Winners of the 2008 Biennial Design Awards - GSA

Winners of the 2008 Biennial Design Awards - GSA

Winners of the 2008 Biennial Design Awards - GSA


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Credits<br />

ArChiteCture The honorable Michael r. hogan Maria T. Ciprazo ArChiteCture Aaron reynolds Thomas ventker modernizAtion Stuart Braden Ahmet Tanyeri lAndsCApe ArChiteCture grAphiC design/signAge Jerry Abdie Bill zahner<br />

Libby Barber Monserrat Agleham Tony Nixon gilBAne Building CompAny Brian hall vdA kpFF Consulting engineers Jeff Mann<br />

Honor<br />

CitAtion<br />

u.s. distriCt Court<br />

CitAtion<br />

david Leites<br />

CitAtion<br />

CitAtion<br />

kpFF Consulting engineers<br />

Bruce hart<br />

Craig Long<br />

rene reider<br />

Shelita harper<br />

donna Walcavage<br />

Mark Tilbe<br />

w.i. CAssell & AssoCiAtes<br />

A. zAhner CompAny<br />

wAyne l. morse<br />

richard Broderick<br />

united stAtes port oF entry<br />

Melanie Norton<br />

Alan Locke robert Otani Byron rogers donnA wAlCAvAge lAndsCApe A.J. CeleBrezze wAyne l. morse murAse AssoCiAtes, inC.<br />

united stAtes Courthouse Pat Brunner rAYMONd, MONTANA Bronagh Walsh Arup united stAtes Courthouse Jim Snedegar ArChiteCture & urBAn design<br />

John Nolte<br />

FederAl Building plAzA united stAtes Courthouse Carl Neilson<br />


U.S. General Services<br />

Amy J. haugerud<br />

iBe Consulting engineers<br />

dENvEr, COLOrAdO<br />

Joelle Colliard<br />

Louis zarr<br />

CLEvELANd, OhIO<br />


Mike rau<br />

Administration Thomas Beeby Mark Bunnell<br />

david Gibson<br />

rosewAter engineering, inC.<br />

Steven Wise hArmon<br />

Thom Mayne<br />

Margaret haggerty<br />

northwest/ArCtiC region<br />

Craig Brandt Martha Schwartz Quennell rothsChild And pArtners Martha L. Bennett two twelve hArAkAwA Lucinda Sanders Michael reed<br />

kim Groves Mark Levi<br />

rhonda Pearlman<br />

Maria T. Ciprazo<br />

Gary Ainge Laura knosp Linda Wagner<br />

richard Newton<br />

debbie Shaw<br />

Chuck Foreman<br />

Maria Guest Gary rose karen Brandt Jennifer McFarland Bob Libby<br />

Monserrat Agleham<br />

hAmmond BeeBy rupert Ainge James Cogliano<br />

Gayle Carter<br />

olin<br />

mAyer/reed<br />

Bill hashman<br />

ArChiteCture<br />

Erich Torneden<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

r.A. heintges ArChiteCts<br />

rolF Jensen AssoCiAtes<br />

david Leites<br />

Ben damron ArChiteCts mArthA sChwArtz pArtners<br />

Patrick A. Johnson<br />

dwayne Nickerson<br />

pACiFiC rim region<br />

ConsultAnts<br />

Brian Ball<br />

Patrick Tighe<br />

richard Fleischman kim Groves Shelita harper<br />

Bennett wAgner & grody ArChiteCts<br />

Aaron Pine<br />

totAl meChAniCAl<br />

Honor Curtis Berg John keating Wade Walker riChArd FleisChmAn + pArtners Thom Mayne Melanie Norton<br />

Eui-Sung Yi<br />

John donohue<br />

AAron m. pine CCs ConstruCtion<br />

U.S. General Services<br />

linsCott lAw & greenspAn<br />

<strong>the</strong> rmh group<br />

kirk Gastinger<br />

ArChiteCts, inC. Morphosis John Nolte<br />

Caroline Barat<br />

Jeff hamilton<br />

sAn FrAnCisCo FederAl Building ArChiteCture BArton And loguidiCe, pC<br />

speCiFiCAtions<br />

Administration<br />

gAstinger wAlker hArden ArChiteCts<br />

Joelle Colliard<br />

Linda Chung<br />

dale Larson<br />


Lisa Smith<br />

mArtin/mArtin<br />

roCky mountAin region<br />

CitAtion<br />

Josh Berta<br />

dawn Melbourne The honorable Michael r. hogan Margaret haggerty Cherry City eleCtriC<br />

