CzeCh airlines - České aerolinie

CzeCh airlines - České aerolinie

CzeCh airlines - České aerolinie


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CAS Consolidated financial statement of the group<br />

annual report 2010 | 95<br />

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT and LOSS STATEMENT structured by the nature of expense method<br />

– Year ended 31 December 2010 (in CZK thousands)<br />

Period to 31 December 2010 Period to 31 December 2009<br />

I. Sales of goods 46,622 573,430<br />

A. Costs of goods sold 25,824 338,995<br />

+ Gross margin 20,798 234,435<br />

II. Production 16,867,459 19,842,131<br />

1. Sales of own products and services 16,859,561 19,807,618<br />

2. Change in internally produced inventory (1,898) (1,590)<br />

3. Own work capitalized 9,796 36,103<br />

B. Purchased consumables and services 14,255,195 17,597,617<br />

1. Consumed material and energy 4,150,308 5,847,225<br />

2. Services 10,104,887 11,750,392<br />

+ Added value 2,633,062 2,478,949<br />

C. Staff costs 3,900,004 5,117,141<br />

1. Payroll costs 2,800,959 3,811,941<br />

2. Remuneration to members of statutory bodies 4,719 6,134<br />

3. Social security and health insurance costs 838,749 931,249<br />

4. Social costs 72,811 136,938<br />

5. Staff costs in abroad 182,766 230,879<br />

D. Taxes and charges 62,513 11,559<br />

E. Depreciation of intangible and tangible fixed assets 551,531 460,125<br />

III. Sales of fixed assets and material 2,715,234 909,700<br />

1. Sales of fixed assets 2,686,037 888,644<br />

2. Sales of material 29,197 21,056<br />

F. Net book value of fixed assets and material sold 1,953,901 509,217<br />

1. Net book value of sold fixed assets 1,911,402 506,564<br />

2. Book value of sold material 42,499 2,653<br />

G. Change in allowances and provisions relating to operating activities and complex deferred expenses (441,538) 612,036<br />

IV. Other operating income 655,922 159,354<br />

H. Other operating expenses 301,380 371,100<br />

* Operating profit or loss (323,573) (3,533,175)<br />

VI. Proceeds from the sale of securities and investments 17,874<br />

J. Cost of securities and investments sold 1,959<br />

VII. Income from non-current financial assets 4,238 3,900<br />

1. Income from subsidiaries and associates 4,238 3,900<br />

X. Interest income 5,738 6,369<br />

N. Interest expenses 69,898 79,190<br />

XI. Other financial income 784,118 2,103,906<br />

O. Other financial expenses 1,051,188 2,183,215<br />

* Financial profit or loss (311,077) (148,230)<br />

Q. Income tax on ordinary activities 5,006 69,117<br />

1. - due 3,885 -26,882<br />

2. - deferred 1,121 95,999<br />

** Profit or loss from ordinary activities (639,656) (3,750,522)<br />

XIII. Extraordinary income 767,195<br />

R. Extraordinary expenses 59,177<br />

* Extraordinary profit or loss 708,018<br />

** Profit or loss for the current period (+/-) 68,362 (3,750,522)<br />

*** Profit or loss before tax 68,362 (3,750,522)

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