Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf


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10 .) ~ TOUll'G &OOlALI8TS' IU.QASIlf'B<br />

truc, t hCi-t is nothinr ntOft certain<br />

than that tldensh'e ntilitary and na­<br />

".1 prtparntion will not I\'llii to pre­<br />

,'cnt wllr with Jallan, but will, on the<br />

contrllr)" make that war certain,<br />

Oncc mort I remind you that pellce<br />

can only be insured by .piritual,<br />

nevtr by mnte:rial, prellaration, Is It<br />

not our duty, nay, i. it not the high­<br />

Cit wi.dom, to ask oursclvu how it<br />

tOUles to pus that this natinn, remo\'ed<br />

..!r011l us by 5,000 milts of<br />

ocun, has comt to hate us'so hittHly<br />

as to cherith the idel\\ of lOuing war<br />

upon us~<br />

Fault Lies in United Stilt ••<br />

If we loC'k into our hurts and seek<br />

~n answer to that question, we shall<br />

know how to prepare again .. t war<br />

with japan. h japan's hostility to<br />

til ~due te the fact that we have<br />

treated thu proud and independent<br />

nation with insult and ignominy If<br />

we answer thllt qucstion honestly, we:<br />

shall loo)n find ways to rl!move all<br />

peril of altack hy japan, by remo\'­<br />

ing the cause of ~he hatred of UI.<br />

Suppc'le that. instead of rd¥in ~<br />

upon thi'l ' Ilil'itual preparldnus, you<br />

rely upon armed might, lIS Comrade<br />

Ruu(' lI ad" i£('d, what then SUPPOJ(,<br />

you Iprnd twenty-five hillions to<br />

arm and fortify the Pacific COltSt<br />

Suppose YOII build a bigger arm:l(hI<br />

than Great Uritail1 e\' ~ r dreamed 0 :<br />

-do you Ihink that will avail to<br />

R\'e n war anfl m::r.intain peace II it<br />

not r at h~r c,'rtain to ('aUie Jallan to<br />

make ::Iliiulln:!I wit h other I)owcri UIIfriellrlly<br />

10 us, or draid of our great<br />

arm:\nlenu<br />

But suppose we spend only twt ntyfi<br />

ve ·milli .:ms through a dellurtment of<br />

peace to promote good relation s and<br />

a right understanding with Japan, to<br />

draw ever tighter the bonds of fri~l\tI ­<br />

ship b~tweclI the two pcoplu, is it<br />

not c(' rlam that you will do fl\r more<br />

to a,'erl war and to in surl' peace than<br />

twenty-fi" c billions spent by a Oe·<br />

partment of \Var on war preparations<br />

could do~ To you in this audience<br />

who ha ve come from 1:lnds torn by<br />

the fierce passions of racial antag­<br />

OniS}l15 I car. safely appeal for answer<br />

to thi.s question, AU hiltory bears<br />

witMs!! to the futility of roy friend<br />

Russell'l r-olicy,<br />

Lead. "to Dntruction<br />

And lurely it is well within my<br />

right as a IPokuman fOT the $0-<br />

dalillt party of this country to point<br />

out the tragic fact that for this utterly<br />

futile military preparedness we<br />

;'Ire ca\lc-d upon to barter aU hopes of<br />

!Ioodal reoonstruction, I hav," lo,'ed<br />

Comrade Russdl u truly as ever<br />

man loyed man, I think. 1 have admired<br />

and loved him for the manner<br />

in which he has championed the<br />

cause of the downmott and disinherited.<br />

Enr hil voice has been heard<br />

ur.ing the great remedial rdormsthe<br />

It cps to be taken toward industrial<br />

denloc:raey and brotherhood.<br />

But now all is to be sacri ficed,<br />

If we ar( to follow his present<br />

lenderlhip ~ nd consent to this vast<br />

;ncrtaIJe of military and naval exl,endilure,<br />

then we mult abandon all<br />

hope of old ace pensions for the victims<br />

of the industrial , truigle, of<br />

sieknl'U :'Inu accident insuraneC', and<br />

so on, The proiram of the Navy<br />

Bonrd requires an annual expenditure<br />

of some 265 millions on the na\'y<br />

alone, and the army expenditures<br />

will he no 1(,51. Here, then, we arc<br />

tn slll'nd upon this hideously Wil 'lteiul<br />

work of death and destruction<br />

each ye3.r fa r more than the total<br />

cost of the Panama Canal. \Ve must<br />

ahandon the work of ~ocia l re.::onslrllction<br />

and conl('cratc 311 our energies<br />

10 the work of dcstn:clion,<br />

sla\'{'s an ti Man ,<br />

