Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf


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10<br />

offices. For lordly influence went<br />

• long way. Some day-wben his<br />

son was .(ter some big municipal<br />

.ppolntm('nt-a word -from his<br />

10rtll~hip would be helpful. •<br />

Yes, it was just 3S well for Labor<br />

Members to be tolerant to­<br />

,,7.;ds lords. Not only was it businch;<br />

but it WilS christian to be<br />

charitable:<br />

"""hat a splendid cigar it is,"<br />

said the -Labor \Lember. blowing<br />

out a fragr:ant .ncbula of !\moke.<br />

And aoy such democratic views<br />

as remained in the Labor Men.­<br />

ber's soul were clouded, and obscured<br />

by the lordly smoke.<br />


Do you know tht: \t ah~t: and tht:<br />

worth o f a rtal Ih'c cro;"'d of young<br />

<strong>Socialists</strong> Thl:' kind th., ("an go out<br />

in a bunch and comc hom~ the §Rille<br />

way without the leut bit of damage<br />

done to health. happinul or friend­<br />

.biP~ The 50rt of a crowd that will<br />

sing an" dance, .wim and study, hike,<br />

read, play, run, row arid be aame for<br />

&II)' ord kind" of ' fun a't aflY old time<br />

and place If you can tnuhfuIJ)' say<br />

yes. 1 conaratulat~ you, and only<br />

hope that you may ne"~r h."e to<br />

leave them. 1 ha\'e been uud to<br />

that lort of a crowd and ha\'~ had<br />

to quit them-and now, take it fron1<br />

me. you can ne\'er mealur~ the true<br />

worth of a Yipici crowd until you ...·e<br />

left them far behinq you, and you<br />

know you can't get buk onr the<br />

wuk end.<br />

' Thil is how it works oul. You'r~<br />

,ent way down into the countr), to<br />

do the bOlSes' ~ wo rk, and incidentilly<br />

to earn your bread. You don't want<br />

to ao part:.:ularly-tbt:re's a number<br />

of ',ood tilues jU·lt ahead, and per·<br />

hap; you',vc' already ' ""ed lhe best<br />

airl of all to go along with you.<br />

You are nOt crazy about lea\'inr<br />

town just then, but you ,4>-You bet<br />

)'0\1 CO. ,,.11 th.t week it i,,,'t 50 bad<br />

-of course. when lU(,etjn' night C01lle5<br />

;.round you JUI' fa ll a thinlJln' about<br />

wbo'U all be there .nd who they'U<br />

have for chairman, and how 1000a the<br />

meelin' will take.<br />

But then Sunday comtl aroundand<br />

it'. no usc-the bluff don't go<br />

any further, you know by that time<br />

you're rul homesick. No U5e cryin'<br />

about it tboulh, 10 you ju.t pick out<br />

the dandielt .ort of a place or trip<br />

SO' take in, and you set out bold u<br />

~ !'OVl!'l 1OOU1.III .... ~uoq J<br />

ever yOu pleue, You're. not alone,<br />

either, t)ecause your side partner ia<br />

in exactly the same ho:u as you. H.,<br />

too. has be·en used to life and , la uBh~rer.<br />

10 you're partnen in mi5ery as<br />

wdl as work. You -pick out a long<br />

excursion trip and think eYerything<br />

will be all rieht. You settle down<br />

cnrnfortably and start to talk about<br />

.cenery and carne.r.;, and work and<br />

Shows -anagirll-oh, loti o· things.<br />

You leave as the lua is jui t about<br />

lettling down to relt, and you figure<br />

out that the hikers back home are<br />

b\9\ftt!i' "Tap," 9~ the bugh;s to sig.<br />

t1al for the return journey. They<br />

mun ha\'e had lome .port, you muu·.<br />

Then you try to . ettle down and rut.<br />

No use, it can't be done; 10 you start<br />

