Wiemer Salverda June 2009 A. Education ... - AIAS

Wiemer Salverda June 2009 A. Education ... - AIAS

Wiemer Salverda June 2009 A. Education ... - AIAS


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<strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

FULL CV with publications<br />

1947 Born in Amersfoort, Netherlands<br />

Amsterdam Institute for Advanced<br />

Labour Studies, and Faculty of<br />

Economics and Business<br />

University of Amsterdam<br />

Plantage Muidergracht 12<br />

1018 TV Amsterdam, Netherlands<br />

tel.: 00 31 20 525 4123<br />

fax: 00 31 20 525 4301<br />

email: w.salverda@uva.nl<br />

websites: www.uva-aias.net and<br />

www.uva-aias.net/lower<br />

A. <strong>Education</strong>........................................................................................................................... 2<br />

B. Overview of Activities.......................................................................................................3<br />

B.1 Jobs .......................................................................................................................... 3<br />

B.2 Other Positions ........................................................................................................ 3<br />

B.3 Activities Related to Research................................................................................. 4<br />

C. Recent Publications (since 1996) .................................................................................... 12<br />

C.1 Journal Articles and Issues, and Book Reviews.................................................... 12<br />

C.2 Edited Books and Journal Issues ........................................................................... 14<br />

C.3 Book Chapters ....................................................................................................... 16<br />

C.4 Reports (including contributions) and Working Papers ........................................ 22<br />

C.5 In the Pipeline and on the Wish List ..................................................................... 25<br />

C.6 Miscellaneous: Newspapers etc............................................................................. 26<br />

D. Publications before 1996................................................................................................ 27<br />

D.1 Journal Articles and Contributions....................................................................... 27<br />

D.2 Books, Book-editing, Chapters in Books and Reports......................................... 28<br />

D.3 Research Reports Projectgroep Economie Groningen, supervised and co-edited<br />

(1976-1995).................................................................................................................. 30<br />

D.4 Miscellaneous: Newspapers etc. .......................................................................... 31

A. <strong>Education</strong><br />

___________________________________________<br />

2<br />

1992 Doctorate in Economics, University of Groningen; thesis Youth unemployment: Dynamics<br />

of the Dutch Labour Market 1955-1988<br />

1974 Second Degree ('doctorandus' ≈ Master's) in Economics (cum laude), including social and<br />

economic history and sociology, Free University, Amsterdam<br />

1972- Father of 1 (1972), 2 (1974), 3 (1977) children<br />

1970 First Degree ('kandidaats', after 2 years) in Economics, Free University Amsterdam<br />

Free University, Amsterdam<br />

1968 First Degree ('kandidaats', after 2½ years) in Physics and Mathematics with Astronomy,<br />

Free University, Amsterdam<br />

1965 Finals highest level secondary education ('gymnasium-ß'), Arnhem

B. Overview of Activities<br />

___________________________________________<br />

3<br />

B.1 Jobs<br />

2000– Managing Director and Director of European Labour Market Studies of the Amsterdam<br />

Institute for Advanced Labour Studies <strong>AIAS</strong>, University of Amsterdam<br />

1996–2000 Research Manager of the Centre for Development Studies CDS, University of Groningen<br />

1976–1995 University Teacher (≈ lecturer), mostly on labour-market issues, Faculty of Economics,<br />

department of General Economics, University of Groningen: Supervisor of Projectgroep<br />

Economie Groningen (Student research groups of one or two-year durations)<br />

1972–1975 Graduate Assistant at the Institute for the Science of Adult <strong>Education</strong>, University of<br />

Amsterdam<br />

B.2 Other Positions<br />

<strong>2009</strong>– Project Co-ordinator of Growing Inequalities’ Impacts GINI research project funded by<br />

the European Union in Seventh Framework Programme [k€ 2700]<br />

2008– Member of Participants Council (Deelnemersraad) of ABP Pension Fund, representing<br />

the FNV/ACOP federation of public-sector unions<br />

2005– Member and Chair (<strong>2009</strong>–) of the Governing Council EQUALSOC Network of Excellence<br />

[www.equalsoc.org/]<br />

2004–2008 Co-ordinator of the European Research Network on Low-wage Employment LoWER,<br />

funded by the European Union in Sixth Framework Programme with a focus on The<br />

Insecure Perspectives of the Low Skilled in the Knowledge Society [k€ 760]<br />

[www.uva-aias.net/lower]<br />

2004–2008 Project Co-ordinator of the Dutch part of the research project Low Wage Employment,<br />

Opportunity in the Workplace in Europe and the USA, funded by the Russell Sage<br />

Foundation, New York [k€ 286]<br />

2003– Chair of Supervisory Board of Wage Indicator Foundation (Stichting Loonwijzer),<br />

Amsterdam<br />

[www.wageindicator.org/main/]]<br />

2002–2006 Local Co-ordinator Fifth Framework Research Project Epicurus: Societal and Economic<br />

Effects on Quality of Life and Well-being: Preference Identification and Priority Setting<br />

in Response to Changes in Labour Market Status<br />

[www.abdn.ac.uk/epicurus/] [k€ 209]<br />

2001–2003 Project Co-ordinator (together with Ronald Schettkat, Utrecht University) of the Fifth

4<br />

Framework research project DEMPATEM: Demand Patterns and Employment Growth:<br />

Consumption and Services in France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, the<br />

United Kingdom and the United States<br />

[www.uva-aias.net/28] [k€ 670]<br />

2000–2001 Project Co-ordinator An Analysis of Wages and Job Quality in the European Union – The<br />

European-American Employment Gap, Wage Inequality, Earnings Mobility and Skill: A<br />

study for France, Germany, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom and the United States,<br />

Study for the European Commission DG5<br />

[www.uva-aias.net/27] [k€ 190]<br />

2000–2003 Co-ordinator of the European Research Network on Low-wage Employment LoWER,<br />

funded by the European Union in Fifth Framework Programme with a focus on Can<br />

Improving Low-Skilled Consumer Services Jobs Help European Job Growth<br />

[www.uva-aias.net/lower] [k€ 517]<br />

1996–1998 Initiator and Co-ordinator of the European Research Network on Low-wage Employment<br />

LoWER, funded by the European Union through the TSER-programme<br />

[www.uva-aias.net/lower] [k€ 300]<br />

1995 Co-organiser SISWO-conference on Full-filling employment, Co-editor of corresponding<br />

book<br />

1994–1997 Member Workplace Committee of the Faculties of Economics and of Spatial Sciences,<br />

University of Groningen<br />

1991–1995 European Co-ordinator ERASMUS Intensive Programme "Quadrilateral Seminar" of the<br />

Groningen Faculty of Economics with the sister faculties of the Universities of Göttingen<br />

(DE), Marseille/Aix-en-Provence-III (FR) and Perugia (IT)<br />

1984–1988 Chairman of the Combined trade unions' delegation to the Consultation Council<br />

(Georganiseerd Overleg), University of Groningen<br />

1984–1988 Chairman of the University of Groningen Committee of Science Shops<br />

1983–1988 Chairman of AbvaKabo (FNV Civil servants union) at University of Groningen<br />

1976–1984 Instructor of economics for cadres of the FNV Union for the manufacturing industry<br />

1976–2005 Co-founder and Editor, later Chairman of the Editorial Board and the Management Team<br />

of Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie (Journal of Political Economy)<br />

B.3 Activities Related to Research<br />

B.3.1 Activities Organised for the European Research Network on Low-wage Employment<br />

LoWER (in cooperation with local organisers)

5<br />

3rd phase LoWER3 2004–2008<br />

· Co-editor (with Brian Nolan and Timothy Smeeding) of the Oxford Handbook of Economic<br />

Inequality, Oxford University Press, <strong>2009</strong><br />

. Co-editor (with Ken Mayhew) of the special issue commemorating Andrew Glyn “Capitalism and<br />

Inequality” of Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 25, forthcoming <strong>2009</strong><br />

. Co-editor (with Antje Mertens and Thomas Zwick) of the special issue “Training and Job<br />

Insecurity” of LABOUR, Volume 23, S1, March <strong>2009</strong><br />

. Co-editor (with Mary Gregory) of the special issue “Women and Work” of Oxford Economic<br />

Papers, Volume 61, S1, April <strong>2009</strong><br />

· EQUALSOC–LoWER Policy dissemination workshop, European Commission DG’s ESA en<br />

