think I’m lucky to be able to maintain a link<br />

between my research theme and my pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

experience. Under Dr Michael Poltorak’s<br />

supervision, I’m looking at ‘culturally specific’<br />

models <strong>of</strong> mental health service provision in<br />

Melanesia, with a focus on New Caledonia, a<br />

group <strong>of</strong> islands that are administratively part<br />

<strong>of</strong> France. Mental health service provision is<br />

a multidisciplinary endeavour and the School<br />

<strong>of</strong> Anthropology and Conservation’s double<br />

orientation towards people and their<br />

environments provides the sort <strong>of</strong> academic<br />

mix that will hopefully nudge my research in<br />

the direction <strong>of</strong> practical applications.<br />

As a mature student, I hesitated for quite some<br />

time before taking the decision to continue with a<br />

research degree here at <strong>Kent</strong>. I even handed in<br />

the paperwork in person because I didn’t want to<br />

Copenhagen<br />

Simulation<br />

On Wednesday 2nd December 2009, students<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kent</strong> gathered with a<br />

rather original objective in mind: to see if<br />

they could give a boost to the prospective<br />

Conference <strong>of</strong> the Parties (COP-15) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change<br />

(UNFCCC) by simulating negotiations and<br />

achieving a common agreement. The<br />

Copenhagen Simulation Project, initiated by<br />

Environmental Law postgraduates and titled<br />

‘We can do it, why can’t they?’, was aimed at<br />

demonstrating that co-operation and concrete<br />

positive results are possible on climate<br />

change issues at the international level.<br />

The Copenhagen Simulation was an easily<br />

replicable role-play event, which sought to<br />

reproduce, in essence, the dynamics and<br />

challenges that faced the international<br />

have the time to change my mind queuing to post<br />

the envelope! After ten years as a community<br />

mental health worker, the initial impetus behind<br />

returning to higher education had been to update<br />

my knowledge <strong>of</strong> current research and policy,<br />

giving me an option to move into case<br />

management. In the process <strong>of</strong> completing a<br />

BSc in Social Science at the Medway campus,<br />

I stumbled into a wild module in Social<br />

Anthropology, then half way through the second<br />

or third seminar, something just clicked into place.<br />

On a day-to-day basis, I do still miss working<br />

with vulnerable people, especially those whose<br />

progress I’d followed through a series <strong>of</strong> care<br />

settings. Although I miss the sense <strong>of</strong> being<br />

involved in people’s lives and <strong>of</strong> making a<br />

difference, research in anthropology allows<br />

me to continue to be engaged with issues on<br />

a similar scale. My research project is still very<br />

much in the planning stages, but what I’ve learnt<br />

about the introduction <strong>of</strong> customary law and<br />

political devolution in New Caledonia encourages<br />

me to carry on explo<strong>rin</strong>g sometimes tense<br />

interactions between people and systems.<br />

negotiation forum in Copenhagen in early<br />

December. Twenty highly motivated participants<br />

representing various countries and blocs were<br />

involved in the climate negotiations. In these<br />

negotiations, the group was divided into two<br />

committees, where the same ten countries<br />

or countries’ alliances were represented. One<br />

committee was confronted with the highly<br />

challenging task <strong>of</strong> settling on a number for<br />

emission cuts, while the other was involved in<br />

negotiating funding mechanisms aimed at<br />

tackling climate change uncertainties and<br />

consequences.<br />

I’m looking forward to organising a pilot study <strong>of</strong><br />

third sector service provision in the field in <strong>2010</strong><br />

and presenting initial results at a conference in<br />

the summer. With the recent severe weather<br />

warnings in <strong>Kent</strong>, I don’t deny that New<br />

Caledonia’s location in the South Pacific has a<br />

definite appeal. The South Pacific as a whole is<br />

at the forefront <strong>of</strong> the predicted effects <strong>of</strong> climate<br />

