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(Patre 2) QUIZ, <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr., Thursday, Mar. 19, 1970<br />

Serving the Loup Valley 88 Years<br />

-<br />

handling<br />

Me Award Winner '<br />

__r<br />

MQ&wLh.rAm#.hscl<br />

for<br />


-<br />



MEMBER<br />

Association Founded 1885<br />

lish at regular intervals an ac-<br />

. . counting showing where and how<br />

Every goyernment official or board<br />

public moneys should pub-<br />

each dollar is spent. The <strong>Ord</strong> Quiz<br />

holds this to be a fundamental nn-<br />

ci le of Democratic ~OvernmenP.<br />

~gare Phone News Items to 728-3261<br />

Leggett ,r.-<br />

Publishers<br />

Gerald Green<br />

Editor<br />

Lynn Griffith --, Advertising<br />

Manager<br />

OWd Quiz<br />

xtrernists You Decide<br />

Sonle weeks ago a' new organization .was formed in <strong>Ord</strong>.<br />

he nlenllxrs called thenlselves the Valley County Alert Citizens<br />

Fill11 Forum.<br />

To date the organization has shown three films here in<br />

<strong>Ord</strong>. It plans to show thlee more tonight (Thursday) and three<br />

more a week from tonight.<br />

The fact that sonle menlbers of the group are also nlernbers<br />

of the John Birch Society will undoubtedly keep a nun+<br />

bcr of citizens away. This will be inost unfortunate, if the upcoming<br />

filnls are anqthing like the ones sho*n here previously.<br />

The previous filnis naturally dealt with the Birch Society's<br />

fa~orite topic: Communisn~. But there was not the wild, helierskclter<br />

name-calling that solne have attributed to the Birchers.<br />

For the nlost part, the filins let the Con~nluni_sts do their<br />

o~bn talking. The first one, called "More Deadly Thaq/ War,"<br />

was a lecture by G. Edward Griffin of the American Opinion<br />

Speakers Bureau. Griffin documented practically everything he<br />

said, quoting Conlnlunists or former Communists.<br />

The second film, called "Con~munists on Campus" and produced<br />

by Harding College at Searcey, Ark., was prim,irily a<br />

se~ies of short news excerpts filnled at different locations around<br />

the country. The producers merely assembled them and added<br />

soiilc overall coordination.<br />

By itself, the speech of a Rap Brown or a Ton1 Hayden<br />

nlay sound like so niuCh garbage. But put together, as the<br />

\+ere in that film, such spceches provide a frighte'ning yardi<br />

stick of just how far the Coninlunists have conle in their atte~npts<br />

to subvert' this country.<br />

While awakening An~ericans to what is goin+ on around<br />

them, the films did not brgk %veryone 16 ihsh but and la in<br />

a stock of firearms. On the contrary, they pointed out 'i hat<br />

violent retaliation is exactly what the Conlniunists are hoping<br />

for, and they urged peaceful resistance.<br />

No doubt many citizens will still disn~iss the conling filnls<br />

as the product of some ri ht-wing extrenlist group. Again we<br />

say: this will be most UI lf ortunate.<br />

Dr. Otis Miller, chairman of the Valley County Alert Citizens<br />

Film Forunl, says that the group's objective is to inforiu<br />

and educate. The proof of a truly educated person does not<br />

lie wholly in what he knows; instead, his willingness to consider<br />

new and different points of view and to search constantly<br />

for Inore information are equally as important.<br />

Once a person has attended a session of the Valley County<br />

Alert Citizens Filnl Forum, he may still brand the group as<br />

extremists, witch-hunters, or any other name he chooses. But<br />

we think it grossly unfair to do so without first seeing what the<br />

group is and what it is, trying to do. '<br />

Tonight's filnls will be shown in the <strong>Ord</strong> High School cafeteria<br />