Research, Brussels, February <strong>2009</strong><br />

· (with Ronald Schettkat and Daphne Nicolitsas), LoWER Conference Institutions, Markets and<br />

European Unemployment Revisited: What Have We Learned, University of Amsterdam, April<br />

2008<br />

· (with Antje Mertens and Thomas Zwick) LoWER Workshop Job Insecurity and Training, Berlin<br />

School of Economics, March 2008<br />

· (with Brian Nolan and Timothy Smeeding) LoWER / EQUALSOC Conference Economic<br />

Inequality, Seville, September 2007<br />

· (with Mary Gregory and Ioannis Theodossiou) LoWER Conference What works for Women,<br />

Volos, September 2007<br />

· LoWER Workshop Migration, London School of Economics, London, April 2007<br />

· (with Stephen Bazen) LoWER Workshop Mobility, Université de Savoie, Annecy, December<br />

2006<br />

· (with Niels Westergård-Nielsen) LoWER 2006 Annual Conference, Århus School of Business,<br />

Sandbjerg, April 2006<br />

· (with Irena Kotowska) Workshop, Warsaw School of Economics, November 2005<br />

· (with Thomas Zwick) LoWER 2005 Annual Conference, Zentrum für Europäische<br />

Wirtschaftsforschung ZEW, Mannheim, April 2005<br />

· (with Jo Blanden) LoWER Workshop, Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE, London,<br />

February 2005<br />

· (with Anu Laas) LoWER Kick-off meeting, University of Tartu, Estonia, July 2004<br />

2nd phase LoWER2 2000–2004<br />

· Co-editor (with Mary Gregory and Ronald Schettkat) of Services and Employment Explaining the<br />

U.S.-European Gap, Princeton UP, 2007

6<br />

· Co-editor (with Claudio Lucifora and Stephen Bazen) of Job Quality and Employer Behaviour in<br />

the Service Sector, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005<br />

· Co-editor (with Ive Marx) of Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement,<br />

ACCO, Leuven, 2004<br />

· Co-editor (with Rita Asplund) of the special issue “Company Training and Services with a Focus<br />

on Low Skills”, International Journal of Manpower (see below)<br />

· Conference Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement, LoWER2<br />

Dissemination Conference, Centre for Social Policy, UFSIA, 27 May 2004, Antwerp (in cooperation<br />

with Ive Marx)<br />

· Conference LoWER Scientific Conference 2004, London, Centre for Economic Performance CEP<br />

and Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion CASE at the LSE, 23–24 April 2004 (in co-operation<br />

with Stephen Machin, Abigail McKnight and Jonathan Wadsworth)<br />

· Seminar Employer Behaviour in Low-wage Labour Markets, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux,<br />

14-15 November (in co-operation with Stephen Bazen and Claudio Lucifora)<br />

· Conference Demand Patterns and Employment Growth in Europe and the United States:<br />

Consumer Demand, Production Structure and Employment, Occidental Hotel, Seville, 17–18<br />

October 2003 (in co-operation with Ronald Schettkat)<br />

· Conference Consumption and Employment in the US and Europe, Amsterdam Institute for<br />

Advanced Labour Studies, 25–26 April 2003 (in co-operation with Ronald Schettkat and Adriaan<br />

Kalwij)<br />

· Seminar Job Quality and Employer Behaviour, Università Cattolica Milano, 14-15 March 2003 (in<br />

co-operation with Claudio Lucifora and Stephen Bazen)<br />

· Conference Adapting <strong>Education</strong> and Training for the Enhancement of Low-Skilled Jobs, Research<br />

Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA, Helsinki, 24–25 May 2002 (in co-operation with Rita<br />

Asplund, Gerard Hughes, Thomas Zwick and Andries de Grip)<br />

· Seminar Adapting <strong>Education</strong> and Training, ESRI, Dublin, and ZEW, Mannheim, 30–31 March and<br />

28 May 2001 (in co-operation with Gerard Hughes)<br />

· Conference Combining Work, Home and <strong>Education</strong>, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 26–27<br />

October 2001 (in co-operation with Ana Rute Cardoso, Abigail McKnight, Ive Marx and<br />

Jonathan Wadsworth)<br />

· Conference The Role of Mobility for Low and High Earnings in the European Union and the<br />

United States, University of Aberdeen, 17–18 November 2000 (in co-operation with Peter Sloane<br />

and Ioannis Theodossiou)<br />

· DEMPATEM Workshops: Oxford, April and July 2001; Paris, March 2002, Madrid, July 2002;<br />

London, November 2002

7<br />

1 st phase LoWER1 1996–1998<br />

· Co-editor of four out of six books edited by the network<br />

· Conference on Policies for Low-wage Employment and Social Exclusion in Europe, University of<br />

Groningen, 19–21 November 1998 (in co-operation with Brian Nolan, Catherine O’Donnell,<br />

Claudio Lucifora and Mary Gregory)<br />

· Seminar on Policies for Low-wage Employment and Social Exclusion, Università Cattolica Milano,<br />

20–21 March 1998 (in co-operation with Claudio Lucifora)<br />

· Conference on Analysis of Low-wage Employment, Centre for Economic Performance, London<br />

School of Economics, 11–12 December 1997 (in co-operation with Stephen Machin, Jonathan<br />

Wadsworth, Lex Borghans and Andries de Grip)<br />

· Seminar on Analysis of Low-wage Employment, University of Maastricht, 14 May 1997 (in cooperation<br />

with Lex Borghans and Andries de Grip)<br />

· Conference on Problems of Low-wage Employment, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux, 31 January<br />

– 1 February 1997 (in co-operation with Stephen Bazen)<br />

· Seminar on Data on Low-Wage Employment, Oxford University, 5–6 July 1996 (in co-operation<br />

with Mary Gregory)<br />

B.3.2 Other Conferences (Co-)organisation<br />

<strong>2009</strong> with Claudio Lucifora, EQUALSOC cross-cutting workshop Low Pay, Low Skill, and Low<br />

Income (LOPSI), Università Cattolica Milan, 26–27 <strong>June</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong> European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) 21 th Annual Conference, Tallin,<br />

September <strong>2009</strong>, Programme Chair<br />

2008 with David Soskice, Workshop on Inequality, Politics and Unemployment - A Celebration of<br />

Andrew Glyn’s Life. Oxford University, Department of Economics, 27 September 2008<br />

2008 with Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink: European Association of Labour Economists (EALE)<br />

20 th Annual Conference, at Faculty of Economics and Business and <strong>AIAS</strong>, University of<br />

Amsterdam, 18–20 September 2008<br />

2008 Joint workshop Russell Sage Foundation, <strong>AIAS</strong> and LoWER Low-wage Work in Europe –<br />

Changing the Debate, University of Amsterdam, April 2008<br />

2008 <strong>AIAS</strong> Ten-year Commemorative Conference Labour Reform and Flexibility: Lessons Learned<br />

- Future Questions, Amsterdam, April 2008<br />

2006 Russell Sage Foundation Future of Low-wage Work in Europe Programme First-Phase<br />

Concluding Conference at <strong>AIAS</strong>, University of Amsterdam<br />

2004/5 with Hettie Pott-Büter and Jacques van der Gaag, European Economic Association Annual

8<br />

Conference, August 2005, at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam<br />

2002 with Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink: Nederlandse ArbeidsmarktDag, De (on)begrensde<br />

groei, Amsterdam, 23 April<br />

1997 with others, CDS, University of Groningen, Opening conference State, Society and Ethnicity<br />

in developing Countries: Lessons from the 1990s, February<br />

1995 with others, SISWO bi-annual conference Naar Volwaardige Werkgelegenheid<br />

B.3.3 Invited Conference Contributions, Presentations and Comments<br />

. Flexicurity: Help against segmentation or petty managers’ dream , IZA 10-year anniversary<br />

conference “More and Better Jobs or More Inequality ”, Brussels, November 2008<br />

. Minorities’ uphill struggle in the low-wage labour market, Labour Market Integration of<br />

Immigrants and Their Children in the Netherlands – The OECD Report, Workshop of the<br />

Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Hague, September 2008<br />

. Low-wage Labour – A European Perspective, Working out of Poverty: A Progressive Labour<br />

Market, Workshop of the Institute for Public Policy Research, London, May 2008<br />

· Low-paid Work in the Netherlands, ESRC Festival of the Social Sciences, SKOPE/University of<br />