change; any research that considers the<br />

economic implications <strong>of</strong> social and<br />

infrastructural change needs to take<br />

environmental impact into account. It’s a privilege<br />

to have to look no further than the next desk to<br />

catch up on groundbreaking work on ma<strong>rin</strong>e<br />

conservation or small-island biodiversity. This<br />

is the time <strong>of</strong> year for taking stock and making<br />

resolutions. As I pencil in a task schedule for<br />

the next term, I’m confident that enrolling for a<br />

research degree, however daunting, has given<br />

me more material for resolutions than regrets.<br />

Antonia Knifton<br />

PhD Anthropology<br />

Within the course <strong>of</strong> a day, the participants<br />

reached a credible agreement, providing clear<br />

and equitable agreements on greenhouse gas<br />

emission cuts: 25 per cent compared to the<br />

1990 emission level for developed countries<br />

and 15 per cent for developing countries. They<br />

also agreed upon means for funding and<br />

sha<strong>rin</strong>g knowledge about climate change<br />

issues relating to adaptation and research,<br />

which involved all countries committing to give<br />

one per cent <strong>of</strong> their GDP to a UN fund that<br />

benefitted developing countries. Through this<br />

project, the participants increased their<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> the UNFCCC conciliation<br />

process while also being able to voice their<br />

belief in a concrete deal.<br />

They achieved this at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kent</strong>,<br />

so why can’t our political leaders?<br />

Ma<strong>rin</strong>e Destrez<br />

LLM Environmental Law<br />

Edited by Kylie Grant<br />

MA Creative Writing

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kent</strong> 4<br />

Edvard Munch<br />

The Scream is possibly one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the most iconic images in<br />

modern culture. It has been<br />

known to grace the covers<br />

<strong>of</strong> magazines, sometimes<br />

connected to health issues,<br />

and its image reinvented into<br />

cufflinks and even inflatable<br />

dolls.<br />

This image has gone far beyond the artist who<br />

created it, as I have <strong>of</strong>ten had to realise when<br />

drawing blank looks at the name ‘Edvard Munch’.<br />

His art is, and has been, the subject <strong>of</strong> my<br />

research and anyone who happens to mention<br />

art to me will inevitably hear about my fascination<br />

with the artist and his genius.<br />

Edvard Munch has in fact created thousands <strong>of</strong><br />

images, the majority <strong>of</strong> which are now held in the<br />

Munch Museum (in Tøyen, Norway), and consist<br />

<strong>of</strong> approximately 1,100 paintings, 4,500<br />

drawings and 18,000 p<strong>rin</strong>ts. This seems<br />

somewhat strange conside<strong>rin</strong>g he is so closely<br />

associated with one painting, <strong>of</strong> which there are<br />

in fact four versions.<br />

There are many interesting facets to Munch’s life,<br />

cove<strong>rin</strong>g different themes in a long life that all<br />

come together in a harmonious, never-ending<br />

way, which make it hard to try and summarise<br />

someone I see as easily one <strong>of</strong> the most<br />

important artists <strong>of</strong> modern life.<br />

Born on 12th December 1863 in Løten, north <strong>of</strong><br />

Oslo (then known as Kristiania), Edvard Munch<br />

lived to the age <strong>of</strong> 81, passing away on 23rd<br />

January 1944. His artistic career started when<br />

he was just 17 and he became a student <strong>of</strong> Frits<br />

Thaulow and Christian Krohg, both artistic<br />

exponents in the Norwegian Naturalist style <strong>of</strong><br />

painting. Munch was prompted from an early<br />

stage to seek a new, original way <strong>of</strong> expressing<br />

the emotions <strong>of</strong> the modern man, and he found<br />

this, in part, from the teachings <strong>of</strong> Hans Jaeger,<br />

the leader <strong>of</strong> the bohemian group in Oslo.<br />

Jaeger’s ethos <strong>of</strong> ‘free love’ and nihilism was<br />

sharply opposed to Munch’s Christian<br />

upb<strong>rin</strong>ging and the strong beliefs <strong>of</strong> his father –<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the many contradictions in Munch’s life<br />