beginning at 8 p.m.<br />

--A<br />

Rhodesia, chapter 2<br />

'The sequel to last ~veek's Quiz editorial deploring the closing<br />

of the United States consulate in Rhodesia appeared in the<br />

hlaf. 17 issue of Newsweek 9agazine. In its "PeriscopeL", c2lunln,<br />

New,swkek told how James Holland will shortly becinle<br />

the first U.S. anlbassador to Sweden in nearly two years.<br />

"Neutral" Sweden has been a haven for deserters from the<br />

U.S. nlilitary services for several years now. Her leaders have<br />

becn openly hostile to U.S. policy in Vietnam-more so than,<br />

cvcn sonle Conliliuilist countries. Her present prime minister,<br />

Old£ Palme, once walked arm in arm down the streets of Stockholm<br />

with a North Vietnanlese official during an anti-U.S. rally.<br />

New~week, which is not noted for its conservative viewpoint,<br />

nevertheless told a little about the current cliniate in Sqeden<br />

\+lien it. stated:<br />

"A good nlany Swedes, as well as Anicrica~l Black Yan-<br />

tht.1~ now living in Sweden, already are calling the U.S. Embassy<br />

in Stockholm 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.' "<br />

Strategically speaking, swede,^^ has little to offer the U.S.<br />

She has no rare natural re;ources and no vital industrial pr6ducts<br />

that this country needs.<br />

And from the historic point of view, there's no particular<br />

reason the United States should be currying Sweden's favor either.<br />

During World War 11, while Hitler's arnlies ravaged and<br />

plundered practically all of Europe, the Swedes sat by aloofly<br />

in their neutrality and let others make all the sacrifices. They<br />

hdd done the same in World War I.<br />

This is the country with whom President Richard Nixon<br />

now seems so bent on restoring anlicable relations. Meanwhile,<br />

lie slan~s the door in the face of Khodesia, which has so nluch<br />

to offer the U.S., by closing the American consulate there and<br />

thus severing diplomatic relations.<br />

'Il~is is the same Khodesia which has in:pressively repelled<br />

every attempt at Comniunist infilt~ation fro111 neighboring Zambia<br />

. . . the sanle Rhodesia which has offered to send a contingent<br />

of troops to fight the Reds in Vietnam . . . the same<br />

Khodesia which has vast stores of raw materials so vitally needcd<br />

in the manufacture of U.S. defense weapons . . . the sanle<br />

Jthodesid which \vould be so willing to sell those materials to<br />

the United States and eliniiilate our dependence on the Soviet<br />

Union for the~n.<br />

Yet, because Great Britain-herself a stumbling, groping<br />

sh~dow of a once great nation-asks us to boycott Khodesia,<br />

we willingly do so. And what does Great Britain do in return<br />

Well, for one thing she sent 74 ships to North Vietnam,<br />

with whom son~e would say we are at war, during 1969. For<br />

another, she allowed 50 of her ships to unload cargo in Cuba,<br />

against who111 we supposedly have an tco~lonlic boycott.<br />

One of the nation's most prestigious business forecasters is<br />

i~o\v predicting that Kcpublical~ gains in this fall's House and<br />

Sendte races hill be n~inimal. Six n~onths ago the obtlook had<br />

btcn qi~ite rosy. Charades such as the one President Nixon is<br />

]low allouing to be acted out with regard to Sweden and Rhoderil<br />

are a prue reasbb,. _ - -A-, c<br />

1<br />

When<br />

You and 1<br />

Were Young<br />

10 Years Ago<br />

Farm traffic was slowed to a<br />

dead stop as King Winter piled<br />

area roads and countryside with<br />

eix to ei ht inches of new snow.<br />

Mrs. ~fbert Anderson was honored<br />

on her 83rd birthday w,hen<br />

members of her fam~ly arroed<br />

with a .covered-dish dinner.<br />

Edith Jones, former fry cook<br />

at the New Cafe, began work<br />

as an attendant at the self-serv-<br />

!ce laundry.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. George Zikmund<br />

announced the birth of them first<br />

grandchild. Br~an Edward was<br />

born Mar. 12 to Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Dale Zikmund of ~incoln.<br />

Sharon Hackett, granddaughter<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hackett,<br />

topped a field of contestants<br />

from 37 Colleges and universities<br />

in six states to win sweepstake<br />

honors at the Unibersity of .Nebraska's<br />

annual Intercollegiate<br />

speech and Debate Conference.<br />

20 Years Ago<br />

The number of cattle lost in a<br />

one-day blizzard the week be-'<br />

fore was larger than the number<br />

lost during the entire winter<br />

of 1948-49. Between 35 and 40<br />

windmills were also re~orted destroyed.<br />

Although doors were tightly<br />

shut, drifting snow from the blizzard<br />

managed to block planes inside<br />

a hanger' at t <strong>Ord</strong> airport,<br />

ti<br />

making it im ossi e to remove<br />

them .withoup many hours of<br />

shovel~ng inside the hangar.<br />

The first house in the Auble<br />

Addition was under construction<br />

by Charlie Kriewald.<br />

<strong>Ord</strong> was all set for its second<br />

annual Pancake Day, to be held<br />

Mar. 22,<br />

30 Years Ago<br />

Fire destroyed the farm home<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. William Cronk<br />