Oxford, London/Cardiff, March 2008<br />

· Ageing and the Labour Market. What Should We Really be Looking at, 40 years ahead The<br />

Chances of Population Aging: Interdisciplinary Perspectives − International Experiences,<br />

Conference by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Bremen University, Graduate School of Social<br />

Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen* (*formerly International University) and the Hanse<br />

Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK), Delmenhorst, May 2007<br />

· Low-paid Work in the Netherlands, ESRC/SKOPE Symposium on Low Wage Europe, St. Anne’s<br />

College, Oxford, March 2007<br />

· Flexibiliteit in Nederland – Oplossing of Probleem Ontslagrecht, Werkgelegenheid, Beloning<br />

en Alternatieven, Discussiecongres Groenlinks Werkgroep Arbeidsverhoudingen, Woerden,<br />

February 2007<br />

· Round Table Session “Policy Mix and Regulatory Instruments” at TLM.NET Final Seminar<br />

“Managing Social Risks through Transitional Labour Markets”, Budapest, May 2005<br />

· Panel “High Employment and Social Cohesion”, European Panel 2005 “Innovation, Growth and<br />

Jobs – Europe's Prospects”, Hans Böckler Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, European Trade<br />

Union Institute and Confederation of German Trade Unions, February 2005, Berlin<br />

· Low Pay and Wage Flexibility in Europe to the conference Impetus to European Employment<br />

Policy – Impetus to Germany organised by the IAB and the German Ministry of Economics and

9<br />

Labour, December 2004, Berlin<br />

· The Changing Face of Low-Wage Employment: The Role of, Gender, Skill and Part-Time Jobs, to<br />

SASE Annual Conference 2003, Aix-en-Provence, Presidential Choice Session Low-wage<br />

Employment in Europe: The Contribution of the LoWER Network<br />

· Wages and Employment in Europe and the USA, to the conference on Quality in Employment and<br />

Enlargement of the European Union organised by the Belgian Ministry of Employment and<br />

Labour, the European Commission and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), in<br />

conjunction with the Observatoire social européen (OSE) and the European Foundation for the<br />

Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, held in Brussels 18-19 October 2002<br />

· The Dutch Miracle Reconsidered, to The Small Countries’ Employment ‘Miracles’ in Critical<br />

Comparison. Examples to Learn From, organised by the Universiteit van Amsterdam, 25 and 26<br />

January 2002<br />

· The Dutch model: a changing labour market in Europe, to Clingendael, The Hague, ADEPT<br />

Programme, 22 October 2001<br />

· Flexibility, Pay and the Dutch Employment Miracle, to The Costs of Labour Market Flexibility<br />

conference, Moncalieri (Turin), February 2-3, 2001<br />

· Is There More to the Dutch Miracle than a Lot of Part-time Jobs, to EUNIP Conference, Tilburg,<br />

9 December 2000<br />

· Is There More to the Dutch Miracle than a Lot of Part-time Jobs, to CESifo Summer Institute,<br />

Labour MarketsWorkshop, Venice, 21-22 July 2000<br />

· The Structure of Jobs in Low-Wage Employment and the Qualifications of the Unemployed –<br />

Experiences of the Netherlands, to Tagung Niedrig entlohnt = niedrig qualifiziert Chancen und<br />

Risiken eines Niedriglohnsektors in Deutschland, organised by Max Planck-Institut für<br />

Berufsausbildung and Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 11-12 May 2000, Berlin<br />

· The Dutch Way With The Labour Market: A Model for Europe, Volkswirtschaftliches Seminar,<br />

U. Goettingen, <strong>June</strong> 1999<br />

· The Dutch Way With The Labour Market: A Model for Europe, to Colloque International Les<br />

Mutations du Travail en Europe, Dunkerque/Boulogne-sur-Mer, 18-19 March 1999<br />

· Is There More To The ‘Dutch Miracle’ Than a Lot of Part-Time Jobs, Keynote speech to 5th<br />

National Unemployment Conference, RMIT Melbourne Australia, 1 October 1998<br />

· Dutch Policies to Increase Low-skilled Employment, to Workshop Contributions Towards<br />

Overcoming the Employment Crisis, Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, 25 May 1996<br />

· Low Pay in the Dutch Economy, International Conference on the Economic Effects of Low Pay<br />

and the Effects of Wages, Arles, 30 September – 1 October 1993

10<br />

B.3.4 Other Relevant Activities<br />

2007/8 Member ILO-EU (DG ESA) Expert Working Group The Minimum Wage Revisited in<br />

the Enlarged EU: Issues and Challenges<br />

2006–2007 Member of Linked Employer-Employee Data LEED research project, coordinated by<br />

David Marsden (LSE), Tender VT/2005/92 European Commission DG ESA<br />

2004–2005 Consultant to OECD for Older Workers project regarding the Netherlands, contributor to<br />

Ageing and Employment Policies - the Netherlands, OECD, Paris, 2005<br />

2001–2003 Participant of the international research project Constructing a New Cross-National<br />

Architecture for Labor Market Statistics, co-ordinated by Barry Bluestone (Center for<br />

Urban and Regional Policy, Northeastern University) and Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the<br />

Study of Living Standards, Ottawa) with support of the Ford Foundation<br />

2000– Dutch partner (at <strong>AIAS</strong>) of International Reform Monitor network, financed by the<br />

Bertelsmann Stiftung (Foundation)<br />

1999 Consultant to the Low Pay Commission, UK, on Minimum Wages in the Netherlands<br />

1997–1998 Rapporteur EU/OECD conference on Wages and Employment, December 1997, European<br />

Commission DG V, Brussels<br />

1997–1998 Member Expert Working Party on Marché du Travail des Jeunes 1977-1997 for the<br />

Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité (DARES), Paris<br />

1996–1997 Member Expert Working Party on The Social Partners' Role in Processing the<br />

Conclusions of the Essen and Madrid European Councils, European Commission DG V,<br />

Brussels<br />

1996 update of 1993 consultancy on wage inequality in the Netherlands for OECD<br />

1993 Consultant on Wage inequality in the Netherlands to OECD Employment Outlook, Paris<br />

1991 Member Working Party of Experts on Low Wages in the European Community, European<br />

Commission DG V, Brussels<br />

B.3.5 Evaluating/Refereeing<br />

2000 Member Evaluation Panel of research proposals, Second Call, Fifth Framework<br />

Programme, European Commission/DG Research<br />

1999 Member Evaluation Panel of research proposals, First Call, Fifth Framework Programme,<br />

European Commission/DG Research<br />

1997,1998 Evaluator of research proposals for the VIONA-programme for labour market research,<br />

Flanders Ministry of Labour<br />

1997,1998 Discussant PhD-research Posthumus Graduate School

11<br />

1997 Member Evaluation Panel Second Call of Targeted Socio-Economic Research<br />

Programme TSER, European Commission/DG XII<br />

1992,1996 SISWO Subgroep Arbeidsmarkt, Member advisory committee on the OSA Work<br />

Programmes 1992-1995 and 1996-99 respectively<br />

Referee for Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, SOM Graduate School, International Review of<br />

Applied Economics, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, International Monetary Fund,<br />

Review of Income and Wealth, Socio-Economic Review, Oxford Economic Papers;<br />

OECD, European Commission DG Research, VIONA Research Programme Flanders<br />

Community Belgium, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

12<br />

C. Recent Publications (since 1996)<br />

___________________________________________<br />

C.1 Journal Articles and Issues, and Book Reviews<br />

· 1 Review of M. Jackson, J. Koltay, W. Biesbrouck, editors, “Unemployment and Evolving Labour<br />

Markets in Central and Eastern Europe<br />

Economic Systems, 21:1, 1997, 87–88<br />

· 2 Natte voeten in de polder: allochtonen in het Nederlandse model (Wet feet in the polder: the<br />

labour market position of ethnic minorities in the Dutch model)<br />

Migrantenstudies, 13:4, 1997, 255–261<br />

· 3 Vergroting van de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt Een overzicht en eerste beoordeling van<br />

beleidsmaatregelen (Enlarging the lower end of the labour market A survey and first evaluation<br />

of policy measures)<br />

Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1998, 21:1, 24–57<br />

· 4 Polderblijheid, polderblindheid (Polder happiness, Polder blindness)<br />

Economisch-statistische Berichten, 1999, 26 March, 224–229<br />

· 5 Review of Jordi Gaul, ed., “Job Creation: The Role of Labor Market Institutions”<br />