he sought to resolve through his art.<br />

Du<strong>rin</strong>g the 1890’s, Munch created his most<br />

renowned works, including The Scream, and<br />

worked on subjects such as anxiety, death,<br />

sickness, love and jealousy several times in<br />

different motifs and scenarios.<br />

The turn <strong>of</strong> the century saw Munch have an<br />

emotional breakdown, after decades <strong>of</strong> heavy<br />

d<strong>rin</strong>king, over exertion and paranoia as well as<br />

a disastrous encounter with an ex-lover, and so<br />

ended with a stay in a health clinic in<br />

Copenhagen. This saw a new phase in Munch’s<br />

art, with stronger emphasis on life, work and<br />

nature. A freer, brighter use <strong>of</strong> colour is also a<br />

distinct change in the artist’s style, as opposed<br />

to the sombre, more melancholic manner <strong>of</strong><br />

before.<br />

The start <strong>of</strong> his new artistic ethos could be seen<br />

in the commission he won to decorate the new<br />

Oslo <strong>University</strong> Aula (the Hall). It is a series <strong>of</strong><br />

paintings that include subjects on nature, new<br />

life and human’s search for knowledge. The main<br />

work, The Sun, is a personal favourite and<br />

embodies everything I admire in his art, from<br />

the strong colours to the ideology behind it.<br />

Edvard Munch’s last years were spent as a<br />

relative recluse, surrounded by mainly close<br />

friends and his remaining family. He was,<br />

however, awarded the Royal Order <strong>of</strong> St Olav,<br />

by Norway, and his works were becoming<br />

increasingly popular and sought after by<br />

galleries. Upon his death, his remaining works<br />

were left to the city <strong>of</strong> Oslo and this is possibly a<br />

reason why he is not as well known around the<br />

world, since the majority <strong>of</strong> his works have<br />

remained in Norway. However, he is, it seems,<br />

becoming increasingly popular in contemporary<br />

culture, as well with other artists, and so I may<br />

possibly not be drawing so many blank faces at<br />

the mention <strong>of</strong> his name in future.<br />

Sarah Scanlon<br />

MRes Art Philosophy<br />

(Mis)Adventures <strong>of</strong><br />

a postgraduate – the<br />

devil’s in the detail<br />

One <strong>of</strong> my favourite things about being a<br />

PhD student is the fact that my research<br />

topic is incomprehensible to the vast majority.<br />

Sometimes, just for fun, I like to talk science<br />

at people until they lose the will to live. Being<br />

an expert on a tiny part <strong>of</strong> a field has to have<br />

its perks, besides the academic credit <strong>of</strong><br />

course!<br />

For some reason, people seem to find it<br />

really hard to understand what being a<br />

postgraduate in research means or entails.<br />

For the record, no we don’t have lectures,<br />

written exams or spend afternoons in the<br />

pub or watching daytime TV (more<br />

stereotypes – oops). The classic questions<br />

never fail to crop up: what will you do when<br />

you finish? And what does that mean in the<br />

real world? (Thanks to my Gran for that last<br />

one. She just doesn’t get it, bless her.)<br />

I like to answer these questions by saying<br />

that my research is important for everything.<br />

I’m sure you feel the same about yours!<br />

Happy pionee<strong>rin</strong>g!<br />


<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kent</strong> 5<br />

Gea<strong>rin</strong>g up for a challenge<br />

The Woolf College<br />

Student Committee<br />

My brother and I will be<br />

undertaking a unique charity<br />

challenge this year. We will<br />

be participating in the <strong>2010</strong><br />

ABSA Cape Epic mountain<br />

bike race in South Africa on<br />

21st-28th March. It is widely<br />

considered the toughest multistage<br />

mountain bike race in<br />

the world, cove<strong>rin</strong>g 900km in<br />

distance and 16,000m <strong>of</strong><br />

vertical climbing in eight days,<br />

starting in Cape Town in the<br />

Western Cape <strong>of</strong> South Africa.<br />

We will be completing the race in aid <strong>of</strong> the<br />

UK-based charity, Martha Trust, which provides<br />

residential and respite care for people with<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ound physical and learning disabilities. We<br />