Adam Dubas bought the Joe<br />

Flakus pool hall in Burwell.<br />

George Allen was guest of honor<br />

at a dinner prepared by Mrs.<br />

Allen on his birthday.<br />

Kerry Leggett had the. chicken<br />

pox and the children in his grade,<br />

. the first, wrote letters to him.<br />

Matt Keefe's car caught fire<br />

when a rear tire blew out and<br />

the auto went off the road. Spill-<br />

-ed gasoline i nited, and the car<br />

was a total jess. It was being<br />

d hen by Keefe's son, Francis,<br />

&en the mishap occurred.<br />

40 Years Ago<br />

A recipe on the QUIZ woman's<br />

yge for chop suey called for<br />

15 cents worth of round steak<br />

and 20 cents worth of pork<br />

steak."<br />

A skating rink opened at the<br />

Bohemian Hall. It was operated<br />

by A. R. McGrew.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sevenker,<br />

returned from a week of vacation,<br />

said they had neker seen<br />

so much plowing and seeding at<br />

this time of year as was being<br />

done around Dewitt.<br />

,A minstrel show sponsored by<br />

the Masonic Lodge cleared $225.<br />

The mone was to be used to<br />

help pay &r the temple erected<br />

the previous >ear.<br />

Dear Sir:<br />

The television portrayal of coi-<br />

, lege in the 1920s is .amusing. I€<br />

rings so false. We did not wear<br />

our skirts 10 inches above the<br />

knees, but about one ~nch below.<br />

We did mean to be very<br />

daripg, however.<br />

I doubt that the TV folks really<br />

think that it was as they portray.<br />

They hake to make us that<br />

dumb. that awkward, and that<br />

ridiculously oberdressed to make<br />

~t funny enough.<br />

Anyway, who could know the<br />

difference after this m a n y<br />

years They could, Don't their<br />

grammas hale old pictures I'll<br />

grant that those gunnysack-shaped,<br />

skimpy dresses and skullcap<br />

hats were unbecoming, but<br />

there were those who uere graceful<br />

even in that disguise.<br />

But it's all in fun. We can<br />

laugh heartily, too, Ulough froin<br />

a different polnt of blew.<br />

Margaret Bohy<br />

<strong>Ord</strong>, Neb. 68862<br />

(Editor's Note:, The following<br />

was also submitted by Mrs.<br />

Bohy.)<br />

College Life<br />

In the Twenties<br />

When I was a sophomore, soine<br />

boys'canie to serenade us at odr<br />

dormitory. We crowded out on<br />

the front balconies in our housecoats<br />

and sliepers. Intr'cate latt~ce<br />

made us practicaily ,invisible,<br />

and when the boys were<br />

leaving we sang them a chorus<br />

about "Big Yellow Tulip."<br />

As they left, our preceptress<br />

snatched us down into the parlor<br />

And shamed us about our imdodesty.<br />

In an undress! singing<br />

about 'caressing you, deayie!'<br />

We listened polltely and said,<br />

"Yes, m'am."<br />

On our way back upstairs,<br />

I bent to my room1na:e and san<br />

softly, making it up, 8.<br />

"The Boys came by the light<br />

of the moon,<br />

"And sang us a sweet little<br />

tune.<br />

"We hopped out of our beddies,<br />

"And sang in our teddies,<br />

"Which caused our preceptress<br />

to swoon."<br />

Roommate gave me a swift<br />

kick, and I glanced back. The<br />

preceptress was right behind us.<br />

She just laughed; it struck her<br />

funny too.<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

I'm a pretty happy inan now<br />

that I'm an employee instead<br />

of an employer.<br />

I sold my business to my hired<br />

man, and now if I get hurt on<br />

the job I get my doctor bill<br />

aid. I get paid for ttaqlng<br />

onie while my finger gets %ell<br />

and if business gets poor I get<br />

paid $9 a day to sit hoiiie in<br />

my chair or go fishing if ! like<br />

to fish.<br />

Of course, if I want lo fish<br />

on Saturday or Sunday, I don t<br />