International Journal of Manpower, 1999, 20:5–6, 334–337<br />

· 6 Andrew Glyn and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Does Wage Flexibility Really Create Jobs<br />

Challenge, Magazine of Economic Affairs, 2000, 43:1, 32–43<br />

· 7 Schaduwlandschap<br />

Economisch-statistische Berichten, 2000, 2 <strong>June</strong>, 458–459,<br />

· 8 Review of J. de Koning and H. Mosley, “Labour Market Policy and Unemployment: Impact and<br />

Process Evaluations in Selected European Countries”<br />

British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2003, 41:1, 146–148<br />

· 9 Jeugdwerkloosheid revisited: terug naar de jaren tachtig (Youth unemployment revisited: back<br />

to the eighties)<br />

Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 2003, 10:4, 332–349<br />

·10 Rita Asplund and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>,<br />

Introduction, Company training and services with a focus on low skills (Special Issue)<br />

International Journal of Manpower, 2004, 25:1, 8–16<br />

·11 A.B. Atkinson and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Top Incomes in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom over the Twentieth Century<br />

Journal of the European Economic Association, <strong>June</strong> 2005, 3:4, 1–32

13<br />

·12 Claudio Lucifora, Abigail McKnight and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Low-wage employment in Europe: a review of the evidence<br />

Socio-Economic Review, 2005, 3:2, 259–292<br />

·13 Low Pay and Wage Flexibility in Europe: What Does the Taskforce Offer<br />

Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 2005, No 239: The Report of the European<br />

Employment Task Force: Impetus to European Employment Policy - Impulses for Germany, 35–<br />

50<br />

·14 Gender Balancing in Europe<br />

Industrial Relations Journal, 2005, 36:4, 333–335<br />

·15 Emiel Afman and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Topinkomensaandelen in de twintigste eeuw (Top-income shares over the 20 th century)<br />

Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2005, 7 October, 444–446<br />

·16 David Hollanders and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Niet rigide lonen maar consumentenvraag verklaren werkgelegenheidsverschil Europa - VS (Not<br />

rigid wages but consumer demand explain EU-US employment gap)<br />

Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2005, 27 January, 34–37<br />

·17 Vergrijzing in Nederland: argumenten voor een betere balans in het debat<br />

Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 2006, 22:2, 126–139<br />

·18 Emiel Afman and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Verschil tussen arm en rijk is verkleind<br />

Zeggenschap, <strong>June</strong> 2006, 17:2, 36–39<br />

·19 Adriaan Kalwij and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

The Effects of Changes in Household Demographics and Employment on Consumer Demand<br />

Patterns<br />

Applied Economics, 2007, 39:11, 1447–1460<br />

·20 Low-wage employment and the role of the firm<br />

Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Économique, 46:2-3, 2007, 47–63<br />

·21 Maite Blázquez and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Low-wage Employment and the Role of <strong>Education</strong> and on-the-job Training<br />

Labour, 23:Special Issue “Training and Job Insecurity”, <strong>2009</strong>, 5–35<br />

·22 Antje Mertens, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Thomas Zwick<br />

Training and Job Insecurity – Introduction<br />

Labour, 23: Special Issue “Training and Job Insecurity”, <strong>2009</strong>, 1–4<br />

·23 Mary Gregory, Miriam Beblo, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ioannis Theodossiou<br />


14<br />

Oxford Economic Papers, 61:S1, Special issue “Women and Paid Work”, <strong>2009</strong>, i1–i10<br />

·24 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ken Mayhew<br />

Capitalist Economies and Wage Inequality<br />

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25:1, Spring <strong>2009</strong>, 126–154<br />

·25 Review of A.B. Atkinson, “The Changing Distribution of Earnings in OECD Countries”<br />

Economica (forthcoming)<br />

·26 Maarten van Klaveren, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Kea Tijdens<br />

Retail Jobs in the Netherlands: Low Pay in a Context of Long-term Wage Moderation<br />

International Labour Review (forthcoming)<br />

C.2 Edited Books and Journal Issues<br />

· 1 Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Policies for Low-Wage Employment and Social Exclusion in Europe<br />

FrancoAngeli, Milan, 1998<br />

· 2 Stephen Bazen, Mary Gregory and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-Wage Employment in Europe

15<br />

Edward Elgar, 1998<br />

· 3 Editor De Houdbaarheid van het Nederlandse ‘Model’: Verder met Loonmatiging en<br />

Deeltijdarbeid (The Future of the ‘Dutch Model’)<br />

Wetenschappelijke Publicaties van De Burcht / het Vakbondsmuseum te Amsterdam,<br />

uitgave Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, Den Haag, 2000<br />

· 4 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Claudio Lucifora and Brian Nolan, editors<br />

Policy Measures for Low-Wage Employment in Europe<br />

Edward Elgar, 2000<br />

· 5 Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Stephen Bazen, editors<br />

Labour Market Inequalities: Problems and Policies of Low-Wage Employment in International<br />

Perspective<br />

Oxford University Press, 2000<br />

· 6 Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors,<br />

De Onbegrensde Arbeidsmarkt (Labour market unbounded), Nederlandse ArbeidsmarktDag<br />

2002, <strong>AIAS</strong>/Scholar, Amsterdam, 2003<br />

· 7 H. Benedictus, R. de Boer, M. van der Meer, W. <strong>Salverda</strong>, J. Visser and M. Zijl,<br />

The European Social Dialogue: Development, Sectoral Variation and Prospects<br />

Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Hague / Reed Business Information,<br />

Doetinchem, 2003<br />

· 8 Rita Asplund and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Guest editors<br />

Special issue of International Journal of Manpower on Company Training and Services with a<br />

Special Focus on Low Skills. 2004, vol. 25, no 1<br />

· 9 Ive Marx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement<br />

ACCO, Leuven, 2005<br />

·10 Stephen Bazen, Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Job Quality and Employer Behaviour<br />

Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2005<br />

·11 Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat, editors<br />

Services and Employment: Explaining the US-European Gap<br />

Princeton University Press , 2007<br />

·12 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Maarten van Klaveren and Marc van der Meer, editors<br />

Low-wage Work in the Netherlands<br />

Russell Sage, New York, 2008<br />

·13 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Brian Nolan and Tim Smeeding, editors

16<br />

The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality<br />

Oxford University Press, <strong>2009</strong><br />

·14 Antje Mertens, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Thomas Zwick, guest editors<br />

Labour, 23:s1, Special Issue “Training and Job Insecurity”, <strong>2009</strong><br />

·15 Mary Gregory, Miriam Beblo, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ioannis Theodossiou, guest editors<br />

Oxford Economic Papers, 61:S1 Special issue “Women and Paid Work”, April <strong>2009</strong><br />

·16 Ken Mayhew and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, (guest) editors<br />

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25:1, “Capitalism and Inequality”, Spring <strong>2009</strong><br />

·17 John Schmitt, Jérôme Gautié, Gerhard Bosch, Geoff Mason, Ken Mayhew, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and<br />

Niels Westergård-Nielsen, editors, Low-Wage Work in Wealthy Countries, Russell Sage, New<br />

York, forthcoming <strong>2009</strong><br />

C.3 Book Chapters<br />

· 1 Is the Dutch economy really short of low-paid jobs<br />

in: C.H.A. Verhaar et .al., editors,<br />

On the Challenges of Unemployment in a Regional Europe<br />

Avebury, Aldershot, 1996, 221–240

17<br />

· 2 De flexibiliteit van lage lonen in Nederland in comparatief perspectief (The flexibility of low<br />

wages in the Netherlands: a comparative view)<br />

in: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek & Stichting de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag 1995<br />

Flexibilisering: het Nederlandse antwoord op internationalisering Arbeidsmarktstrategie in een<br />

mondiale economie<br />

CBS, Voorburg/Heerlen, 1996, 216–230<br />

· 3 Verdringing en arbeidsmarktbeleid voor de onderkant (Bumping down and policies for the lower<br />

end of the labour market)<br />

in: J. Hartog & J. Theeuwes, editors<br />

Creëren van werk aan de onderkant (Creating Jobs at the Low End of the labour Market)<br />

Wetenschappelijke Publicaties Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum<br />

Welboom/Delwel, Den Haag, 1997, 55–74<br />

· 4 Niederländische Masznahmen zur Erhöhung der Anzahl gering qualifizierter Arbeidtsplätze<br />

