1903 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

1903 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

1903 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


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( 124 )<br />

R<br />

In connection with tit(' abow nomination. l heg to hand you the<br />

following paper;; :-<br />

1. A copy <strong>of</strong> the notice convening the meeting.<br />

2. A list <strong>of</strong> the Members present who recorded their votes.<br />

3. 'l'he names <strong>of</strong> the Candidates and those <strong>of</strong> their proposers<br />

and seconders.- ! have, &c.,<br />

A. R. LOWE, Secretary.<br />

Honourable F. H. lVIAY, c.M.G., Uolonial Secretary.<br />

Notice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hougkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

A Special <strong>General</strong> Met'ting <strong>of</strong> the Members will be held on<br />

W ednesday, 12th August, <strong>1903</strong>, at 3.30 p.m. in the ChambC'r Room,<br />

City Hall, to nominate a Member <strong>of</strong> tht> UhamLer to take the place io<br />

Legislative Council <strong>of</strong> the Hon. RoBERT SHEWAN, who has !wen gmnted<br />

a year's leave <strong>of</strong> absence.<br />

Notice in writing <strong>of</strong> the names <strong>of</strong> Candidates, and <strong>of</strong> their Proposert::<br />

and Seconders, to be louged with the Secretary at least 48 hours before<br />

the time appointed for holding the <strong>General</strong> Meeting.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 6th August, <strong>1903</strong>.<br />

By order,<br />

A. R. L owE, Secretary.<br />

Names <strong>of</strong> the Candidate~ and <strong>of</strong> their Proposers and Seconders.<br />

Mr. D. R. LAW proposed<br />

Mr. N. A. SIEDS t::econded<br />

Mr. J. H. LEWIS proposed<br />

Mr. E. W. MITCHELL seconded<br />

---<br />

Mr. H. E . POLLOCK, K.C.<br />

Mr. E. A. HEWET(l'.<br />

Result <strong>of</strong> the Ballot:-<br />

Votes.<br />

Mr. H. E. PoLLOCK, K.c., . ..................... 63<br />

J\1r. E. A. HEWETT, .............................. 54<br />

Majority for H. E. PoLLOCK, ...... 9<br />

( 125<br />

R<br />

List <strong>of</strong> ;Member:; pre,;cnt who recorded their Votes.<br />

Me mbn·~. RI!Jn·e.~enlatit·l! .<br />

F('rd. Bumemann, ... .............................. H. Schumacher.<br />

P. B rewitt, ... ....................................... Paul Brewitt.<br />

'V m. Danby, .......................................\'i'nL Danby.<br />

D. ~. DaJy Burjor, ............................... D. S. DaJy Burjor.<br />

Fnng vVa ..................................... .... E. l{auoorie.<br />

G. P. Lammert. ..................................... G. P. Lammert.<br />

A. R. Marty, ....................................... A. B. JYiarty.<br />

.J. H. iVIichal.. ......................................J. H. 1\!ichad.<br />

H. ~1. H. N emazee, ............................... H. M. H. N mazee.<br />

Dr .. J. vV. Noble, .................................. Dr ..]. \Y. Noble.<br />

H. E. Pollock. K.c., ............................... H: E. Pollock, K.C.<br />

PJ. (', RaY, ..................... ..................... E. l ~ . Ray.<br />

M .. S. Sassoon, ..................................... lVI. S. Sa~:;oon.<br />

(1-. C. Moxon, ......................... .............. G. C. Moxon.<br />

A. V. Apcar & Co, .....·............................ A. V. A pear.<br />

Amhold, Karberg & Co., ......................... E. Goetz.<br />

\V. S. Bailey & Co., .............................. w·. S. Baile.'·.<br />

Banker & Co, ................... .................... Geo. Banket·.<br />

Benjamin, K elly & Potts, ........................ P. C. P otts.<br />

F. Blackhead & Co., ............................... K. Stockhau:;en.<br />

Bradley & Co., ..................................... A. Macgowan.<br />

Butterfi('ld & Swire, ............................... D. H.. Law.<br />

Caldbe & Co., ........................ S. D. Setna.<br />

S. J. Da,·id & Uo., .. ........ ....................... 0. I. Elli:;.<br />

Deaeon & HaRting:;, ............................... J. Hasting:::.<br />

Dcnny,; & Dowley, .................... ............. F. B. L. Bowley.<br />

Gilman & Co., ....................................... H. \V. Slade.<br />

Gro:::snwn & Co., .................................... A. Finke.<br />

H otz .s'.Jacob & Co., ......................... ...... G . Brus~e.<br />

Hn g hC'~ & H ough, ................................. T. F. Houglt.

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