get paid for that since I oniy<br />

et paid fike days a week. Therefore,<br />

Sm gonna fish on Wednesday.<br />

The Scott Re~ort<br />

Laos Must ~ave<br />

BY Paul Scott<br />

WASH~NG -<br />

TON - More<br />

t h a n massive<br />

United States<br />

air power will<br />

beneededtu<br />

stop the second<br />

phase of North Vietnam's<br />

spring offensive in Laos.<br />

American bombing, including<br />

further B-52 attacks, can slow<br />

the Communist advance when<br />

it starts again next month. But<br />

such bombing cannot halt the advance;<br />

only the intervention of<br />

American or Thai1 ground forces<br />

can do that.<br />

This is the dark heart of a<br />

blunt warning that U.S. military<br />

officials in Laos included in their<br />

most recent intelligence estimdte<br />

of Hanoi's military intentions and<br />

capabilities.<br />

Their explosive estimate, now<br />

being studied by President Richard<br />

Nixon, confir~i~s reports that<br />

the iliain body of the 65,000 North<br />

Vietnanlese troops in Laos is regrou~in$<br />

on the ~e+ttrn edge of<br />

tba Eiao of JEIS for a ns:q of-<br />

fensive dribe.<br />

Im~nediate objectik e of the<br />

coming Communist drive is beliebed<br />

to be the 1961 cease-fire<br />

line along the Like River, 50 miles<br />

south of the point where North<br />

Vietnamese troops are now re.<br />

organizing.<br />

Should this military goal be<br />

reached, North Vietnam's advance<br />

forces would be within 50<br />

miles of Vientiane, the administrative<br />

capital of Laos. It would<br />

also put them in a positibn to cut<br />

the main highway between Vien-<br />

tiane and the Royal capital, Lunang<br />

Prabang.<br />

This military advance would<br />

give North Vietnam's puppets,<br />

the Pathet Lao, the trumD card<br />

in any future negotiations with<br />

the Laotian gocernment.<br />

It would also provide them<br />

with a big chunk of territory<br />

formerly held by the old neutralist<br />

faction in Laos. This would<br />

put the Comniunists in a position<br />

to demand more seats in the government<br />

cabinet, and by extension<br />

a coalition governmeht more<br />

friendly to tbcm.<br />

Strategic Objcctivo<br />

By forcing Laotia11 Yrr!!lier<br />

Sou~ianua Yhoua to accept mast<br />

DAVE<br />

L MARTIN<br />

Vegas several weeks ago, several<br />

people stopped and asked<br />

me if it was ever recovered. This<br />

week I received an -answer,<br />

According to Chuck Saunders,<br />

district manager of A~is' Mc-<br />

Carran Alrport branch, Our car<br />

was recovered the day after<br />

(my) departure." The car was<br />

found, according to Saunders' let-<br />

ter to me, at the hotel lot. .<br />

"Our car was" not damaged,"<br />

Saunders wrte, and only a few<br />

additiopal mlles were added, indicating<br />

it was 'used' for a short<br />

ride here (Las V&as) locally."<br />

After writing the ,column, I<br />

had clipped it and mailed it to<br />

Avis. I thought - since I DID<br />

have seine nice words to say<br />

about them - they m~ght like to<br />

read it. This prompted a resbonse<br />

from Mr. Saunders<br />

and also an opportunity that's in:<br />

evitably present whenever you<br />

do business with these larae - compaliies.<br />

WlLL ube his card. But it oniy<br />

pointed out to me the everincreasing<br />

popularity of issuing<br />

credit cards. All you have to do<br />

is- look like you're a potential<br />

customer. Whaln! You 4aye<br />

creklit cards running out your<br />

ears.<br />

It brought to mind an interesting<br />

item I heard on Arthur God-<br />

The Ohioian told his wife -<br />

after one encounter with her<br />

about his ever-bulging billford<br />

full of credit cards - that agyone<br />

could get them. "They'd<br />

eken issue them to a dog," he<br />

remarked.<br />

After thinking about his statement,<br />