(Dutch measures to increase the number of less-qualified jobs)<br />

in: Förderung der Beschäftigung von Geringqualifizierten in Deutschland vor dem Hintergrund<br />

der Erfahrungen in Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Schweden<br />

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, 1997, 49–75<br />

· 5 Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

in: Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Policies for Low-wage Employment and Social Exclusion in Europe<br />

FrancoAngeli, Milan, 1998, 9–24<br />

· 6 The significance of product demand for low-wage employment<br />

in: Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Policies for Low-wage Employment and Social Exclusion in Europe<br />

FrancoAngeli, Milan, 1998, 111–120<br />

· 7 Stephen Bazen, Mary Gregory and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Editors’ Introduction<br />

in: Stephen Bazen, Mary Gregory and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-Wage Employment in Europe<br />

Edward Elgar, 1998, 1–3<br />

· 8 Incidence and Evolution of Low-wage Employment in the Netherlands and the United States<br />

1979–1989<br />

in: Stephen Bazen, Mary Gregory and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-Wage Employment in Europe

18<br />

Edward Elgar, 1998, 25–62<br />

· 9 Loon en werk aan de onderkant sinds 1979: de rol van minimumloon en loonongelijkheid (Wages<br />

and employment at the lower end of the labour market since 1979: effects of the minimum wage<br />

and wage inequality)<br />

in: J. van Hoof and J. Mevissen, editors, In banen geleid, Nieuwe vormen van sturing op de<br />

arbeidsmarkt in België en Nederland, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie en SISWO, The Hague, 1999,<br />

111–131<br />

·10 Mary Gregory and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Employment and Wages: Summary Report<br />

in:: European Commission<br />

EC/DG V - OECD/DEELSA seminar: Wages and Employment<br />

Luxembourg, 1999, 7–20<br />

·11 Niels Hermes and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

State, Society and Development: Lessons for Africa<br />

in: Niels Hermes and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

State, Society and Development: Lessons for Africa<br />

Research Report 7, Centre for Development Studies, University of Groningen, 1999, 2–17<br />

·12 Perspectives on the ‘Dutch Miracle’<br />

in: Jenny Lee, Belinda Probert and Rob Watts, editors<br />

Work in the New Economy: Policies, Programs, Populations<br />

Centre for Applied Social Research RMIT University, Melbourne, 1999, 31–57<br />

·13 L’Exemple néerlandais du marché de l’emploi: un modèle pour l’Europe<br />

in: Brigitte Lestrade and Sophie Boutillier, editors<br />

Les Mutations du Travail en Europe<br />

L’Harmattan, Paris/Montréal, 2000, 273–297<br />

·14 De betekenis van de loonmatiging voor de ontwikkeling van arbeidsmarkt and economie (The<br />

significance of wage moderation for the evolution of the labour market and the economy)<br />

in: <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, ed.<br />

De Houdbaarheid van het Nederlandse ‘Model’: Verder met Loonmatiging en Deeltijdarbeid<br />

(The future of the ‘Dutch Model’)<br />

Wetenschappelijke Publicaties van De Burcht / het Vakbondsmuseum te Amsterdam,<br />

uitgave Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, 2000, 11–27<br />

·15 Vier vragen tot slot (Four questions by way of conclusion)<br />

in <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, ed.<br />

De Houdbaarheid van het Nederlandse ‘Model’: Verder met Loonmatiging en Deeltijdarbeid

19<br />

(The future of the ‘Dutch Model’)<br />

Wetenschappelijke Publicaties van De Burcht / het Vakbondsmuseum te Amsterdam,<br />

uitgave Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, 2000, 87–88<br />

·16 Youth unemployment: a Dutch solution<br />

in: Amparo Serrano Pascual, ed.<br />

Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe. Monitoring the European Employment Strategy<br />

European Trade Union Institute ETUI, Brussels, 2000, 133–153<br />

·17 The Design and Effects of Minimum Wages in the Netherlands: Issues for the British Debate<br />

in: The Low Pay Commission<br />

International Symposium<br />

Occasional Paper 4, London, 2000, 39–59<br />

·18 Peter Mühlau and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Effects of low-wage subsidies: the example of ‘SPAK’ in the Netherlands<br />

in: <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Brian Nolan and Claudio Lucifora, editors<br />

Policy Measures for Low-Wage Employment in Europe<br />

Edward Elgar, 2000, 67–92<br />

·19 Andrew Glyn and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Employment Inequalities: the Position of the Less Qualified Internationally Compared<br />

in: Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Stephen Bazen, editors<br />

Labour Market Inequalities: Problems and Policies of Low-Wage Employment in International<br />

Perspective<br />

Oxford University Press, 2000, 35–52<br />

·20 Is there more to the Dutch miracle than a lot of part-time jobs<br />

in: J. Schupp and H. Solga, editors<br />

Niedrig Entlohnt = niedrig qualifiziert Chancen und Risiken eines Niedriglohnsektors in<br />

Deutschland, Beiträge der Konferenz 11–12 May 2000, Berlin, Max Planck-Institut für<br />

Berufsausbildung and Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (CD-ROM)<br />

·21 Low Pay and Gender Mainstreaming<br />

in: Lars Magnussen, Lilja Mósesdóttir and Amparo Serrano, editors, Equal Pay and Gender<br />

Mainstreaming in the European Employment Strategy<br />

European Trade Union Institute ETUI, Brussels, 2004, 89–124<br />

·22 Ive Marx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Editors’ introduction<br />

in: Ive Marx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement

20<br />

ACCO, Leuven, 2005, 7–8<br />

·23 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Joachim Moeller and Michel Sollogoub<br />

Retail employment and wage rigidities<br />

in: Ive Marx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement<br />

ACCO, Leuven, 2005, 41–54<br />

·24 Benchmarking low-wage employment<br />

in: Ive Marx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement<br />

ACCO, Leuven, 2005, 57–69<br />

·25 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ive Marx<br />

Conclusion: unresolved issues and an agenda for future research<br />

in: Ive Marx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Low-wage Employment in Europe: Perspectives for Improvement<br />

ACCO, Leuven, 2005, 183–185<br />

·26 The Dutch Model: Magic in a Flat Landscape<br />

in: Uwe Becker and Herman Schwartz, editors., Employment ‘Miracles’. A Critical Comparison<br />

of the Dutch, Scandinavian, Swiss, Australian and Irish Cases versus Germany and the US<br />

Amsterdam University Press, 2005, 39–63<br />

·27 Stephen Bazen, Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

in: Stephen Bazen, Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

Job Quality and Employer Behaviour<br />

Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2005, 1–8<br />

·28 Employment and Pay in Europe and the US, Food for Thought about Flexibility and the<br />

European Social Model<br />

in: Maria Jepsen and Amparo Serrano editors, Unwrapping the European Social Model<br />

Policy Press, Bristol, 2006, 71–92<br />

·29 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and A.B. Atkinson<br />

Top Incomes in the Netherlands over the Twentieth Century<br />

in: A.B. Atkinson and Thomas Piketty, editors, Top Incomes over the Twentieth Century:<br />

A Contrast Between Continental European and English-Speaking Countries<br />

Oxford University Press, 2007, 426–471<br />

·30 Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat<br />


21<br />

in: Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat, editors<br />

Services and Employment: Explaining the US-European Gap<br />

Princeton University Press, 2007, 1–14<br />

·31 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat<br />

The US-European Gap in Service Employment and Demand: The Research Agenda<br />

in: Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat, editors<br />

Services and Employment: Explaining the US-European Gap<br />

Princeton University Press, 2007, 15–41<br />

·32 Andrew Glyn, Joachim Moeller, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, John Schmitt and Michel Sollogoub<br />

Employment Differences in Distribution: Wages, Productivity and Demand<br />

in: Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat, editors<br />

Services and Employment: Explaining the US-European Gap<br />

Princeton University Press, 2007, 141–175<br />

·33 Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat<br />

Services Included Services and the EU-US Employment Gap<br />

in: Mary Gregory, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Ronald Schettkat, editors<br />

Services and Employment: Explaining the US-European Gap<br />

Princeton University Press, 2007, 217–229<br />

·34 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Maarten van Klaveren and Marc van der Meer<br />

“The Debate in The Netherlands on Low Pay”<br />

in: <strong>Salverda</strong> et al., editors, Low-Wage Work in The Netherlands, Chapter 1<br />