10 wander round the limited deck<br />

space of the boat. You (lm into a<br />

cro ..... d or fello ...... and girls, about<br />

Ihirty of them. That'5 strange, JUII<br />

about the size of your crowd. There<br />

il gou again. They slart to 5ingnot<br />

your Socialist songs. to be 5urestill,<br />

the tllnes are familiar. And<br />

they're \'ery rrienlily ..... ithin their own<br />

circle, thi5 crowd.<br />

At last the m·o-o-n comu up-hig<br />

and round and white. The crowd<br />

ulkes a hint from him and 5w inKI into<br />

a lIong.· What i5 that melody .0<br />

.trangely familiar "Santa Lucia,"<br />

d-n them, couldn't they try some·<br />

thing el se Hut your mind goes back<br />

to another river nnd another crowd<br />

and other ..... ord. to the lame tuncthey<br />

just keep rinKing into your ears:<br />

Comradu so dear to me.<br />

Hearts. warm and tender.<br />

To them where'er I be,<br />

My Ion! I 'll render.<br />

U nder broad Hea\'en's dome,<br />

\Vhere'tr on earth I roam.<br />

With them I fed at home,<br />

\Ve're Comrades' e"er.<br />

"With them you fe el at home," yes<br />

- and without them you don't.<br />

You're ju. t perfectly rni.euble, and<br />

you're lona.:ing ner 50 hard for the<br />

hearty laugh of your boYli and the<br />

.wish of the girls' dresses as they a:o<br />

d:ancing and skipping past. But the<br />

longest exile mu.t conle to an end<br />

• ome time, and in a few weeks you're<br />

bal'k ag:a in. They're all glad to see<br />

yOll, but you're a whole lo t gladder<br />

to he back with them. And the mi5·<br />

erics of the put are: soon forlouen<br />

in the pleasuru of the present.<br />

But there cQmu :a time when you<br />

can't 10 back-and you know you<br />

ca n' t. Your life: t",ku you far awa,y<br />

from the happy scenell and eompan~<br />

ionship. The crowd regretll your I e-.<br />

iDe. of coune. There is a short<br />

period of farewdh, wbe~\!l'Drtin" is<br />

suth .;w(el -OrlOW"; tht'n they .ru<br />

'DIck .to their round, and you face a<br />

world of (old . trangen aloae, You<br />

w.nder from place to p1ace, never<br />

resting~ ne\'er ·'at ·home." . Sllcced' fn<br />

.onle -measure ~atteQdl your· efforu,<br />

bnt ne\'er anyone to -rtjolce in it with<br />

you. You feel the . tinrl of defeat<br />

occasionally, and tbey r,nk\e deeply.<br />

'cause there'l no hand of comrade·<br />

ship to lIlap you on tht. b,l.ck 20114 bid<br />

you ' ~b race up, it will aU come oul ,II<br />

righl" You tty to - buy what'\'er<br />

ph:asure you. think you' wafat-but<br />

there- -il a 'dilferenee-and you : lind<br />

that you cannot buy true comrade·<br />

s hip. You think of the younKsten<br />

back ·home-picture them aU perched<br />

on a rence 'preparing for a race acroRS<br />

the meadow. You lee them. like true<br />

proletarian5, putting their lunchu to·<br />

gelher in a communal pile: from<br />

which everyone may h('lp himself.<br />

Hut a Ijiht dawns-you lIettle down<br />

in one 1)lace finally and you hunt for<br />

your kind. You come to the:m with·<br />

out any 'bl:are '01 trumpets. You only<br />

lIt r~tcb out your 'hand and uk to be<br />

one of th~m-the Italt If need bebut<br />

one of then1. And they t:ake you<br />

in and make you fed :at home. and<br />

they (all you "Comrade," Gee! that<br />

sounds "oed to your eatl a,ain.<br />

You ha \'e n't heard it for a long time,<br />