he wondered . . . WOULD<br />

they issue a credit card to a dog<br />

Being the curious tqpe, he<br />

picked up an application for a<br />

credit card the next opportunity<br />

he had. After filling it out completely<br />

and honest1 in his dog's<br />

name, he submittel it. The dog<br />

was named Terrytoan and that<br />

was the way he filed the a pli<br />

cation. After ,the question ottha<br />

applicant's Income, he put,<br />

"NONE." As age, he ga\e the<br />

dog's actual age of two years<br />

and nine months. Elerything he<br />

could coinplete on the blank he<br />

did.<br />

Shortly - in the mail - a<br />

If you haven'\ guessed it . . . credit'card came issued to Terrythe<br />

next paragraph of my lett~~ town ...................... (whatever the<br />

from Mr. Saunders stated: I master's last name was). And<br />

have take'n the liberty of order- the dog imlnediately was placed<br />

ing you an Avis Executive' on the mailing list and started<br />

charge card and hope ,>ou will receiving regular mailings . .<br />

use our service again.<br />

statements . . . the whole works.<br />

Now this was Very nice of Mr. So the Ohioian's suspicions<br />

Saunders . . and I probably were confirmed. THEY WlLL is-<br />


DOG!<br />

This was enough . . . but the<br />

story goes one step further. Recently<br />

the dog received another<br />

letter, probably because of n<br />

good credit rating. Never having<br />

made a purchase, the dog had<br />

never been in arrears with, payments<br />

on his account. Therefore<br />

he was inforn~ed that he<br />

was being placed on the Prefer.<br />

red Customer list!<br />

As Norm Schmidt used to tell<br />

me, "These machines are okay.<br />

But if they ever start reproducing<br />

themselves we're in trouble!"<br />

cause I hake to pay so !iluch<br />

Smut Mail<br />

for meat. But the joke IS on Spurred on by a concerned<br />

him, 'cause I can buy my !neat President Nixon, the Post Office<br />

each day hith the money he Department is scoring imprespals<br />

me while I'm taking lny sive gains in the administrat~on's<br />

coffee break.<br />

battle against mail-order smut<br />

I don't hale to worry ebout peddlers,-<br />

frey's radio program recently.<br />

my income tax since my boss Wprking closely with the As I recall, the subject was a<br />

takes it out of my check each Justlce Department and local man in Troy, Ohio. His wife must<br />

week, and what I neLer hara I law enforceinent agencies,,postal have been a lot l~ke mine -<br />

cion't n~~ss. At the end of the inspectors have zeroed in on 20 each time he got a credit card<br />

year he tells me how inuc;~ I of the nation's larger distributors, she'd ask, "U'here'd you get<br />

paid, but I don't feel so bad n hose m a i 1 i n g s of sexually THAT one how!"<br />

cause I neber had it anyway. oriented materials hake prompt-<br />

I had a pretty good winter, ed about 90 percent of all public<br />

since it was too cold to nork complaints. Of these, four hake<br />

outdoors. I could therefore sit thus far been conbicted on obin<br />

my chair and whistle a tune<br />

Something Different<br />

scenity c h a r g e s indictments<br />

- didn't,get much flshing done, ha~e been obtained against the<br />

though, cause I don't like to remainder.<br />

chop holes in the ice just to In all, during the last four<br />

catch those silly fish<br />

months alone, there ha~e been<br />

Spring and nice weather is 38 indictments and seven conkiccoining<br />

now, so I think I'll 3bk tions of those aho traffic in mall- Up on !he Roof Tops<br />

the boss for a raise. I hear they order pronography.<br />

are paying real good wages i;l Many people in the 3rd Con-<br />

New York.<br />

gressional District habe sent me<br />

Name Withheld by Reqrrsst pornographic material which AJIJIC, Mexico-Even life on the rooftops is different here,<br />

