Whole salmon grading and distribution system - Marel
Whole salmon grading and distribution system - Marel
Whole salmon grading and distribution system - Marel
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<strong>Whole</strong> <strong>salmon</strong> <strong>grading</strong><br />
<strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong><br />
Seamless product flow<br />
Improves performance<br />
Controls logistics<br />
Shortens processing time<br />
Full traceability
<strong>Whole</strong> <strong>salmon</strong> <strong>grading</strong><br />
<strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong><br />
Building on over 30 years of experience working in teampartnerships<br />
with fish processors large <strong>and</strong> small worldwide, <strong>Marel</strong><br />
has gained extensive knowledge in developing innovative<br />
processing solutions to fulfill the ever-changing needs of seafood<br />
processors.<br />
<strong>Marel</strong> is now introducing a highly advanced whole-<strong>salmon</strong><br />
<strong>grading</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong> that features a seamless flow of<br />
<strong>salmon</strong> product all the way from slaughtering through processing<br />
to dispatching.<br />
It is the most advanced <strong>and</strong> innovative <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong> that<br />
<strong>Marel</strong> has ever developed for <strong>salmon</strong>. The <strong>system</strong>’s remarkably<br />
high level of automation ensures flexible processing capacity<br />
to meet seasonal- or order-book highs <strong>and</strong> lows – without<br />
pressures to increase or decrease the workforce.<br />
The comprehensive <strong>system</strong> consists of two distinct<br />
processing areas: a gutting area, <strong>and</strong> a packing <strong>and</strong><br />
<strong>distribution</strong> area. In addition, the complete <strong>system</strong> is<br />
powered by <strong>Marel</strong>’s INNOVA production management<br />
software, which enables managerial overview <strong>and</strong> control of<br />
every stage of the production process.<br />
The <strong>system</strong> can h<strong>and</strong>le an average of 120 fish per minute, or<br />
about 55,000 fish daily.<br />
Gutting area<br />
After slaughtering, <strong>salmon</strong> enters the gutting area where quality inspectors feed them into a dual-lane<br />
gutting grader. The grader weighs to high accuracy, <strong>and</strong> then directs the right size <strong>and</strong> quality of fish to<br />
the optimal gutting machines based on fixed-rate function, which ensures the optimal performance of<br />
gutting machines. The feeding into the gutters is fully automatic.<br />
By combining the optimized <strong>distribution</strong> of fish with automatic feeding into the gutting machines,<br />
overall performance of the gutting process is considerably improved. Moreover, the need for manual<br />
labor is significantly reduced - only one supervisor is needed to oversee the entire gutting <strong>system</strong>.<br />
The <strong>system</strong> has a capacity of up to 120 fish/min, <strong>and</strong> easily h<strong>and</strong>les the combined output rate of the<br />
seven gutting machines.<br />
Packing <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> area<br />
The gutted fish enters the packing area. Salmon then pass through quality control where they are<br />
examined for any defects in appearance, before entering the whole-fish packing <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> grader.<br />
The highly advanced <strong>grading</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong> automatically controls the <strong>distribution</strong> of each fish,<br />
directing it to the optimum process, for example freezing, filleting, or to the automatic box filling station for<br />
whole gutted <strong>salmon</strong>.<br />
The <strong>distribution</strong> is based on weight <strong>and</strong> quality, <strong>and</strong> it is also possible to apply the condition factor<br />
(K-factor) to direct specially designated fish to pre-determined processing stations. This can be of great<br />
value for the filleting process where fish of similar condition (size) will provide improved yield <strong>and</strong> quality of<br />
finished products.<br />
With all of the plant’s logistics operating on <strong>Marel</strong>’s Innova production management software, the<br />
<strong>distribution</strong> to the various processes will also be matched to purchase orders.<br />
The <strong>system</strong> h<strong>and</strong>les up to 120 fish/minute, <strong>and</strong> box packing has a capacity of up to 28 boxes per minute.
