1903 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

1903 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

1903 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


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( 114 )<br />

N.<br />

Junks flying Foreign Flags.<br />


HoNGKONG, 24th June, <strong>1903</strong>.<br />

SIR,-With reference to your letter (No. 881) o£ 21st April, 1902<br />

on the subject <strong>of</strong> tlw protection affor(h•d Jnnk Owner~ by their sailing<br />

under foreign flags in onlr to e~eape paymrnt <strong>of</strong> a tax callehtnted n t the Honal·on Ob - or m arnmgs to be<br />

>:::- ~ g · ~(:'tTatory on the l' ' f<br />

report snbmittc•cl in my letter c f th 19tl J mes me tea tell in the<br />

' 0 1 anuary la:;t.<br />

I would beg to rrmind yom that in l<br />

last you 5tatf'll that Hi:< Exc 11 . your e~ter <strong>of</strong> the 27th September<br />

d . . e enc; was anxwu~ t .<br />

ma e m the existing :-;ntem <strong>of</strong> St . \V ·.. :-s o see Improvements<br />

therefore venture to ho];C that . t. ort~n atnmgs, and my Committee<br />

. , ms I uc lon::; have ·ll ·e d b .<br />

e carrymg out <strong>of</strong> the sng t l . , , r a y een giVen for<br />

th . I . ges f'( Improvements b th Ob<br />

w<br />

h<br />

tc 1 as a mattPr <strong>of</strong> fnct<br />

-•• wa,<br />

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pnmanl<br />

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t bl' h<br />

Y<br />

d<br />

e servatory<br />

ant.! safety <strong>of</strong> shipping. ' Y 0 ~ a rs e for the benefit<br />

t] I am al~o to point out th a t th', 1" rs . a matter <strong>of</strong> · ·<br />

1e near approach <strong>of</strong> the b·ph _, urgency m vrew <strong>of</strong><br />

J oon ::.eason.-I have &c<br />

' .,<br />

A. R. LOWE Sa t<br />

H<br />

onom·abk F. H. MAY cM(' C 1 . 1 S , ,ere ary.<br />

• • • T,, o oma ecretarJ.<br />


HoNGKOSG, 2!ith .June, <strong>1903</strong>.<br />

SIR,-In rPply to your lttr <strong>of</strong> thr. 2-J.th in,.;tant, I am directed to<br />

in£orm you that as the re~nlt <strong>of</strong> corrrsp01nlrnce with tlw Accretary <strong>of</strong> State<br />

Eor the ( ~Jloni e ,; the conr,.:P which thi~ UoYPrnmrnt ha" been pursuing<br />

for a considerable time pa:

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