P.S. I sure hope my boss can they have received, and I, in on these curved red tiles in Ajijic (say Ah-lice-HEEK').<br />

nake a profit on his business turn, ha\e forwarded it to the<br />

- th IS year<br />

postmaster general.<br />

By the way, did qou know these t~les were curved originally<br />

by molding them over a woman's thight Your sex news for<br />

today!<br />

Geranium Joe<br />

Only a few years ago the big old night watch ma^^ here stalked<br />

along the rooftops to watch for prowlers, cloniying from one<br />

roof to the next. All % roofs adjoin, after one fashion or an-<br />

Rationing of Driving Time Proposed ther.<br />

This posada (inn) is one-story, built onto time after til~e.<br />

'' As Answer lo Nafion's Crowded Roads The only two-story roo111 is used for ~+ashing clothes and stringing<br />

them up!<br />


towns just so folks can have a<br />

. Living on the roof are several cat families.<br />

,I' I recollect a story they said place to park.<br />

ade the rounds back when cars "Nobody will drive into big I don't mind when they puss~foot quietly around. BUT,<br />

ere first being sold in this coun- cities when they ,can get ever- when they fight, chase one another, n1ak.e love, etc., I could do<br />

thing they want in them towns<br />

try<br />

without their meuing and yo\*ling. Of course their footfalls are<br />

t Some feller was watching a that have built up around paikvery<br />

light, but only a tiny creak of the roof gives them away.<br />

.@r owner try to crank his fliv- ing lots," were Felix's words.<br />

'Ger a~d he allowed, "He'll neler John Paprocki agreed with Once in a while a mouse family nloves in overhead. As<br />

et the fool thing to go." When Felix that cars have got a pox- the roofs are only reed mats laid on rafters with led tile atop<br />

fh e driber got it started the fel- erful grip on the people and the<br />

that, there are probably some lovely liking areas, froin a<br />

1 r watched the car roll off in a economy of this country, but he<br />

Joud of dust and then perdict,ed was of a mind that they're just mouse's point of view!<br />

"He'll neber get the dern thing part of the picture.<br />

Out lily south window is a big orchid tree with very few<br />

stopped "<br />

John said there are too !qany leaves but a nlultitude of pale lavender blooms. A snlall orange<br />

Well, sir, the session at the folks trqing to get from one place<br />

tree beside it procides a heady fragrance.<br />

country store Saturday night was to another at the same time. IIe<br />

i~ke that story, and it dealt with said he had studied the problem Out my big west windo\cs I see tall poinsettias offering<br />

the same subject.<br />

up one side and down the other, their last heaky double-red flowers. They lean over my head<br />

and he had the answer.<br />

" The fellers got started when<br />

as I come out my door, and beside them are coffee trees nith<br />

pelix Gregoroskl said he had What we got to do, allowed<br />

their cranberry-like berries ready to shatter and crunch on the<br />

heard some guy say on the radio John, is adopt the Alphebetical<br />

that there uere fi~e times mole Assignment Transportation Plan. ground.<br />

cars in this country than in the I-Ie is still working on the fine Kohs of azaleas are a foot high, though the bulbs are only<br />

rest of the world put together, points of the plan, but he has got just planted. We spend tho years to get a head of big flowers;<br />

and the only' way fer Americans it figured to where we can<br />

group folks by the letter that but these will bloonl in, say, thlee necks from now, go~geously.<br />

to hake enough room fer their<br />

Cars was to park 'em oberseas. begins their last names and as- "F~slipoles" grow gracefully-very tall. Bamboo grows fast,<br />

Felix allowed cars got this sign days fer them to t r a v e 1. and they use if for everything here.<br />

country mo~ing;, and ~t looks l~ke That way, if we had four groups, Many flowers here are the same as ZIanaii has. 'There's<br />

ey are going to run it ragged. then we would just have a fourth<br />

of the people on the road every the big Cup of Gold tree, with its large creanly blossoills that<br />

8= ars now are being blamed fer<br />

- -<br />

everything from air polution to day.<br />

are fresh for onc day only. And the huge croton or "beefsteak"<br />

~~ne~l~plo~inent. Felix said fro111 John would give everybody a pldnt is SO colorful. The tall tulip trees thick with red iloweis<br />

listening to some politicians you few emergency travel days in grow e\qq\cht.re, dnd oleanders arc in flo\+cr. 13ougainvilled vincs<br />

would think that all we need to a yFar fer cases of sickness and<br />

are so bright and gdy and many colored. Geraniums get four<br />

do to clean up this country is suct-~,<br />

corne out yith a car that<br />

or five fect tall and bloo~n like crday. And roscs and cdlld Illit's<br />

gives Persollally, Mister Editor I<br />

Off clean exhaust.<br />

like John's plan. YOU hear they alc in blossom too.<br />

~t is true, allowed Felix, that use it at ball games where there h2cxicLins love Ilu\+c~a, $tick onc in an)\chcrc.<br />