have personal experience <strong>of</strong> the Trust’s care as<br />

our elder brother has severe learning disabilities<br />

and is a wheelchair user. Our fundraising efforts<br />

will allow Martha Trust to purchase specialist<br />

equipment and related services, which can aid<br />

the physical mobility or stimulate the senses <strong>of</strong><br />

people with severe disabilities and thereby<br />

increase the range <strong>of</strong> activities they can<br />

participate in on a daily basis.<br />

For fundraising purposes, we have created<br />

a website www.teamfastforward.org.uk with<br />

information on the challenge, Martha Trust<br />

as our selected charity and our reasons for<br />

undertaking this charity challenge. We hope<br />

you will feel compelled to support us.<br />

I have been a Research Officer at the Personal<br />

Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) since<br />

2006 and am also a postgraduate student,<br />

having been registered for a part-time PhD<br />

since January 2007.<br />

Theresia Bäumker<br />

PhD in Social Work<br />

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you<br />

all (belatedly) to this new term, which I hope<br />

is going to be somewhat warmer than it’s been<br />

in the previous months! I hope you all had<br />

exciting holidays despite the adverse weather<br />

conditions.<br />

Last term was a memorable one for most <strong>of</strong><br />

us due to the many events that took place and<br />

in which most <strong>of</strong> you participated: from the<br />

elaborate Welcome Week organised by our<br />

predecessors on the Committee to the<br />

successes <strong>of</strong> our college teams. The football<br />

team, for example, earned us our muchdeserved<br />

recognition as a new but formidable<br />

college. We are indeed very grateful for the<br />

support everyone extended to our teams and<br />

look forward to an even more active term!<br />

I should not forget the very successful<br />

postgraduate evening at the Gulbenkian.<br />

Your attendance and support was marvellous<br />

despite the short notice. We are equally<br />

grateful to the Graduate School for their<br />

support and goodwill towards making the<br />

event a success. We are looking forward to<br />

organising many more events in our bid to<br />

build a strong postgraduate community.<br />

This term is certainly going to be a busy one<br />

for many <strong>of</strong> us, so the Woolf Committee has<br />

lined up several regular events with a view to<br />

building a cohesive community and ensu<strong>rin</strong>g<br />

that you relax! For a start, we have taken the<br />

feedback we received seriously and will soon<br />

be releasing a detailed programme <strong>of</strong><br />

activities we plan to host. We are also<br />

proposing to host weekly ‘postgraduate<br />

evenings’ and related events, sometimes in<br />

conjunction with other <strong>University</strong> bodies. We<br />

encourage you to seize these opportunities<br />

and become more engaged in <strong>University</strong> life!<br />

Finally, I wish to reiterate our determination<br />

as a committee to serve the ever-growing<br />

postgraduate community. Your welfare is our<br />

priority, so feel free to contact us. We are more<br />

than willing to assist.<br />

Do have a peaceful term ahead!<br />

Karibuni sana<br />

Erick K’Omolo<br />

Vice-President, Woolf Student Committee<br />

Contact: woolfpresident@kent.ac.uk

The editorial team<br />

Kate Rees – Chief GradPost Editor (PhD Pharmacology)<br />

Tinashe Mushakavanhu (PhD English)<br />

Kylie Grant (MA Creative Writing)<br />

Clare Hetterley (MA English and American Literature)<br />

Sarah Scanlon (MRes Art Philosophy)<br />

Editors<br />

Kate Mansfield, Graduate School Co-ordinator<br />

Suzie Taylor, Graduate School Administration Manager<br />

Contributors<br />

Aaron Simon; Theresia Bäumker; Erick K’Omolo; Rhiannon Binns;<br />

Dr Stephan Rossbach; Antonia Knifton; Ma<strong>rin</strong>e Destrez.<br />

Production<br />

Design and layout: Design & P<strong>rin</strong>t Centre<br />

Subediting: Publications Team<br />

Picture credits<br />

Cover: View <strong>of</strong> Tonga © M S Poltorak<br />

Page 3: Service map, Tonga © M S Poltorak;<br />

Portrait <strong>of</strong> Antonia Knifton (Snow Day) © S Mitchell<br />

Page 4: The Scream (main image) and The Sun (inset) © The Munch<br />

Museum/The Munch Ellingsen Group/DACS <strong>2010</strong><br />