Russell Sage, New York, 2008, 16–31<br />

·35 “Low-Wage Work and the Economy”<br />

in: <strong>Salverda</strong> et al., editors, Low-Wage Work in The Netherlands, Chapter 2<br />

Russell Sage, New York, 2008, 32–62<br />

·36 “Labor Market Institutions, Low-Wage Work, and Job Quality”<br />

in: <strong>Salverda</strong> et al., editors, Low-Wage Work in The Netherlands, Chapter 3<br />

Russell Sage, New York, 2008, 63–131<br />

·37 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Maarten van Klaveren, Marc van der Meer, Wim Sprenger, Kea Tijdens, Arjen<br />

van Halem and Ria Hermanussen<br />

“Labor Market Institutions and Firm Strategies That Matter for the Low Paid”<br />

in: <strong>Salverda</strong> et al., editors, Low-Wage Work in The Netherlands, Chapter 10<br />

Russell Sage, New York, 2008, 297–316<br />

·38 “The Bite and Effects of Wage Bargaining in the Netherlands 1995–2005”<br />

in: Maarten Keune and Béla Galgóczi, Wages and Wage Bargaining in Europe; Developments

22<br />

since the mid-1990s.<br />

ETUI, Brussels, <strong>2009</strong>, 225–254<br />

·39 “Current and Future Demographic Challenges in The Netherlands”<br />

in: Action Campaign Demographic Change, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, forthcoming<br />

·40 Claudio Lucifora and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

“Low Pay”<br />

in: <strong>Salverda</strong> et al., editors, The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality, Chapter 11<br />

Oxford University Press, forthcoming January <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

·41 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Brian Nolan and Tim Smeeding,<br />

“Introduction”<br />

in: <strong>Salverda</strong> et al., editors, The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality, Chapter 11<br />

Oxford University Press, January <strong>2009</strong><br />

·42 “The Dutch minimum wage: Radical Reduction Shifts Main Focus to Part-time Jobs”<br />

in: Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel, editor, The Minimum Wage Revisited in the Enlarged EU: Issues<br />

and Challenges, International Labour Organisation, Geneva, October 2008, 291–330<br />

(forthcoming at Edward Elgar)<br />

·43 Geoff Mason and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

“Low Pay, Living Standards and Employment”<br />

in: Schmitt, John et al., editors, Low-Wage Work in Wealthy Countries, Russell Sage, New York,<br />

forthcoming <strong>2009</strong><br />

·44 “Low-Wage Employment and the Firm: Agenda for Research”<br />

in: Marsden, David, and François Rycx, editors, Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and<br />

Globalization:Evidence from Linked and Firm-level Panel Data, Palgrave Macmillan<br />

(forthcoming)<br />

C.4 Reports (including contributions) and Working Papers<br />

· 1 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Nico Beukema<br />

Four Reports on the Role of the Social Partners in Implementing the Conclusions of the Essen<br />

and Madrid European Councils in the Netherlands<br />

as a Member of the Group of Experts for the European Commission, DG5, 11-4-96, 13-6-96, 9-9-<br />

96, 15-2-97<br />

· 2 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Mary Gregory and Ioannis Theodossiou<br />

Statistical Data available on Low-wage Employment in the European Union and its Member<br />

States, Special Report to the European Commission by the European Low-wage Employment

23<br />

Research Network<br />

LoWER / Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen, 1997<br />

· 3 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Hans Schoenmakers, editors<br />

State, Society and Ethnicity in developing Countries: Lessons from the 1990s, Research Report no<br />

4, Centre for Development Studies, University of Groningen, 1997<br />

· 4 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Mark Schonewille<br />

The Dutch Youth Labour Market 1977–1997<br />

Report to DARES, Ministère du Travail et de la Solidarité, Paris, July 1998, 109 p.<br />

· 5 Niels Hermes and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, editors<br />

State, Society and Development: Lessons for Africa<br />

Research Report 7, Centre for Development Studies, University of Groningen, 1999<br />

· 6 Is there more to the Dutch miracle than a lot of part-time jobs<br />

Research Report 99c46, Graduate School SOM, University of Groningen, 1999<br />

· 7 Andrew Glyn and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Employment Inequalities<br />

Jerome Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 293, 1999<br />

· 8 Andrew Glyn and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Employment Inequalities<br />

The Labour Market Consequences of Technical and Structural Change Discussion Paper Series,<br />

No. 37, Centre for Economic Performance, April 1999<br />

· 9 Dutch contribution to Advance Funding of Pensions, Bertelsmann International Reform Monitor<br />

Special issue, Berlin, 2000<br />

·10 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Brian Nolan, Bertrand Maitre and Peter Mühlau<br />

Benchmarking Low-Wage and High-Wage Employment in Europe and the United States<br />

Report to the European Commission DG Employment and Social Affairs, 2001, 203 p.<br />

·11 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Stephen Bazen and Mary Gregory<br />

The European-American employment gap, wage inequality, earnings mobility and skill: A study<br />

for France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States,<br />

European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, 2001, 76 p.<br />

·12 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Cees Nierop and Peter Mühlau<br />

Beloningsverschillen: hoe zijn markt en publieke sector te vergelijken Kanttekeningen bij het<br />

beloningsonderzoek van CentER Applied Research<br />

Rapport uitgebracht aan de Algemene Centrale van Overheidspersoneel ACOP, Amsterdam<br />

Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam, oktober 2001, 26 p.<br />

·13 <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, Cees Nierop and Peter Mühlau

24<br />

Beloningsvergelijking tussen markt en publieke sector: methodische kanttekeningen<br />

Research Report 01/09, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, Universiteit van<br />

Amsterdam, October 2001, 31 p.<br />

·14 Dutch contribution to Strategies to Counter Skill Shortages, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Berlin, 2002<br />

·15 A.B. Atkinson and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Top Incomes in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom over the Twentieth Century<br />

Working Paper 14, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, Universiteit van<br />

Amsterdam, 2003, 71 p.<br />

·16 Arjan Heyma, Ernest Berkhout, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Maarten Biermans,<br />

Beloningsverschillen Tussen de Marktsector en Collectieve Sector in 2001 (Public-private<br />

earnings differentials in 2001)<br />

Final Report of Research commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior<br />

SEO Economic Research, Amsterdam, 2004<br />

·17 OECD, Ageing and Employment Policies – the Netherlands (consultant contribution to Chapters<br />

3, 4 and 5), Paris, 2005<br />

·18 Dutch contribution to Fostering Youth Employment, Bertelsmann International Reform Monitor<br />

Special issue, Berlin, 2005<br />

·19 Arjan Heyma, Ernest Berkhout and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>,<br />

Beloningsverschillen Tussen de Marktsector en Collectieve Sector in 2004 (Public-private<br />

earnings differentials in 2004)<br />

Final Report of Research commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior<br />

Report nr 889, SEO Economic Research, Amsterdam, 2006<br />

·20 with Ioannis Theodossiou, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Bernard van Praag, Societal and Economic<br />

Effects on Quality of Life and Well-being: Preference Identification and Priority Setting in<br />

Response to Changes in Labour Market Status<br />

Synthesis Report EPICURUS FP6 research project, 2006<br />

·21 Alex Bryson, Pedro Martins, François Rycx and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Rent-Sharing and Profitability<br />

Interim Report Task 2, LEED project, November 2006<br />

·22 with Maite Blázquez-Cuesta, Low-pay Incidence and Mobility in the Netherlands – Exploring the<br />

Role of Personal, Job and Employer Characteristics<br />

Working Paper 06-46, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies <strong>AIAS</strong>, Universiteit van<br />

Amsterdam, 2007, 55 p.<br />

·23 Population Ageing In The Netherlands: Demographic And Financial Arguments For A Balanced<br />

Approach, Working Paper 07-48, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies <strong>AIAS</strong>,

25<br />

Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2007, 37 p.<br />

·24 Ernest Berkhout, Maarten Biermans, <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong> and Kea Tijdens<br />

Internationale beloningsverschillen van wetenschappelijk personeel<br />

Final Report of Research commissioned by the Sophocles Fund<br />

Report nr 889, SEO Economic Research, Amsterdam, 2006<br />

·25 Geoff Mason and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

RSF Benchmarking Study for Phase 2: Low-Wage Employment in Western Europe and the US<br />

Report to Russell Sage Foundation, New York, January 2008<br />

26 Ernest Berkhout, Chris van Klaveren, Kea Tijdens and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong><br />

Verdiepende analyse van loonverschillen, De loonachterstand van vrouwen verder uitgediept<br />