Packing <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> grader<br />
• Distribution control to different processes<br />
• K-factor optimized yield management<br />
• Capacity: up to 120 fish/min, 28 boxes/min<br />
Elevator to palletizing<br />
Rework station<br />
Box packing<br />
Automatic infeed of br<strong>and</strong>ed boxes. Boxes<br />
automatically fed to match batches from grader<br />
<strong>and</strong> pre-defined target weight based on PO (28<br />
boxes/minute)<br />
<strong>Whole</strong> fish grader<br />
Distributes up to 120 fish/min to<br />
different processes <strong>and</strong> creates batches<br />
of whole fish based on PO<br />
Ergonomic infeed<br />
Up to four quality inspectors feed<br />
fish into gutting grader<br />
Dynamic weighing<br />
For weight <strong>grading</strong> of each fish
Seamless flow of <strong>salmon</strong> product all<br />
the way from slaughtering through<br />
processing to dispatching.<br />
Palletizing<br />
Robots automatically load boxes<br />
on pallets according to PO<br />
Ergonomic infeed<br />
Up to four quality inspectors<br />
feeding fish into grader<br />
Cooling tank<br />
Manual gutting<br />
Automatic gutting<br />
Fish slides gently, correctly aligned into infeed<br />
buffer from where it is automatically fed into<br />
the gutting machine<br />
If the gutting machine misses or rejects a fish,<br />
the machine will automatically pause while<br />
the fish is re-directed to manual gutting<br />
Gutting grader<br />
Grading<br />
• Fully automatic infeed into gutters<br />
• Optimised utilisation of gutters<br />
• Capacity: up to 120 fish/min<br />
Dual-lane gutting grader directs fish<br />
to the optimal gutting machine,<br />
based on fixed rate function
Customer corner<br />
Bremnes, Norway<br />
When Norwegian <strong>salmon</strong> processor Bremnes Seashore embarked on a<br />
major upgrade of its Bømlo plant, the project included a whole <strong>salmon</strong><br />
<strong>grading</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong>, the most advanced <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong><br />
that <strong>Marel</strong> has ever installed in a <strong>salmon</strong> factory.<br />
Bremnes was founded in 1937 on the isl<strong>and</strong> of Bømlo<br />
just off Norway’s southwest coast as a seaweed<br />
reception plant. Since 1958, the company has been<br />
producing farmed <strong>salmon</strong>, <strong>and</strong> is a pioneer in Norway’s<br />
aquaculture industry. Today, Bremnes operates <strong>salmon</strong><br />
farms at 22 locations in the Stavanger-Hardanger<br />
region, processing some 250 tons of live <strong>salmon</strong> daily<br />
– into 100 different products sold worldwide, many of<br />
them under the company’s own multi-award winning<br />
Salma <strong>and</strong> Bømlo br<strong>and</strong>s.<br />
Achieving optimum quality<br />
“The main reasons behind the upgrade are to boost<br />
production capacity of gutted <strong>salmon</strong>, <strong>and</strong> to exp<strong>and</strong><br />
production of value-added products, such as fillets,<br />
while maintaining our focus on high-quality wholefish<br />
products,” says Vidar Helvik, Bremnes Seashore<br />
Processing Manager.<br />
“For <strong>salmon</strong> processors, speed <strong>and</strong> temperature are<br />
essential to achieving optimum product quality <strong>and</strong><br />
consistency. To ensure this,” adds Vidar Helvik, “fish are<br />
kept at a constant year-round temperature before being<br />
slaughtered, <strong>and</strong> high-speed processing keeps them at<br />
a quality-retaining low temperature.<br />
A powerful combination<br />
The equipment, as well as all of the plant’s logistics, operates<br />
with <strong>Marel</strong>’s INNOVA production management software,<br />
which provides managerial overview <strong>and</strong> control of every<br />
stage of the production process, including quality control,<br />
order processing <strong>and</strong> packing. At the same time, INNOVA<br />
provides Bremnes’ customers with complete traceability for<br />
every fish – from the time they are hatched until they leave<br />
the factory as a processed product.<br />
“The new <strong>system</strong> gives us the option of processing several<br />
different types of products at the same time, resulting in<br />
an uninterrupted flow of product on-line, while INNOVA<br />
provides us with logistics relating to production planning,<br />
packing, labeling <strong>and</strong> registration for a variety of purposes,<br />
among them traceability,” explains Bremnes Seashore COO,<br />
Bjørn Willy Sæverud.<br />
He continues: “Each fish that leaves our factory can be traced<br />
back to the egg from which it was hatched, <strong>and</strong> the labeling<br />
on our boxes has bar-coded data on a host of details, for<br />
example size, quality, tracking number, packing date/plant<br />
<strong>and</strong> shelf life, among other key information.“<br />
“Our objective is supplying higher-quality products for<br />
customers worldwide, with a stronger mix of valueadded<br />
products. <strong>Marel</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> software play a<br />
key role in these efforts.”
Empowered by INNOVA<br />
<strong>Marel</strong>’s INNOVA production management software solution is the<br />
backbone to its entire whole-fish <strong>grading</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>system</strong>.<br />
It enables managers full control <strong>and</strong> comprehensive details of every step of the production process, from slaughter to<br />
dispatch, including order processing <strong>and</strong> planning, quality control <strong>and</strong> logistics management.<br />
Throughout the entire process, INNOVA:<br />
• collects <strong>and</strong> registers relevant data such as flow <strong>and</strong> rate of production.<br />
• enables monitoring online, in real time, of key performance indicators such as yield, throughput <strong>and</strong> quality.<br />
• includes order processing (PO) software that oversees precise specifications on factors such as size, weight, quality,<br />
packing requirements, ice dosing <strong>and</strong> other critical parameters.<br />
• has an integrated automatic alarm monitoring function that oversees all alerts <strong>and</strong> incidents along the line, which helps<br />
to significantly reduce downtime.<br />
The continuous <strong>and</strong> reliable data collection also ensures full traceability of the products, throughout the entire production<br />
process. This function enables operators to trace products back to their original source, thereby minimizing the risk of<br />
large recalls. The <strong>system</strong> also supports quality inspection points as set up in the process according to the plant’s quality<br />
specifications. INNOVA’s built-in traceability <strong>and</strong> quality functions enable <strong>salmon</strong> processors to keep in step with food<br />
safety regulations <strong>and</strong> increased dem<strong>and</strong>s on quality assurance within the industry.<br />
Information automatically generated by INNOVA helps plant operators to identify opportunities for processing<br />
improvements. Ultimately, INNOVA empowers <strong>salmon</strong> processors to optimize their overall plant performance.<br />
“Sitting here at my screen, I can monitor fish as it<br />
passes through the factory <strong>and</strong> see exactly what’s<br />
going on in real time. If there are any unexpected<br />
hitches or delays likely to affect delivery schedules,<br />
I can react to them immediately, or even see them<br />
coming before they actually occur. INNOVA has<br />
also made prioritizing orders for dispatching much<br />
simpler <strong>and</strong> effective,” says Anne Meling Brathen,<br />
Logistics Department, Bremnes Seashore.<br />
Subject to change without notice / 850-5000-36310 / <strong>Marel</strong> hf. / Jan.2013