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5 .4 Form Factors .<br />

Before we may consider form factors in the <strong>weak</strong> <strong>interaction</strong>, we mus t<br />

first discuss them with reference to the electromagnetic <strong>interaction</strong>, in term s<br />

of which they were originally formulated . For a proton, for example, unaffecte d<br />

by strong <strong>interaction</strong>s , the probability or cross-section for elastic electro n<br />

scattering is given by the Dirac formula, which assumes the proton to be a<br />

point with spin + and magnetic moment eV2Mp o<br />

e4 coc2 (A /2) 2<br />

d6 -<br />

dS1 4p o sin 2 -`o sin 2i<br />

.p<br />

2 4 0 r, 2n 2 (1+ .2 tan 2 -2 ) ( . 4.1 )<br />

where M P<br />

is the proton mass, p is its initial three-momentum, and q is th e<br />

o<br />

four-momentum transfer between the electron and the proton during the scatterin g<br />

process . The second term in (5 .4 .1) is due to magnetic scattering, and i s<br />

absent from the Mott scattering cross-section from atomic nuclei . For a real<br />

proton, we must take into account the virtual pairs of hadrons surrounding i t<br />

due to the fact that it takes part in strong <strong>interaction</strong>s, and also th e<br />

anomalous magnetic moment over and above the Dirac prediction of 2 . Thus w e<br />

define two form factors, the electric or charge form factor F, and the magneti c<br />

form factor G . These two form factors are real functions of the four-momentu m<br />

transfer squared, q2 . Thus, for the proto n<br />

F(0) = 1 , (5 .4 .2 )<br />

G(o) = jAp -v 2 .79 n .m . (5 .4 .3 )<br />

where r p denotes the magnetic moment of the proton, and n .m . stands fo r<br />

the units nuclear magnetons 5 . For the neutro n<br />

F(0) = 0 , (5 .4.4 )<br />

G(o) -1 .91 n .m . (5 .4 .5 )<br />

We find that the corrected cross-section has the form<br />

dd<br />

r'p2+(o2/41„2)G2<br />

_ dG<br />

(( l<br />

2 2 2<br />

dSL<br />

+ a2 x tan (A/2) 1 (5 .4 .6 )<br />

\d~/ Mott L1 1 + (q2 /4M - ) / 4r.<br />

(5 .4.6) is known as the Rosenbluth formula (12) . The important feature of it i s<br />


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