Socialism Is Menaced<br />

It is told in the gnspels that n n nne<br />

(\ccas:on Jd llS 83ther{'d His disciple\<br />

around 11;111 and watn{'d them thai<br />

there were peril ous tim e'S ahead of<br />

them. timu of war and of rllmor~ 0'<br />

war, when they would ne('d 10 be<br />

careful not to permit th('nudves to<br />

h(' swept from the meorings of th(' ir<br />

faith_ Surely, my comr3.tles, we oi<br />

the Socialist mo\'cmcnt of Americ;'1<br />

Ilel'd to he on Huard kst we be swept<br />

from the moorings of ol1r grcal faith.<br />

ns the br:lve and heloved enm!'ad e<br />

who has .. poke to us. nnd 10 many<br />

(lthen, han' been. It is easy to affirm<br />

intl'ff'ational solida rity in times<br />

of peace, when the skies nrc uncl<br />

ouded. hu t the test of our faith<br />

comu ..... ith war and the threat of<br />

war. And now more than e\'er we<br />

nce d tn ol ffirm ollr faith nnshnkf n<br />

to set om h,ces and our hearts<br />

a!la in.!! t h:.tred, against war, against<br />

mi litarism, pnd trust in the swo rd,<br />

I alll of those wh o believe that out<br />

o f Ihi~ war the dt'moeracy of Europe<br />

will emerqe victorious; that it will<br />

rife triumphant over the prostrnte<br />

form of militarism: that the wnrweary<br />

and prncc-hunRry millions will<br />

h : able 10 institute grea~ ll.nd elfecti"e<br />

canwstigns for disarmament in<br />

;'Ill the hellig-erent nations, "ictorious<br />

nnd defeated alike,<br />

'<br />

In that cHnt I would ha"t thi'l<br />

Am('ricn th;'\t I ha" e chosen for my<br />

hahitatinn nnd sphere of sen'ieethill<br />

Amem:a that 1 10\'1.', that is mine<br />

no leu than it is Comrade \Valling's<br />

-(ree to lead in the great realiution<br />

nf the prnpheu' IIges-old v;'ion. t<br />

would have her hold out dean hand5<br />

to all the other nations. and say Itl<br />

them, "0 ,ister nationl, r, Amuic.a,<br />

wht) in timel of peace took you'<br />

weary and hungry children and lo\'e<br />

them as my ow n, welding their hear<br />

together in the fl.anu: of my it .. , l<br />

eauling their strh'ings and anger I<br />

die, now come to you and lay do ..... ,I<br />

my wen pons with your w\!apon<br />

unite your heartl again in a comma 1<br />

joy and w:th you walk in peace and<br />

fellowship,"<br />

How to R~ the Nines<br />

Examine anyone of the statements<br />

of equality in the multiplication table<br />

of nine, up to a:ld including nine time ..<br />

tcn. Select, for example, 9x7 equals<br />

63; o r 9x2 equals 18,<br />

Obsen'e that in ea -h case the first<br />

digit in tht product is, one leu than<br />

the number by which nine is multiplied:<br />

and the second digit in thl'<br />

T .. roduct is such that when added to<br />

th e first digit, the sum of the tw o i ~<br />

nine_<br />


(Continued from pag~ 8)<br />

liun, There is a possibility, Wl'<br />

admit, o f jttst StIch event ~ a.s \\'1.:<br />

ha\'e pic tured. But we den\' m tl~t<br />

emphatically that Alaska - could<br />

ever be Russianized, t hat ;" Icxico<br />

could ever bring :'.Iexican rule and<br />

~ 'exican condition s to an Y of o ur<br />

Southern States. Ru.ss ia h~~ nenr<br />

succeeded in Rnssianizing Finnland,<br />

Finnland still has its own<br />

diet. s till elects its <strong>Socialists</strong> to<br />

parliament, h as woman suffrage<br />

and w o rkingmen's compensatio n<br />

laws, In short, it i!' a historical<br />

fact that no politically unde"~I ­<br />

o ped natio n has ever been able to<br />

force its own oppressive laws upon<br />

a more civilized. more highly<br />

developed people,<br />

So let u s ~o on, undaunted, in<br />

our struggle against war, "Ve<br />

have but one enemy, and that is<br />

the capitalist system. We- have<br />

but one thing to fear, and that is.<br />

that our comrades may forget that<br />

the highest ideal. that the m ost<br />

beautiful phase of the Socia1i!'t<br />

movement is its international<br />

spirit, its world·wide solidarity,<br />

Fight Capitaliam. 6gh~ Nationalism.<br />

fight ,War!<br />


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