Report of Research commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment<br />

Report nr xxx, SEO Economic Research, Amsterdam, 2006<br />

·27 The Dutch minimum wage: a Radical Reduction Shifts the main focus to part-time jobs<br />

Working Paper 09-71, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies <strong>AIAS</strong>, Universiteit van<br />

Amsterdam, March <strong>2009</strong><br />

C.5 In the Pipeline and on the Wish List<br />

· with Brian Nolan, Daniele Checchi, Herman van de Werfhorst, Ive Marx, Natalia Letki and<br />

Stephen Jenkins, preparation of research proposal submission Growing Ineqalities’ Impacts GINI<br />

to European Commission 7 th Framework programme [k€ 2700]<br />

· with Maite Blázquez and Daniella Brals, Part-time Employment, Low Pay and Mobility: Costs<br />

and Benefits in International Comparison, paper<br />

· with Maite Blázquez and Daniella Brals, Earnings Mobility and Polarisation of the Earnings<br />

Distribution, paper<br />

· with Vid Štimac, Income Inequality and <strong>Education</strong>al Homogamy in Household Formation in<br />

Europe, for EQUALSOC Network working group with Gøsta Esping-Andersen and Brian Nolan<br />

· with Marloes Zijl and Daniella Brals, The Effects of the Long Tail of Dutch Youth Minimum<br />

Wages, an Analysis of Institutions and Employer Behaviour, paper<br />

· Low pay – Economy and/or Institutions, paper for EQUALSOC Employ group<br />

· Low-wage Work and Institutions in the Netherlands, paper<br />

· with Brian Nolan, Low pay and Household Poverty in Europe, research for EQUALSOC<br />

· with Arjan Heyma, Ernest Berkhout and David Hollanders, Public-private Wage Differentials in<br />

the Netherlands 1979–2004, paper<br />

· with Emiel Afman, Understanding the Stability of Top Shares in the Dutch Income Distribution<br />

over the Last 25 Years, paper

· Youth Employment and Unemployment in the Netherlands, paper<br />

26<br />

C.6 Miscellaneous: Newspapers etc.<br />

· “Jeugdwerkloosheid blijft zorgelijk” (Youth unemployment is still a problem), NRC-<br />

Handelsblad, 9 February 1998<br />

· We proudly present …; The interdisciplinary seedling needs tender cultivation; An adventure in<br />

interdisciplinary space; Of a very stimulating visit for research; Are governance and civil society<br />

universal concepts, Editorials of CDS Newsletters no 1– 5, Centre for Development Studies,<br />

University of Groningen, 1996–1999<br />

· with Ronald Paping, “Kabinet moet verder kijken dan rapport-Van Rijn” (Government should<br />

look beyond the Van Rijn Report on public-sector pay), Financieele Dagblad, 3 July 2001, p. 9<br />

· “Paars heeft de hypotheek van het poldermodel niet afgelost” (The government coalition has not<br />

redeemed the mortgage of the Polder Model, Trouw, January 2002<br />

· with Frank Coervers, “Gegevens CBS over werk niet volledig” (Employment data of Dutch<br />

Statistics are incomplete), Financieele Dagblad, 9 May 2007<br />

· Immigrants and the labour market. Video interview with Christian Dustmann conducted by Pieter<br />

Emmer and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>. European Review, 16/4, October 2008, 505–510<br />

· “Pensioenfondsen, kom uit die kramp en zeg sorry” (Pension funds, force yourself no longer but<br />

say sorry), de Volkskrant, 5 February <strong>2009</strong><br />

· “Pensioenen: weinig reden tot ongerustheid” (Old-age pensions: little reason to worry), Opinie,<br />

website NRC Handelsblad, 10 maart <strong>2009</strong> (forthcoming Jaarboek van de Vereniging voor<br />

Staathuishoudkunde)<br />


27<br />

D. Publications before 1996<br />

___________________________________________<br />

D.1 Journal Articles and Contributions<br />

· Internationale arbeidsverdeling en kapitalisme - een kritiek op de theorie van de optimale<br />

internationale arbeidsverdeling, Internationale Spectator, 1973, vol. 27 no 15, 522-527 (with<br />

Pieter van Driel).<br />

· De ongelijke ruil, Nieuwsbrief voor Politieke Ekonomen, uitgave LWE, 1974, vol 1 no 1, 7-11.<br />

· Het 1-procent-beleid: kritiek op een linkse norm, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1977, vol. no<br />

1, 36-63.<br />

· Verborgen werkloosheid, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1977, vol. no 1, 64-99 (with Dick<br />

van Haaster).<br />

· Wat hebben loontrekkers aan 'incidentele loonstijging' - over de mogelijkheid van cao-werknemers<br />

om aan de nullijn te ontkomen, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1977, vol. 1 no 2, 5-27 (with<br />

Pieter van Driel and Niko Siljee).<br />

· Het loonbeleid in 1976, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1977, vol. 1 no 2, 28-49 (with Pieter<br />

van Driel and Niko Siljee).<br />

· Haalt de arbeidsinkomenskwote de 100 procent (en wat dan nog...), Tijdschrift voor Politieke<br />

Ekonomie, 1977, vol. 1 no 4, 66-94.<br />

· Ekonomen en de werking van de arbeidsmarkt; kritiek op een evenwichtsanalyse, Tijdschrift voor<br />

Politieke Ekonomie, 1980, vol. 4 no 2, 32-55.<br />

· Jeugdwerkloosheid, jeugdloon en arbeidstijdverkorting, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1983,<br />

vol. 7 no 1, 45-64.<br />

· Het averechtse beleid tegen jeugdwerkloosheid, Jeugd en Samenleving, 1983, vol. 13 no 5-6,<br />

390-403.<br />

· Basisinkomen en inkomensverdeling; de financiële uitvoerbaarheid van een basisinkomen,<br />

Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1984, vol. 8 no 1, 9-41.<br />

· Uitkeringsrechten van deeltijdwerkers bij de stelselherziening, Sociaal Maandblad Arbeid, 1984,<br />

vol. 39 no 10, 767-768.<br />

· Minimumloon en werkloosheid, Economisch-statistische Berichten, 1989, 26 juli, 716-719.<br />

· Minimumloon en werkloosheid; naschrift, Economisch-statistische Berichten, 1989, 27 september,<br />

953-954.<br />

· Verdringing op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 1990, vol. 6<br />

no 2, 4-18.

28<br />

· Oorzaken van verdringing op de arbeidsmarkt, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1991, vol. 13<br />

no 4, 66-81.<br />

· Verlaging minimumloon helpt niet, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1991, vol. 14 no 1, 4-9.<br />

· Arbeidsmarktdiscrepanties en onderwijsorganisatie, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 1991,<br />

vol. 7 no 4, 16-29.<br />

· De Planbureau-paradox: minder gezag, meer invloed, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1993,<br />

vol. 15 no 3, 106-111.<br />

· Werkgelegenheid en inkomen, tussen wens en werkelijkheid, Zeggenschap, Tijdschrift voor<br />

Vakbewegingsvraagstukken, 1993, vol. 4 no 2, 48-54<br />

· Review of Peter van der Meer, Verdringing op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, Mens en<br />

Maatschappij, vol. 69, no 1, feb. 1994, 115-117<br />

· Laagbetaald werk in Nederland 1972-1990, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 1994, vol. 10 no<br />

4, 336-349<br />

· Het 'nieuw-economische' begrip van de werkloosheid, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 1995,<br />

vol. 18 no 2, 62-93<br />

· Werkloosheid en arbeidsmarktinstituties in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten, Socialisme en<br />

Democratie, 1995, vol. 52, no 7/8, 341-350<br />

D.2 Books, Book-editing, Chapters in Books and Reports<br />

· editor (with Leen Parlevliet), De Mentaliteit van het Westen, Documentatiemap Derde Wereldweek,<br />

uitgave SRVU, Amsterdam, 1968, 200 pages<br />

· Mentaliteit en de Derde Wereld, in: De Mentaliteit van het Westen, 1968, 128-133.<br />

· Arghiri Emmanuel De Ongelijke Ruil, Beknopte vertaling van l'Echange inégal (1969), 1971, 75<br />

pages (with Niko Siljee)<br />

· Wat is nu die krisis / Over de oorzaak van de krisis; Over de ontwikkeling van de lonen in 1975<br />

en 1976 en de verhouding tussen lonen en sociale zekerheid, discussion papers Henri Polak<br />

