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The following appreciative tribute by a brother musician to our distinguished<br />

fellow-member and Past-President, Dr. Healey Willan, follows close<br />

upon the celebration of his 70th birthday*<br />


For over forty years now the name Healey Willan on a piece<br />

of music has meant that something significant and personal<br />

will be found therein. It has meant that it will "lie well"<br />

and that it will "come off", whatever the medium employed.<br />

For a long time a teacher and executive at the Conservatory<br />

and a Professor in the Faculty of Music, he nevertheless<br />

has maintained a steady flow of composition. All his life<br />

he has been a servant of the church, and he has demonstrated<br />

over and over that a few voices of ordinary capacity<br />

can become an exbraordinaxy instrument for the worship of<br />

God. For them, he has written many exquisite motets, and<br />

with them he has performed also a magnificent repertoire of<br />

the great things of the past. I have sat in St. Mary ! s, on<br />

occasion and reflected that people as far apart as Sir<br />

Walter Raleigh and Pius the Fourth, could they be present,<br />

would enjoy and recognize most of the music and ritual.<br />

Dr. Willan is a fine teacher and sometimes an irascible one,<br />

as hundreds of us can testify. He hates alike, both pedantry<br />

and half-baked "modernism" and he is a good hearty<br />

hater. Furthermore, he is a staunch friend and has done us<br />

all innumerable kindnesses. He is now freed from the labour<br />

of teaching but remains the acknowledged arbiter of<br />

taste, and he is enjoying a Renaissance and writing more<br />

music than ever. I cannot undertake here an enumeration of<br />

his many works in all fields, nor is it necessary; suffice<br />

it to say that they will live when we are all gone, and<br />

largely forgotten.<br />

Charles Peaker<br />

P E R S O N A L S<br />

Charles Comfort, R.C.A., acted as one of the judges in a photographic<br />

slide competition recently held under the auspices of the Color Photographic<br />

Association of Canada. R. York Wilson, O.S.A., A.R.C.A., is acting similarly<br />

for an exhibition to be held in March by the same society.<br />

Herman Voaden is travelling in Europe and will not be back in Toronto<br />

until September Stan Cooper has been ordered by his doctor to take a<br />

month 1 s rest. We wish him a speedy and complete convalescence.*...

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