Ted kane<br />

Carrie haman<br />

Carol Watkins<br />

pentAgrAm<br />

wAlsh environmentAl<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w herman<br />

integrAted ConservAtion resourCes,<br />

u.s. distriCt Court<br />

Mark Levi<br />

Ung-Joo Scott Lee Thom Mayne raul Moreno ranay Jaspal Buro hAppold Gaetan Poulin<br />

inC.<br />

rolando Mendoza Tim Christ united stAtes Courthouse<br />

Gary rose<br />

ArChiteCture | on <strong>the</strong> BoArds Geraldine Barsotti John Wood e-CuBe ken hollingsworth<br />

Pat Brunner Mike Shannafelt<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

John Skillern Brandon Welling SPrINGFIELd, MASSAChUSETTS Joe Camp engle AssoCiAtes lighting John Nelson<br />

lime green design<br />

Jeff Greene<br />

Peter van dijk<br />

richard Broderick<br />

BeAuBois<br />

pACiFiC rim region<br />

Martin Summers<br />

CitAtion<br />

Linda Chung<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion ConsultAnts Glen Essink westlAke reed leskosky<br />

evergreene pAinting studios, inC.<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Moshe Safdie<br />

Alasdaie dixon<br />

Ben damron<br />

greAter southwest region<br />

AmBient energy kevin Livingston dick dixon<br />

northwest/ArCtiC region<br />

Warren Mathison united stAtes Courthouse herve descottes<br />

haseb Faqirzada Simon demeuse Pascal Jeambon<br />

mCds/pCl ConstruCtion kevin Santee Michael Shorr<br />

ConstruCtion exCellenCe Gary Curl<br />

Michael Guran l’oBservAtoire internAtionAl<br />

AUSTIN, TEXAS dwoyne keith<br />

Marty doscher<br />

John Bland rico Liu Mike Thomas pendAnt pArtners western pArtitions<br />

david honn Mike Ghazzaoui Barbara kalish Curtis Berg sustAinABility Honor AwArd<br />

Laura McAlpine<br />

rolando Mendoza<br />

david Orens<br />

mACk sCogin merrill elAm<br />

Cindy Jackson kiley<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Cervin robinson<br />

Pae White<br />

Jerry kordon<br />

Gerardo Mingo Eui-Sung Yi Gayle Shuster kim Bailey<br />

ArChiteCts<br />

deann Findley Salazar<br />

Artist<br />

howard Bloom Cervin roBinson<br />

CitAtion<br />

oFFiCe oF design And ConstruCtion rod Sprinkle<br />

Sohith Perera<br />

Caroline Barat<br />

ken N. Chin Chris Lewis khara Brickey wAyne l. morse<br />

robert Elfer ArChiteCturAl engineers Thomas king Matt repasky CArr ConstruCtion<br />

Nadine quirmbach<br />

Gerald Bodziak<br />

danny Crowder kathie davenport howard Brandston<br />

united stAtes Courthouse<br />

Barbara Fernandez<br />

CollABorAtive<br />

desmAn AssoCiAtes<br />

sAn FrAnCisCo FederAl Building<br />

Michaela Shippl<br />

Crister Cantrell<br />

Patricia Wright u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

ArChiteCture | on <strong>the</strong> BoArds<br />

Joan Wissbaum BrAndston pArtnership, inC.. EUGENE, OrEGON The honorable Michael r. hogan<br />

virginie Stanley<br />


Natalia Traverso Caruana<br />

delphine Clemenson<br />

pAgesou<strong>the</strong>rlAndpAge, llp Joan ryan roCky mountAin region u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Libby Barber<br />

Jane zimmerman CitAtion Charlotte Cohen robert heintges<br />

robert Tucci<br />

Fred Shipman<br />

morphosis Todd Curley <strong>the</strong> heArtlAnd region Bedell tuCCi Thom Mayne u.s. distriCt Court<br />