you nc\'er paid much attention to it<br />

in the: old days. but ii's the sweetest<br />

kind of music jult now.<br />

,,",n~ tfle)' take yOu in. Soon you<br />

ha\'e your regular pl3ee in their<br />

he.rtl and lh('y in youn, The otheu<br />

back ill the old home alway. remain<br />

a most pleasant. memory; atld, when<br />

tht! Rtory circle forms round the fireplace<br />

you never tire of tellin .. yotlr<br />

new C01l1radu about the efforts and<br />

Rrank:l 01 those you left behind you.<br />

You take your place in their .ong and<br />

. tor)', you do your share of work and<br />

play, and loon lOU just belon", that's<br />

all-you just belong. ' ..<br />

The story is almost done-an. counted.<br />

This nferendum was propOHd by<br />

the Pennsylvania State Cornmittet!,<br />

It WI' aeconded by the followiDr<br />

Leacuea. their mamberahlp ,iv~:<br />

St. Paul. Minn., 35; Lawrence. M .....<br />

15; Jamestown, N. Y .• 56: Chiclro,<br />

UL (North Side), 40; Pitt.burch, PL<br />

(J"'ah), 110: Cincinn.ti. 0., 21;<br />

Peoria. Ill., 1': Waahinrton, D. C.,<br />

24, Total. 319,<br />

R.port Cardl<br />

All Luguu iilre hereby warned<br />

th:at untu. a report card hearing an<br />

accurafe acc:ount of their good stllndina<br />

membership is sent to tht' Na·<br />

tjollal Office )'efore F~brtl:lfr 10 11('\<br />

ballots will be ' the Direct..,r of thi, Ucpartment.<br />


This i, th\' la ~ t n il for l1l:atC'rial<br />

fOr Ihe Fthruary program. Somo!<br />

stuff .... l~ sent in by 50111(' of our lo)·al<br />

worhn, hut not uutly en ough to<br />

lI1akt' up the whole thing. Get bus)'<br />

T ht' progralJl i. to include<br />

an im prollll'tu mock-Iria l. subJecl,<br />

"P~OI)lt \ ' 5, Tht' Reminl!{ton .'\.m"<br />

Co." L~haqte: Aidin" :and abttrina<br />

murder through the manufacture of<br />

ml\nit l0n~ oi war.<br />

---<br />

Commemoration: Birthda),s. W2Ihington<br />

and Autun Uebel, FdJru·<br />

ary 2lnd<br />

Vulenline's Party, Fehruary Hth;<br />

Leap '{ear Dance, February 29th.<br />

A call for Ilate~ for Ihe Krust lecture<br />

tour will go out immelliatel)<br />

after the new year. The lour will<br />

take in only the Ea~le rn Statu 2011,1<br />

will h('gjn ahout the iniddle: of .,",pd\.<br />

The numbl'r of datu is strictly 11111-<br />

ited. lIO immedialC' :action shl'uld be<br />

taktn on rtceipt of tue p:arriculat5.<br />

PLAYS<br />

Sinclair's no\·cl. "Samuel. the<br />

S('tktr." hai betn drumatizecl by<br />

Comrade J. C Frost 9' -.'ew York.<br />

1t will recei\'e it s firH productiun b),<br />

Ihe ('omrade Club of Hudlon Coun'<br />

ty. K J.<br />

:\ new :Inti-military pl.y by \\'m.<br />

F. Krusl". enlitled "Prelu.rednC'S5," i,<br />

no ..... ready fo r sale. '(':an be gi\tn in<br />

one act or two and plays for ont'<br />

hour. A rulin~ clas~, bent on war.<br />

find5 thtir efforts (rustrated by the<br />

org:anized worken, ..... ho are willing<br />

to ddend their Ow n countr), tlUt<br />

rduse 10 attack anybody cl.e·l.<br />

Twelve \'ery nsy speaking p3rB and<br />

two good ludl. Can C'l\lily be pro·<br />

duced by allY Y. P. S. L. Price 25c.<br />

Fitchburg. Man.. though bUI recently<br />

or~3nil('tI. is ~ howinK good<br />

growth. They W(,T~' rCl' rl'Sen tc: d at<br />

the Stlltt· t " n ~('nt' 'I' '11111 :IT(' pr.·<br />

p:lrinR 3 1 d ll fCS and<br />


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