What’s on for PGs?<br />

Woolf College Student Committee, <strong>Kent</strong><br />

Union and the Graduate School have a<br />

range <strong>of</strong> exciting events exclusively for<br />

postgraduates. From wine tasting to trips<br />

around <strong>Kent</strong>, and evening events in<br />

Rutherford Bar to a fantastic end-<strong>of</strong>-term<br />

party, we have something for everyone! We<br />

encourage you all to come out and meet<br />

some <strong>of</strong> your peers. For more information<br />

on events, please visit our website:<br />

www.kent.ac.uk/graduateschool/<br />

community/index.html<br />

PG Snapshot<br />

Name: Aaron Simon<br />

Course: MA in Creative Writing<br />

Transferable<br />

Skills training<br />

Remember to keep an eye on the Transferable<br />

Skills training workshops to ensure you get a<br />

place. There are still places left on the following:<br />

Supervisor: Todd McEwen<br />

Campus: Canterbury<br />

Academic interests: My project is looking to<br />

be a sort <strong>of</strong> coming-<strong>of</strong>-age thing called The<br />

Adventures <strong>of</strong> Cloyd Blank. It stars a man with<br />

an incredibly thick Tennessee accent and a<br />

talking apple named Apple.<br />

Academic hero: I don’t know about hero, but<br />

I’ve had some really good and inspi<strong>rin</strong>g<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essors: Dr Michael Carniello, Dr Jenn<br />

Fishman, Margaret Lazarus Dean, all from the<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tennessee, and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Peter<br />

Brown, who teaches here – he is really an allaround<br />

good guy!<br />

Place <strong>of</strong> birth: Houston, Texas – the only city<br />

proud <strong>of</strong> its consistently losing sports teams.<br />

Favourite cheese: Monterey Jack? I’ve heard<br />

that most people in this country don’t even<br />

consider that a cheese, though. Still, better<br />

than saying, “Yellow cheese from Kraft,” right?<br />

Favourite colour: Black to wear, dark green to<br />

look at.<br />

Favourite film: Ah, this one’s a tough question.<br />

I’ll cheat and say a tie between The Good, The<br />

Bad and The Ugly and The Empire Strikes<br />

Back. (The former due to Clint Eastwood<br />

being… well, Clint Eastwood, and the latter<br />

due to its inevitable effect <strong>of</strong> glee and<br />

whistling ‘The Imperial March’ theme for hours<br />

afterwards.)<br />

The best thing about being a postgraduate<br />

student at <strong>Kent</strong> is: The way the schedule<br />

allows me to pursue my own projects and,<br />

generally, churn out an inordinate amount <strong>of</strong><br />

writing. (Seriously, you should see the amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> paper this rough draft business has added<br />

up to; it’s absurd.)<br />

Favourite place to eat on campus: Origins.<br />

The Tex-Mex is just enough like the stuff I ate<br />

back home to give me a warm, tingly feeling<br />

inside.<br />

Top tip for PG study: Space out your work.<br />

Ration it. Doing so saves you from having a<br />

near-nervous breakdown towards essay time.<br />

If you would like to appear in next edition’s<br />

PG Snapshot, please email us at<br />

grad-editors@kent.ac.uk<br />

• One-to-One Academic Writing sessions –<br />

22nd April, 23rd April, 14th May, 11th June,<br />

22nd June and 23rd June<br />

• Routes into Academia: Funding for Early<br />

Career Researchers – 17th March<br />

• Getting the most from your Academic<br />

Relationships – 17th March<br />

• Year 3 Workshop: The End is in Sight – 8th<br />

April.<br />

We have one more Anchor Workshop for firstyear<br />

researchers on 17th March, so please do<br />

book to attend this session if you have not<br />

already attended one.<br />

Please do remember to use the Waiting List<br />

facility on the booking system – many people<br />

get a place on a workshop this way. If you do<br />

add your name to the Waiting List, please ensure<br />

you are available for a last-minute call-up.<br />

Should you have any queries relating to the<br />

Transferable Skills training programme then<br />

please do not hesitate to contact Rhiannon Binns<br />

on skills@kent.ac.uk or visit our website<br />

at www.kent.ac.uk/graduateschool/skills<br />

Rhiannon Binns<br />

Transferable Skills Training Co-ordinator<br />

DPC 109174 1/10 PUB139

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