A Right to Media? Lorie M. Graham - Columbia Law School

A Right to Media? Lorie M. Graham - Columbia Law School

A Right to Media? Lorie M. Graham - Columbia Law School


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According <strong>to</strong> one indigenous broadcaster, “the recognition of Maori<br />

language and the need for Maori broadcasting were particular<br />

landmark cases” coming from the commission of inquiry. 260 This<br />

recognition allowed for more government support of Maori media.<br />

According <strong>to</strong> the most recent census, about one in seven<br />

people in New Zealand consider themselves Maori, and one in four<br />

Maori speak an indigenous language. 261 Despite such a considerable<br />

population, little Maori programming existed through state-owned<br />

broadcasting until recently. 262 In fact, throughout much of New<br />

Zealand’s his<strong>to</strong>ry, “mainstream news media . . . played a central role<br />

in processes of colonization; being used as a <strong>to</strong>ol for convincing<br />

colonizing and colonized groups that what was occurring was in the<br />

interests of ‘everyone.’” 263 When the Maori opted <strong>to</strong> protest their<br />

treatment at the hand of the government, media coverage was often<br />

dismissive of Maori concerns, labeling them “unreasonable and<br />

unnecessarily hostile” <strong>to</strong>ward the interest of society. 264 Joris de Bres,<br />

the Race Relations Commissioner for New Zealand, notes that<br />

“[w]hen the public is fed a diet of predominantly negative s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

about Maori, it is hardly surprising that negative attitudes are<br />

fostered. This impacts on one-<strong>to</strong>-one relationships between Maori and<br />

Pakeha [non-Maori].” 265<br />

While more needs <strong>to</strong> be done <strong>to</strong> reverse this trend, major<br />

changes are taking place with the advent of new media sources such<br />

Waitangi—A Century Ahead, 28 Aboriginal L. Bull. 6 (1987), available at<br />

http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AboriginalLB/1987/47.html (explaining<br />

that the Waitangi Tribunal found deficient the government of New Zealand’s<br />

protection of the Maori language in the areas of education, justice, and<br />

broadcasting). See generally Wena Harawira, HOD News and Current Affairs,<br />

Maori Television, Challenges Facing Indigenous Broadcasters, Address<br />

at Pacific <strong>Media</strong> Summit (Apr. 16, 2008), available at<br />

http://www.pcf.org.nz/archive/pacific_media_and_human_rights<br />

(follow<br />

“Challenges facing indigenous broadcasters” hyperlink) (describing the<br />

development of Maori <strong>Media</strong> and the work of the Waitangi Tribunal).<br />

260. Harawira, supra note 259 (noting that the Tribunal’s “decisions are<br />

not binding but they have made an impact in areas such as protecting Maori<br />

interests . . . and providing a public forum where the damage wrought in the past<br />

can be aired and acknowledged.”).<br />

261. David, supra note 212, at 31.<br />

262. See Harawira, supra note 259.<br />

263. Hodgetts et al., supra note 2, at 192 (citation omitted).<br />

264. Id. at 191–192.<br />

265. Bad News–Maori and the <strong>Media</strong>, PSA J. (N.Z. Pub. Serv. Ass’n,<br />

Welling<strong>to</strong>n, N.Z.), Sept. 2003, at 18.

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