we ain't bee11 able to get the car ain't room fer everlbody; and<br />

-11 111a<br />

stopped, and that autolnobilcs hospitals must use it cause a ~ OShave<br />

choked the cities and ars pita1 with 100 beds and 120 paworking<br />

on the country, Fer in- tients has got t~ have somebody<br />

stance, we got theill bra;lcll up walking around all the time.<br />

banks, branch- stores, and what<br />

Yours truly,<br />

looks like whole towns outside of<br />

Geranium Joe<br />

Ground Help To Repel Invasion,'U.S. Advisors Wgrn<br />

,<br />

of their terms for a new coali.<br />

tion regime, Hanoi believes it<br />

can obtain an important strategic<br />

objective - the halt of U.S.<br />

bombing along the Ho Chi Minh<br />

Trail. The trail, a series of roads<br />

in eastern Laos, is now North<br />

Vietnam's main infiltration route<br />

into South Vietnam.<br />

Latest U.S. intelligence reports<br />

show that the North Vietnamese<br />

are hurting seriously f r o ln<br />

around-the-clock American a i r<br />

a saults against this vital suppfy<br />

route.<br />

A combination of improved intelligence,<br />

electronic sensing devices,<br />

and heavy B-52 attacks<br />

with gro\+ing accuracy has made<br />

the Ho Chi Minh Trail the most<br />

dangerous road in the world.<br />

% A halt of U.S. air attacks now ,<br />

wbuld greatly endanger Presldent<br />

Nixon's Vietnamization program,<br />

since it would give the<br />

North Vietnamese a new sanctuary<br />

froin which to attack South<br />

Vietnamese forces now tak~ng<br />

over the defense of Saigon.<br />

In s,izing up the prescnt military<br />

situation 011 the ground in<br />

Laos, the Joint Cfiicfs of Staff<br />

have told the Pre6ident that the<br />

6O.OUO-qdrr Rwpl Lagtian Ar wi<br />

is not considered much of a deter- in the second phase of their iiiilitant pro-Arab stand in the<br />

rent. spring offensive, will risk this Arab-Israeli conflict, but this is<br />

. The government's most effec- confrontation with Thailand is a the first time that Pakistani pilive<br />

fighting force - the 15,000- question now being debated by lots on any large scale have becn<br />

man clandestine armv" under President Nixon's advisers. permitted to join in the active<br />

Maj. Gen. Vang Pao, trained and<br />

supported by the Central Intelligence<br />

Agency - consisfs most1<br />

of guer~illas and' is not intend.<br />

ed to fisht a defensi~e war.<br />

Yet it is precisely this force<br />

which inans a major portion of<br />

the current government defense<br />

line in northern Laos, stretching<br />

in an arc over 90 miles froill Sala<br />

Phou Khoun located to the west<br />

of Muong Soul, to Tha Thou,<br />

southeast of the Plain of Jars.<br />

Thailand Is Ready ,<br />

President N i x o n, from all<br />

available evidence, has decided<br />

against co~nmitting American<br />

ground forces to Laos. But Thailand<br />

will, if asked to do so by<br />

the Laotian gokernment.<br />

The Thai government already<br />

has lnoc ed se~ era1 Jlgousand<br />

troops to near the Laot~an border.<br />

This coinbat force is being<br />

rcadicd to move into Laos on<br />

reguest, or if North Vietndlil<br />

trles to take the capital clty of<br />

Vien!iane<br />

Whether the North V~etgamece,<br />

The possibilily has caused the<br />

President to ask the Joint Chiefs<br />

of Staff for their recommendations<br />

on what lype of military<br />

help the U.S. should give' Thai<br />

forces if they become involved in<br />

the Laotian conflict.<br />

Pakistan's New Role<br />

Pakistan is increasing its role<br />

in the Middle East crisis.<br />

Pakistani pilots being sent to<br />

Jordan to train King Hussein's<br />

air force are being given permission<br />

to fly combat missions<br />

against Israel. In addition, volunteers<br />

for combat duty ,in Jordan<br />

are now being recru~ted from<br />

active service officers trained at<br />

Pakistan's milltary academy in<br />

Kakul and the Risalpur flying<br />

school.<br />

Although this arrangement<br />

with Jordan is now informal, it<br />

is expected to be formalitcd<br />

whcn King IIusscin visits Pakistani<br />

President Yahja I

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