Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf


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f ' !<br />

• THK YOUNG 1000000ln' llAo.uID<br />

-I worst fUe (or maiden and wife courage them in the 1~<br />

flU'll liD "III DaY' at the hands of the all-powerful are too well aCCl1stol'ned to get-<br />

_ "enemy." Then COOltS -the call ting 'what they wa.nt. Their<br />

By WM. F. KRUSE to arms-the call to murder. Tn business plans require the exis-<br />

• the (ace of such a propaganda tenee of an "enemy," so they set<br />

there can be but little wonder to work quite rndhodic.ally to<br />

These .are dangerous time, for that young,hearts he~d tht call of manufacture one. On the one<br />

young folks. If collective mur- "preparcdncu"-preparednes5 to hand they arc punuing a meddleder<br />

were as clearly recognized a murder their fel1ow-beings, the some and trouble-making world<br />

crime u is individual murder, a "enemy." , policy, on the other they arc try·<br />

c:onliderable number of our lead. \Vho is the "enemy" ing to build up a military machine<br />

l<br />

i .. citizens would now 6e-..,doing This is a pertinent question at to carr)' out their de..;igns. The<br />

time behind the ban. From this time, "Who is the enemy r' jingoes themselves declare that<br />

c:ountleu newspapers, 'I'fIagazines, _ To look at the mo\tie terrors in Uncle Same is going throu gl~ \he<br />

lecture and school rostrums the- the "Battle Cry of Peace" - it is world with a chip 0 ,0 each shoul­<br />

Itrea, pulpits, and every po~sible ~ i m~s~ible. to .recognize the.m, der and bot'h arms. tn a sling. The<br />

method of formulating public their Identity 1.5 concealed wlth • armamem manufaqurers want<br />

opinion there is being pre~hed a rt:eat care. .\V ho .a r~ our ene- him to hide a CQUple o( million<br />

solitary, ugly, devilish doctrine- mles On thiS continent we ha\'e soldiers and baUteships in. the<br />

murder. two next-door neighbors. yet our folds of those slings and then<br />

It i~ not called that-of course three thou~and-m~I.~ frontier t~ ~unt ~r.p someone to'jcnock off the<br />

ftot-our intelle~tual' prO&titutes the north IS prachcally un font- chips. That "will mean more armand<br />

arm-chair jingoes ate far too fl~d . while our sOllthern neigh- ament order:s and more profits for<br />

clever to commit such ,. blunder. ~rs ask on.lY to be left alone. 1t the patriots. Let us rather strive<br />

The time is long put when mer/. IS hardlr I~kely ~hlt our Arneri- to get rid of -the· ChlPS, then the<br />

without the slightest compunction can . captt~hsts wlll.grant the re- hands ~on't nee1 any slings. it<br />

CO- out and kill one another. Bu~ quests ; 011 _wells and ranch lands was playing -wi~h. ) ~lIn-po wder<br />

the day when one great mass of are cheap for the masters when that put them there in the first<br />

people will pennit itself to be used they . ~~n be purchased at so s~al ! place, Let \IS quit looking for<br />

to slaughter off another is still with a pnce ~s t'.!..e worker-soldier! fight and attend t~ the work at<br />

tiS. blood. VVlth sllch stakes, we need home.<br />

For this reason our appeal is not wonder that a handful of bandits<br />

oblige ,us with the de$i.red<br />

addressed to the youth of this provocation'. -<br />

country. In the fact o( all the Over the seas thc countries are<br />

jingo papers, sp~ lI-binders, ilnd sufficiently concerned with their<br />

movies we urge you-Sleer clear<br />

of murder.<br />

own affairs; if we do not meddle<br />

with them they will never molest<br />

There are most insidious infhlences<br />

now at work to plunge this<br />

country into the same unthinking<br />

hrutish conditions that now in­<br />

us. The only thing that 'Could<br />

fest the :rest of the world. Militarism<br />

and its propaganda is<br />

rampant - everywhere. Go into<br />

the movi(, houses and you will<br />

see the hirelings o( Mammon cunningly<br />

playing upon the nobl.est<br />

emotions of man. love of home<br />

and veneration of womankind.<br />

First is shown the destruction of<br />

little cottages, the murder of innocent.<br />

beautiful children, and a<br />

possibly involve tbis country in<br />

war is our interierence in the economic<br />

development of for~ign<br />

countries. Unlcs$ we do this and<br />

provocate trouble tiy building ~p<br />

a murdcr machin'e with which' to<br />

fulfil such nefariolls srhemes, the<br />

"Cnited States. can reminn at peace<br />

with the rest o( the world until<br />

the end of time.<br />

Our mas~r s are thus deprived<br />

of the prime necessary e~cuse for<br />

armament: a likely looking<br />

enemy. Yet .that docs not dis-<br />

Our Tuk<br />

,"Ve have here a continent of<br />

unparalleled bounty and fertilit y.<br />

Our Fourth of July orators tell<br />

ns that we can (eed the entire<br />

world, allowing for the source.<br />

we may still be 'proud of ollr abil ­<br />

ity to harbor and feed a con:,iderably<br />

larger population than at<br />

present dwells \\ljthin our h Olll\·<br />

daries.<br />

This continent is· inhabited by a<br />

capable and intelligent people..<br />

capable enough to supply all their<br />

needs with a minimum of effort.<br />

intelligent en~ugh to be the ma!'­<br />

ter~ of their own destiny. \\" hy<br />

do not these conditions prevail ';<br />

\\' e know th~ not even the<br />

wants of the people are met out<br />

(Continued on Page 7)<br />

I THE-<br />

________ ~----~~~~--__ ~----YO--VY ___• __ ~' ~~<br />

. -<br />

I<br />


By John D. Barry<br />

A quaint" old cha'1cter diec1 a \'iews. And vet some or the wonder wh~ ther in hi s mind there<br />

few years ago. "His"'h'>:rme \\'a·s 'n o vie\V5 of these- !'coffers may also lurked other r~ se n .tOlents of<br />