Stichting, 1976<br />

· Jeugdwerkloosheid: Maak er Werk van, in: Werk en Toekomst, no 4, Radio Volksuniversiteit,<br />

1981, 7-23<br />

· De Financiering van een Basisinkomen; de Financiële Uitvoerbaarheid bezien vanuit de Gevolgen<br />

voor de Welvaartsverdeling, Paper Studiekring Post-keynesiaanse Economie, 1984, April (with<br />

Alida Bos, Maj-lis Dojes, Jaap Korpel, Remy Nijhoff and Otto Woltmeyer)<br />

· Basisinkomen en Inkomensverdeling, Paper hearing Europees Parlement, Brussel, 1986, 5 <strong>June</strong><br />

· Werkloosheidsduur in Nederland 1955-1985, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen,

29<br />

1988, Research Memorandum, no 251.<br />

· Wage and Age, Proceedings European Symposium on Wages, Centre d'Études des Revenus et des<br />

Coûts/Service des Études et de la Statistique du Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la<br />

Formation Professionnelle, Paris, 1990, Maart, volume 2, 247-258.<br />

· Low-wage Employment and the Minimum Wage in the Netherlands, Commission of the European<br />

Communities, Brussels, 1991, National Report as Member of Expert Working Party, V/1033/91.<br />

· Youth Unemployment; Dynamics of the Dutch Labour Market 1955-1988, Wolters-Noordhoff,<br />

Groningen, 1992, 395 pag.<br />

· Inequality in the Distribution of Wage Earnings in the Netherlands 1972-1990, private data-report<br />

to the OECD, feb. 1993 (cf. Employment Outlook, h. 5).<br />

· The Relative Economic Position of Dutch Young Generations 1953-1990, University of Groningen,<br />

Faculty of Economics, 1993, Research Memorandum, no 548<br />

· The Changing Economic Position of Young Generations, a Sketch of Dutch Post-war Developments,<br />

in: H.A. Becker & P.L.J. Hermkens, eds, Solidarity of Generations, Demographic,<br />

Economic and Social Change, and its Consequences, volume 1, 281-314, Thesis Publishers,<br />

Amsterdam, 1993.<br />

· Low Pay in the Dutch Economy 1972-1990, Paper Colloque International des Bas Salaires et des<br />

Effets du Salaire Minimum, Faculté d'Economie Appliqueé, Université d'Aix-Marseille-III &<br />

International Labour Organisation & European Commission, Arles, September-October 1993, in:<br />

Actes du Colloque, 897-922<br />

· Low Pay in the Dutch Economy; Full-time Low Pay 1972-1990, Research Report SOM Graduate<br />

School, no 94508, Groningen, July 1994<br />

· The Socio-economic Significance of Low Pay in the Dutch Economy, Paper EALE-conference,<br />

Warschau, September 1994<br />

· Low Pay in the Dutch Economy 1972-1990, in: G. Benhayoun & S. Bazen, eds, Salaire Minimum<br />

et Bas Salaires, L'Harmattan, Paris, 1995, 117-148<br />

· F. Huijgen, A. Glebbeek, N. van den Heuvel, R. Kunnen, W. <strong>Salverda</strong> and J. Siegers, eds, Naar<br />

Volwaardige Werkgelegenheid, SISWO, publikatie 394, Amsterdam, 1995<br />

· Het Belang van Instituties voor Werkgelegenheid en Werkloosheid, een Vergelijking tussen<br />

Nederland en de Verenigde Staten, in: F. Huijgen, A. Glebbeek, N. van den Heuvel, R. Kunnen,<br />

W. <strong>Salverda</strong> and J. Siegers, eds, 1995, 94-113<br />

· De Internationale Dimensie, in: F. Huijgen e.a., eds, 1995, 77-79

30<br />

D.3 Research Reports Projectgroep Economie Groningen, supervised and co-edited (1976-1995)<br />

· De regionale onderontwikkeling van Groningen; Werkloosheid en werkgelegenheidsbeleid in<br />

Nederland, 1976<br />

· Overheidssteun aan bedrijven, 1978<br />

· Herstructurering van de scheepsbouwindustrie, 1978<br />

· Jeugdwerkloosheid en subsidies, verslag van een falend beleid, 1979<br />

· Jeugdwerkloosheid - oorzaken en beleid, 1980<br />

· Koopkracht en werkgelegenheid, 1981<br />

· Basisinkomen en welvaartsverdeling, 1983<br />

· Herziening van het stelsel van sociale zekerheid, 1984<br />

· Budgettering in de intramurale gezondheidszorg, 1986<br />

· Analyse van economische en milieutechnische gevolgen van gebruik van metalen drankverpakkingen,<br />

1987<br />

· Concentratie verzekerd; de gevolgen voor de ziektekostenverzekeringsbranche van het Plan-Dekker<br />

voor de gezondheidszorg (Concentration guaranteed: the effects of the Dekker-proposal for Dutch<br />

private health insurance), 1988, Published with the financial support of the Vereniging van Nonprofit<br />

Ziektekostenverzekeraars NPZ, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen<br />

· Het Nederlands wegtransport en '1992', 1989<br />

· Het geschilderde milieu; de gevolgen van KWS 2000 voor de Nederlandse verfindustrie (The<br />

‘painted environment’: the consequences of the KWS2000 policy for Dutch paint manufacturing),<br />

1989, Published with the financial support of the Vereniging van Verf- en Drukinktfabrikanten<br />

VVVL, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen<br />

· De toekomst van de grote Nederlandse zuivelcoöperaties, 1991<br />

· Milieubeleid voor energie: naar verhandelbare verbruiksrechten, 1992<br />

· Industriebeleid en Porter in het reine, de rol van de clusterbenadering en milieuproblematiek in de<br />

steunverlening aan DAF, 1993<br />

· Samenwerken voor kennis; samenwerking op R&D-gebied in het Nederlandse midden- en<br />

kleinbedrijf, 1994<br />

· Monique de Bruin and <strong>Wiemer</strong> <strong>Salverda</strong>, eds, De Witte werkster; kunnen dienstencheques<br />

werkgelegenheid creëren aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt (The White Cleaning Lady: can<br />

service vouchers create jobs at the lower end of the labour market). Published with the financial<br />

support of the Stichting RAS/WP Schoonmaakbranche and Ministry of Social Affairds and<br />

Employment, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen, 1996

31<br />

D.4 Miscellaneous: Newspapers etc.<br />

· IEB IEB (de theorie der internationale economische betrekkingen: enige fikse vraagtekens),<br />

Ekonomies Bulletin, Faculty of Economics, Free University, Amsterdam, 1972, no 4, 1,3-5<br />

· Over Stevers/Miljoenennota, De Volkskrant, 1975 (with Erik Fokke)<br />

· De Verwording van de Economie, Review of Heertje, Nypels & Tamboer, UniversiteitsKrant,<br />

Groningen, 16 <strong>June</strong> 1976<br />

· 1%-beleid geen stap op weg naar socialisatie, Bulletin Economische Faculteit, Faculty of<br />

Economics, University of Groningen, May 1977<br />

· Een marginaal wereldbeeld, Bulletin Economische Faculteit, Faculty of Economics, University of<br />

Groningen, 1979<br />

· Aardgasbaten, Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, 27 February 1982<br />

· Editor, Een kritische bespreking van het sociale beleid rond de tvc-operatie (brochure voor het<br />

personeel), Rugrecht, 1983, 42 pages<br />

· Basisinkomen gemakkelijker dan vijf uur werken per dag, De Volkskrant, 17 November 1984<br />

· Deetmans plan is ingrijpender dan beruchte PTT-spreiding, De Volkskrant, 1 November 1986<br />

· Personeel universiteit niet uitleveren aan onafzienbare reeks werkgevers, UniversiteitsKrant,<br />

Groningen, 2 <strong>June</strong> 1988<br />

· College is bang dat het straks niets meer te doen heeft, UniversiteitsKrant, Groningen, 28 April<br />

1988<br />

· Plan-Dekker leidt juist tot minder concurrentie, Triakel, Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen, 4<br />

April 1989<br />

· Meer technici is niet simpel een kwestie van opleidingskeuze, Economenblad, 27-1-1993<br />

· Naar Volwaardige Werkgelegenheid, Economenblad, 29-3-1995

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