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T H E<br />

M O N T H <strong>LY</strong><br />

L E T T E R<br />

FOUNDED 1908<br />

N E W S A N D V I E W S O F C L U B P R O G R A M M E S A N D C L U B<br />

14 Elm Street, Toronto<br />

SEPTMHER - OCTOBER, 1951<br />

H E R E WE A R E A G A I N<br />

Once more the Monthly Letter makes i t s appearance a f t e r the summer<br />

h o l i d a y s , refreshed'in body and s o u l , and resolved t o lead a b e t t e r l i f e , i f<br />

p o s s i b l e , in catering t o i t s erudite readers. Many of them have roamed f a r<br />

a f i e l d during t h e i r vacations and we hope to hear something of t h e i r adventures,<br />

e s p e c i a l l y those who v i s i t e d the' F e s t i v a l of Britain and renewed t h e i r acquaintance<br />

with London and the enchantments of rural England* Such favoured<br />

ones (can they be induced t o speak) could provide many entertaining evenings<br />

for the l e s s fortunate members of the Club; and they can, i n any case, make<br />

the Monthly Letter of much greater i n t e r e s t i f they w i l l contribute t o i t s<br />

pages any outstanding experiences or impressions of t h e i r travels abroad. The<br />

Entertainment Committee of the Club has at hand a mine of r i c h ore t o develop<br />

during the coming Winter.<br />

Meanwhile, we h e a r t i l y welcome the holiday-makers back t o the Club,<br />

with a gentle reminder t o a l l Members that the Annual Meeting of t h e Club and<br />

the e l e c t i o n of o f f i c e r s w i l l be held on October 13 which f a l l s on a Saturday.<br />

Also that the f i r s t Monthly Dinner w i l l be on September 2 9 t h , - Saturday.<br />

Following the May Letter, the editors have received ap appreciative<br />

note from Thomas Crawford"together with a request t o correct a statement in<br />

the May Letter which i s only half t r u e . He says:<br />

ff My ^Introduction and Toccata<br />

for organ and s t r i n g s 1 , f i r s t done at the C.C.O. Convention in August 1950 by<br />

Gerald Bales and Geoff Waddington, was repeated by Bales in Niagara F a l l s , N.Y.,<br />

with a l o c a l orchestra', but was a l s o done by Dr. Cyril Barker with members of<br />

the Detroit Symphony in D e t r o i t , Mich. Dr. Barker has a l s o performed my" f In a<br />

Great Cathedral 1 S u i t e , r e c e n t l y published, and a Rhapsody f Cerbadoc Putnamos*<br />

written for him."<br />

S P E C I A L<br />



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