Jean Wang<br />

Center For mAximum potentiAl<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

r.A. heintges ArChiteCts<br />

Gail Wikstrom<br />

Alasdair dixon<br />

Tim Christ<br />

Jon Pettit moshe sAFdie And AssoCiAtes Building systems<br />

modernizAtion<br />

u.s. lAnd port oF entry<br />

nor<strong>the</strong>Ast And CAriBBeAn region<br />

Greg Segal ConsultAnts Alan halleck<br />

Eve hinman richard Broderick<br />

haseb Faqirzada<br />

Brandon Welling<br />

Bill Buursma<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Bruce Budzik<br />

hinmAn Consulting engineers<br />

Pat Brunner<br />

Chris Fenton Sol LeWitt hArgreAves AssoCiAtes WArrOAd, MINNESOTA CitAtion<br />

Tod rittenhouse<br />

Linda Chung<br />

kent Larson<br />

oFFiCe oF design And ConstruCtion<br />

Cooper denson<br />

Peter Gray<br />

Arthur de Ganay Ann Brauer kroll seCurity serviCes group weidlinger AssoCiAtes inC. Ben damron<br />

Jim Conley<br />

Julie Snow leAse ConstruCtion John kennedy ron Schlegel Chris helmer<br />

dwoyne keith<br />

Artists<br />

riChArd Bolling<br />

Simon demeuse<br />

Jason Wandersee<br />

Connie Lindor<br />

proJeCt Consulting serviCes<br />

Nick Francis<br />

lAm pArtners, inC. donald Murphy<br />

Sohith Perera<br />

CitAtion FederAl Building preservAtion khaled T. husein Marty doscher<br />

Steve hubbs<br />

Ian Conley<br />

weidliner AssoCiAtes, inC.<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w kreilich<br />

urs ConstruCtion CorporAtion<br />

kristine Solberg<br />


Steve Thompson<br />

ron Feist<br />

shen milsom And wilke rolando Mendoza<br />

dlr group<br />

Tyson McElvain Honor AwArd Ann Young Chuck koval<br />

Natalia Traverso Caruana<br />

Cosentini AssoCiAtes, inC.<br />

united stAtes Courthouse<br />

hinmAn Consulting engineers<br />

Julie snow ArChiteCts, inC.<br />

ken N. Chin<br />

Bill West<br />

Eui-Sung Yi<br />

Aaron rowe<br />

Frank krawczyk<br />

Gaafar Gaafar morphosis ALPINE, TEXAS Michael heule<br />

diCk CorporAtion<br />

Linda Peters<br />

Caroline Barat<br />

hAley & AldriCh, inC.<br />

Erica Muhlenbruch Mike Wold<br />

lerCh, BAtes & AssoCiAtes<br />

Shane Coen<br />

united stAtes post oFFiCe Mike Nuernberger<br />

Matt dolan<br />

Gerlad Bodziak<br />

Carl roehling Lawrence Speck Linda Glazier<br />

Alan Berman<br />

And Courthouse<br />

Frank Cirnski david Black Cheri Sayer<br />

kpFF<br />

vAnAsse hAngen Brustlin, inC.<br />

Coen + pArtners<br />

rolF Jensen AssoCiAtes<br />

Andy Baxter Mohammed Abdulghani Crister Cantrell<br />

Carl Christiansen kristine Su<strong>the</strong>rlin gArrett And AssoCiAtes<br />

Matt Jones<br />

BrOOkLYN, NEW YOrk<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

delphine Clemenson<br />

Alan Locke Jon Gherga rolF Jensen And AssoCiAtes, inC.<br />

CurtAinwAll design ConsultAnts Thomas O. Parker Brian roeder dale duncan<br />

Miriam Lopez Craig vandervorste northwest/ArCtiC region<br />

Belinda Wong JACoBs daniel Brooks helix ArChiteCture + design robert kliment Francis Cashman Jeffrey Wilson Todd Curley<br />

Leo Emerson<br />

iBe Consulting engineers<br />

opx<br />

wilson Consulting, inC.<br />

Alasdair dixon<br />

smith group<br />

ArChiteCturAl ConCrete AssoCiAtes pAgesou<strong>the</strong>rlAndpAge, llp Frances halsband Boris rojas Jack Siskonic<br />

Steve Straus<br />

dewhurst, mACFArlAne<br />

daniel Murphy Chris dring Michael Nieminen Enrico Caruso<br />

haseb Faqirzada<br />

heery internAtionAl<br />

Christopher Mourgelas<br />

Sherrie hopper<br />

glumAC internAtionAl James Turrell And pArtners meyer BorgmAn And Johnson, inC. Brent redus kay Young richard L. McElhiney Michael Weippert Chris Fenton<br />

