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« 8 -<br />

who i s also a member of the Council of the organization<br />

• < # •<br />


Judging by lunch-table discussions some members a r e<br />

dentiy under the impression that the club windows are d i r t y . Others hold<br />

t h a t the windows have acquired a patina* The l a t e Mr f Webster defines patina<br />

as<br />

l! The incrustation which time gives t o the surface of works of a r t H f „ That<br />

seems plain enough: our windows are works of a r t , therefore the i n c r u s t a t i o n ,<br />

which i s unmistakable, i s a Patina*<br />


(F r cm the d a i l y p r e s s ) . When Mrs• Douglas Abbott offered<br />

a cigaret t o Saturday Night newsman Willson Woodside, a t a North Atlantic<br />

Treaty Organisation reception i n Ottawa r e c e n t l y , he shook h i s head*<br />

n Your<br />

husband cured me of t h e habit with the l a s t budget, 11 he explained pleasantly*<br />

The minister of f i n a n c e d wife nodded sympathetically.<br />

lf He cured himself<br />

in the second last, 11 she said.<br />


I t is the sad duty of this letter to record the passing of<br />

three more club i&embors whose loss will be deeply felt, not only in the<br />

Club, but in a very wide circle. The death of Franklin Ft Appleton, occurred<br />

on September 19th as a result of a heart condition which ted troubled him for<br />

some years, Franklin Appleton .was a member of the Club and a publisher who<br />

endeavoured to mate his publications a credit to his f i m and publishing<br />

generally, both as to matter and manner f He undertook the publishing of<br />

many Canadian authors 1 books, including our friead John Robins. The late<br />

Frank Carmichael, another, former club mernber,. was a. close friend and associated<br />

with Mr* Appleton in the illustration and decoration of seme of the<br />

latter 1 s publications*<br />

Mr* Justice George Alexander Urquhart died on October 8th#<br />

He had been missed from the Club lunch.tables for a long time on account of<br />

illness Q Judge Urquhart was a member of the Club for many years who enjoy-

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