Game rules - DDM Guild

Game rules - DDM Guild

Game rules - DDM Guild


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Cover and Melee Combat<br />

Cover makes it harder to hit an enemy. If an<br />

enemy creature is adjacent to the attacker but<br />

around a corner or end of wall, it has melee<br />

cover and gets a +4 bonus on AC against<br />

that attacker.<br />

Big Creatures: When a creature takes up more<br />

than 1 square, it doesn’t get melee cover if<br />

any of the squares it occupies doesn’t have<br />

melee cover.<br />

Attacks of Opportunity<br />

If an enemy moves out of a square threatened<br />

by a creature, the creature may make a single<br />

immediate melee attack against that enemy.<br />

This is called an attack of opportunity.<br />

One Per Turn: There is no limit to the number<br />

of attacks of opportunity a creature can make<br />

in a round, but it can make only one in a<br />

given creature’s turn.<br />

Timing: A creature makes an attack of<br />

opportunity in response to an enemy’s<br />

movement. The attack takes place when the<br />

enemy is about to leave the threatened square,<br />

but before it actually does. Pause the<br />

movement and make the attack; if the enemy<br />

survives, it continues moving.<br />

Choose Your Attack: If the attacking creature can make multiple melee attacks, choose which<br />

single attack it uses for its attack of opportunity.<br />

Cover in Melee: A creature can’t make an attack of opportunity if the defender has melee<br />

cover against it.<br />

Line of Sight: A creature can’t make an attack of opportunity if it doesn’t have line of sight to<br />

the enemy (see Line of Sight on page 15).<br />

Legal Position: If a creature ends its turn in an illegal position as a consequence of an<br />

enemy’s attack of opportunity (or any other circumstance), move it to its player’s choice of the<br />

nearest legal squares.<br />


A creature might be able to charge the nearest enemy.<br />

To charge, a creature moves at double speed directly toward the nearest enemy within line<br />

of sight and must finish its movement in the nearest space adjacent to that enemy (including<br />

diagonally adjacent). If it has a clear path, nothing slows it down, and it moves at least 2<br />

squares, that creature can make a single melee attack against that enemy with a +2 bonus on its<br />

attack roll.<br />

Nearest Space: The charging creature must move to the nearest space adjacent to the nearest<br />

enemy. If this space is blocked or occupied, the creature can’t charge. If more than one space<br />

counts as the nearest, you can choose any of them to charge to.<br />


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