Sean Foster<br />

Ed ruscha JACoBs FACilities, inC. Craig Williams<br />

Gary Walker<br />

young & dring karl Lehrke u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Arthur de Ganay<br />

mCguFFey hill roger Wiger<br />

richard haag<br />

Chuck Wojack Jason Gerl<strong>of</strong>f<br />

rupert Garcia<br />

AmelAng pArtners, inC. dalvine Charlton nor<strong>the</strong>Ast And CAriBBeAn region<br />

morphosis<br />

white ConstruCtion CompAny Bob Tabb<br />

riChArd hAAg AssoCiAtes seBestA BlomBerg & AssoCiAtes, inC. Paul Totten Bobbie Tyler<br />

hung Liu ACenteCh<br />

kliment hAlsBAnd ArChiteCts<br />

Je dunn ConstruCtion northwest<br />

Javier Franco<br />

simpson gumpertz & heger<br />

Gerald deptolla Steve Carter<br />

Teal Brogden<br />

raymond Saunders kroll dale Sherman Michael Goldsmith w.g. yAtes & sons ConstruCtion George Giankopoulos Art in ArChiteCture ronald Snow Bruce Gibbons<br />

Thom Mayne<br />

hea<strong>the</strong>r Libonati<br />

William Wiley Lisa Byrd gloBAl deFense solutions CompAny William Carrison<br />

Michael Finn<br />

Steve ratchye<br />

Artists<br />

Brown sArdinA, inC.<br />

wAnk AdAms slAvin AssoCiAtes<br />

horton lees Brogden<br />

roger Curtis<br />

kim Groves<br />

rti ConsultAnts<br />

Honor AwArd<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion John Pidgeon robert Theel<br />

Erin McConahey<br />

ruben Martinez<br />

Maria Guest<br />

sBld studio<br />

Steve Carter<br />

William Bellman<br />

hAnsComB FAithFul & gould<br />

Lew harriman<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion Chuan do<br />

robert Schmidt greAter southwest region kirk Marchand En damron<br />

Bovis lend leAse wAyne l. morse greAt lAkes region Edwin Shlemon<br />

mCkAy ConAnt Brook Bruce Gibbons newComB & Boyd<br />

wAlter p. moore & AssoCiAtes, inC.<br />

mAson grAnt Consulting<br />

Patrick Tighe<br />

united stAtes Courthouse<br />

Steve ratchye david Insinga dana Pionke<br />

rick Lasser<br />

puBliC ArChAeology lABorAtory<br />

James Standish<br />

Eui-Sung Yi<br />

Eve hinman<br />

Erin McConahey<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion donald Melcher Jim Gray Tony Miester<br />


Edmond Yang<br />

wsp FlACk + kurtz<br />

grAphiC design<br />

Caroline Barat<br />

Joyce Engebretsen Chaun do tree speCiAlists, inC. oFFiCe oF design And ConstruCtion Chenise Whitehead riAlto studio don Birchler<br />

Morad Pajouhan<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w ritchie<br />

Linda Chung<br />

hinmAn Consulting engineering Edwin Shlemon Eduardo Libuano Fp&C ConsultAnts Cawsie Jijina<br />

kAlin AssoCiAtes<br />

Cris Bruch CitAtion Tad Takamatsu<br />

Ted kane<br />

rick Lasser u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion Jody Warden Boatman severud AssoCiAtes Atila zekioglu<br />

Cy humphries roll BArresi & AssoCiAtes ArChiteCture | on <strong>the</strong> BoArds greAt lAkes region ingersoll rAnd seCurity Brad Feeler kristin Timken Ung-Joo Scott Lee<br />

Edmond Yang<br />

Allen roth Tim hinrichs Sean healy Art in ArChiteCture Book Bruce Mckinlay<br />

Mary roberts<br />

rolando Mendoza<br />

teChnologies<br />

Morad Pajouhan rAlston Consulting CitAtion<br />

Artists WAShINGTON, dC vahik davoudi<br />

John Skillern<br />

AltA Consulting serviCes ron Shaffer vollmer AssoCiAtes, llp<br />

Tad Takamatsu<br />

Arup<br />

ArChiteCture | on <strong>the</strong> BoArds Chris Cooper<br />

ingersoll rAnd seCurity<br />

kingston environmentAl serviCes<br />

Martin Summers<br />

Judith A. Cox<br />

Steve Mikkelsen Atila zekioglu u.s. lAnd port oF entry Chris Cooper photogrAphy Peter Edinger Thom Mayne<br />

