1 - The Black Vault

1 - The Black Vault

1 - The Black Vault


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S4(Air) (Hr Peduzie)<br />

Copy to:- DCS(RAF)<br />


Reference: AE'/CX 80/?0·da.ted 6 June<br />

1. DCS(RAF) has asked me to reply to your minute at reference.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> Royal Ifolloway College •team' which comes in practice<br />

from REG, King's College, London and 1•Tational Physical Laboratory,<br />

seems to be a group of academics dravrn together by an interest<br />

in UFOs. It 1wuld be difficult to distinguish it from any other<br />

group of academics ;rhich might be dra1m together by a cor:!ll'.on<br />

interest, of 1-1hich there could be many, and therefore I do not<br />

oelieve that it can be described as 'a maier scientific<br />

organisation of high standing'. For this"reason I su:;gest that<br />

the request be turned- do·":·m.<br />

3. I also have some reservations about the objective of the<br />

study. It is described as 'obtaining data concerning rare<br />

atmospheric events, such as "ball-lightni.'lg"...... for u.se as<br />

material for a .scientific conference on little-understood aerial<br />

phenomena". Dr Christop.!)_er ~ans is an applied psychologist<br />

who has i·lritten books on topics such as scientolcgy, Sub bud<br />

and other fringe activities' and \•rho also appears fre1uently<br />

on TV and radio. It therefore appears that the study might<br />

range _more ;ridely~.than the brief description suggests. I.n any<br />

case you 1'i0Uld require more ii:lforr:1ation befo1·e it could be called<br />

'strong scientific reason' for undertaking the work.<br />

, 4. H"owever, I believe that soor'.er or later somebody >-rill break<br />

this confidentiality barrier, and the data 1Jill have to be<br />

II<br />

~ sanitised. F2ve you considered asking the Air ffistorical Branch<br />

r 'l' whether they could em:Jloy a consultant to do this'?<br />

\; r''. .<br />

11 June 75 J :5 A HAlL'USOT<br />


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