Package 'WGCNA' - Laboratory Web Sites - UCLA

Package 'WGCNA' - Laboratory Web Sites - UCLA

Package 'WGCNA' - Laboratory Web Sites - UCLA


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16 blockwiseConsensusModules<br />

minCoreKME a number between 0 and 1. If a detected module does not have at least minModuleKMESize<br />

genes with eigengene connectivity at least minCoreKME, the module is disbanded<br />

(its genes are unlabeled and returned to the pool of genes waiting for<br />

mofule detection).<br />

minCoreKMESize<br />

see minCoreKME above.<br />

minKMEtoStay genes whose eigengene connectivity to their module eigengene is lower than<br />

minKMEtoStay are removed from the module.<br />

reassignThresholdPS<br />

per-set p-value ratio threshold for reassigning genes between modules. See Details.<br />

mergeCutHeight<br />

dendrogram cut height for module merging.<br />

impute logical: should imputation be used for module eigengene calculation See<br />

moduleEigengenes for more details.<br />

getTOMs<br />

deprecated, please use saveTOMs below.<br />

saveTOMs logical: should the consensus topological overlap matrices for each block be<br />

saved and returned<br />

saveTOMFileBase<br />

character string containing the file name base for files containing the consensus<br />

topological overlaps. The full file names have "block.1.RData", "block.2.RData"<br />

etc. appended. These files are standard R data files and can be loaded using the<br />

load function.<br />

getTOMScalingSamples<br />

logical: should samples used for TOM scaling be saved for future analysis This<br />

option is only available when sampleForScaling is TRUE.<br />

trapErrors<br />

logical: should errors in calculations be trapped<br />

checkPower logical: should basic sanity check be performed on the supplied power If you<br />

would like to experiment with unusual powers, set the argument to FALSE and<br />

proceed with caution.<br />

numericLabels<br />

logical: should the returned modules be labeled by colors (FALSE), or by numbers<br />

(TRUE)<br />

checkMissingData<br />

logical: should data be checked for excessive numbers of missing entries in<br />

genes and samples, and for genes with zero variance See details.<br />

Details<br />

verbose<br />

indent<br />

integer level of verbosity. Zero means silent, higher values make the output<br />

progressively more and more verbose.<br />

indentation for diagnostic messages. Zero means no indentation, each unit adds<br />

two spaces.<br />

The function starts by optionally filtering out samples that have too many missing entries and genes<br />

that have either too many missing entries or zero variance in at least one set. Genes that are filtered<br />

out are left unassigned by the module detection. Returned eigengenes will contain NA in entries<br />

corresponding to filtered-out samples.<br />

If blocks is not given and the number of genes exceeds \maxBlockSize, genes are preclustered<br />

into blocks using the function consensusProjectiveKMeans; otherwise all genes<br />

are treated in a single block.

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