Carl roehling<br />

Alasdair dixon<br />

teChnologies<br />

lerCh BAtes oF north AmeriCA Bruce Mckinlay<br />

dONNA, TEXAS CitAtion Shaun klann mueser rutledge Consulting kim Groves Ann hamilton<br />

haseb Faqirzada<br />

vahik davoudi Jsg elevAtor ConsultAnts The honorable robert A. Junell teng engineers<br />

morphosis Cox & AssoCiAtes, inC. Carl Christiansen<br />

Jon Gherga<br />

dwoyne keith<br />

Michael reed Arup Craig hodgetts u.s. lAnd port oF entry The honorable durwood Edwards<br />

Carol highsmith smith group Laura McAlpine<br />

debbie Shaw The honorable Michael A. Ponsor hsinming Fung MASSENA, NEW YOrk Barry knight Jason kilgore Paul reimer Jim Conley<br />

mAyer/reed lAwrenCe Berkeley u.s. distriCt Court Brian kentworthy Sonia hogegland leigh & o’kAne engineers hAnsComB FAithFul & gould dlr group CArol highsmith photogrAphy inC. Gerardo Mingo<br />

hunt ConstruCtion<br />

Sohith Perera<br />

nAtionAl lABorAtory<br />

hodgetts + Fung design And Laurie hawkinson u.s. distriCt Court<br />

david hudd<br />

Thomas Mailander<br />

Michael Griffin Walter Sobel Alan halleck Edward Friel Nadine quirmbach<br />

ArChiteCture<br />

henry Smith-Miller<br />

Greg helle<br />

riChArd hAAg AssoCiAtes inC.<br />

Je dunn ConstruCtion northwest s&s grAphiCs, inC. (printing)<br />

dAvis lAngdon<br />

Steven Mastroyin<br />

Starling keene daphne hadley ABs Consulting wAlter h. soBel & AssoCiAtes Jarrad Mock Michaela Schippi<br />

with J.J.r<br />

Frank Saviano dan Sharp<br />

Eric Tuazon<br />

Sean A. Gallagher Eric Janovsky<br />

Joseph Gannon henry Uhlig The honorable Michael r. hogan Thomas Grooms ABsher ConstruCtion CompAny Natalia Traverso Caruana<br />

BriAn kAngAs Foulk Philip Burdick<br />

Ginger McFadden morphosis<br />

kara hanson Judy Gale robertson<br />

tuAzon engineering<br />

dan Brown entek environment & teChniCAl u.s. distriCt Court Susan harrison<br />

Carl Fletcher Jason Beal Stacie Sheeley<br />

Scott vollmoeller<br />

geomAtrix<br />

Nadine Berger<br />

Javier Balma<br />

serviCes, inC.<br />

Nicole Avila<br />

Peter Menzies<br />

pdg ArChiteCts<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

B. Story Swett<br />

glumAC internAtionAl<br />

Jon Pettit<br />

Fred Shipman Luben dimcheff Cliff Greenlief William Caine Bill Buursma<br />

Gail Wikstrom horton lees Brogden lighting u.s generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Nick Butcher Lauren zucker greAter southwest region<br />

ray Blackwell Patrick Brunner u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

ken Conrad<br />

Jeff Cole kent Larson<br />

design, inC.<br />

new . englAnd region<br />

Alan halleck<br />

Yong roh kroll sChiFF & AssoCiAtes richard Broderick<br />

oFFiCe oF design And ConstruCtion<br />

dAvis lAngdon konstrukt<br />

Gianne Conard Ge<strong>of</strong>frey hose<br />

Jim Conley<br />

u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

Jeff Taucher kAte keAting AssoCiAtes Seila reviriego u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion wAlter p. moore & AssoCiAtes, inC. howard Brandston Jason Wandersee<br />

northwest/ArCtiC region<br />

Je dunn ConstruCtion northwest<br />

Tom Gsell Lindsay Smith<br />

hunt ConstruCtion group<br />

oFFiCe oF design And ConstruCtion BrAndston pArtnership, inC.<br />

dlr group<br />

douglas Conlon smith-miller + hAwkinson, llp William Caine<br />

diCk CorporAtion/morgAnti Nikhil kalghatgi John Longman u.s. generAl serviCes AdministrAtion<br />

54 generAl ContrACtors John Gavan CerAmi & AssoCiAtes, inC. oFFiCe oF design And ConstruCtion<br />


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