\"1. Stockwell. He li,'ed in Au- be. cxploded and old-fashion.ed. changc.<br />

rora, Ill. For mahy rears he was Then, too, there is something Did he look with an 'alien and<br />

(amous a!J "the man that stood to be said for those who look a hostile eyc on the new civili zastitt"<br />

At th,t time of" the ci\'il with ~uspicion on what is new. ton ' that had gv>wn up about<br />

war he conducted a general mer· They create a consen 'arism that him Were the people that he<br />

chandise store in Aurora. There is not by any r'cans so deplor- met a~ fa ntastic and as unreal to<br />

he sold the hoop skirts worn at able as we are usually led to be- him as he was ro us<br />

the time_ He never !iucceeded in lieve. They are like ball3st ; they I.<br />

getting out of the hOOIJ.....skirt keep the tornadoes and the sud· 1'1 - . I<br />

period·. To the end o( his 1ife he d~n meaningless gpsts from over- . ,Iere t~ adceroftalO h<br />

pa.t JOSh" toboo,<br />

' . a . . . ~ , I 10 t 1(' attltu e t ose t at -<br />

co~tmlled tQ,. Oller fQ~ ~a l~ hQop turnlllg the shtp. From expen- 'ect to chan e. It resultl'l from<br />

!k~rts and ~ther I re!l~ s. :rhese ~nce they knoW th~t some of .thc !hei r lack of com tete harmon<br />

fhl ~gs he dld not recgnlz t;. ~. a s Ideas calledl new will be l a~ghed with life. - P 'I<br />

rehcs, however. _ He ~ Imply re- ~t to-morrow, and that befo,r e an Ru ski n was a notable exam Ie.<br />

fused to accept-- what was new.<br />

~atural1v. he saw his business<br />

Idea can be tested there IS requited<br />

a long ti me fori reflection.<br />

I . T · h<br />

n t he CIVI ltatlO:1 . t alat<br />

P<br />

was so<br />

. .' .''h . - rapil.ily an d sensation Iy de\1eldecline.<br />

. . He . . became a9 object Qf<br />

.<br />

1 e people<br />

' who - . resist change . oping . - un (ej " ' 15 . s., tU d V , ' Ie saw a<br />

rldtcul~. Vls lt~rs wou.ld go ~o !l1S are often ~aspera tlng . Bu\ they menace to eace and' to welfare.<br />

store to-gratlfy. t,h-eu - CUriosity h~\' e ~he l r work to perfo~ , . The introdl~ ti o n of steam as mOand<br />

to laugh. II hl~ "rrested de· hlghil' Important work, too. Their. . ' " .<br />

",:Iopment had n ~t inhibited en- nry·-opposition. be~irles hdpin'J; tl:e, power,' Insted·ddol.fi,lhn g hld m<br />

. . . . ' Wit 1 won( er an eilg H. 1\1a e<br />

terpnse he nllg~t ha ye turned It to weed O~lt the weak Ideas. gIves himi~ \' c. ~ow men that once<br />

-to profit.<br />

. .<br />

And If some adventur- the<br />

.<br />

true<br />

'd'<br />

Ideas greater strength.<br />

made<br />

gr..<br />

leisure Journeys<br />

.<br />

111 good<br />

ous SPlt1t had come along and " or an I en IS 1I0t worth much d fl· .. I<br />

succeeded In controlling h1m he _ unless it can sturdily make its o ~ - a~ Il on~d coaches Wit I<br />

might ha.ve been- exproited. He way through opposition and dis- p enty of ll,me to observe the<br />

. , countrv wou d be tempted to go<br />

went hiS way peacefully to the play toug mess of fiber. . . bo h .<br />

end. however, believing th;h the t~anng aut, t e ea r~h h,ke luna-<br />

• tics. Anc1 Wi th the iIItrodtlction<br />

wor Id was wrong·an d t<br />

right.<br />

h at he was.<br />

At thiS momen t I am reminded<br />

"<br />

of ma c~l1Ie there was sur~ to be<br />

of an aged man that 1 used to wee a. decline In these handlc.rafts<br />

.,.<br />

in the stretts of New Ycrk, a where men cou lct ~ake pleasure<br />

A good many of us are like "the weJl--known figure.. living out his ~nd pride. throu~h the expression<br />

man tnat stood s\ill" in at least last years in v.iealth and honor. of initiati ve anU personal skill.<br />

one' particul;r. Very few of us ' surrounded by grandchildren and Only a few years ago rome of uS<br />

keep up to the times in all ways. great-grandchildren. As a young were tempted to :;mile at Ru skin<br />

lr we could study the mind of<br />

man he ha~ become enamored o( (or these \'cry ideas. Now we ,are<br />

the mo~t advanced philosopher<br />

the neck stock, th(, kind that we wondering if he was not at least<br />

we should find that l in thi~ way now see in old portraits. He wore partl'y righl.<br />

or in that, perhaps in many ways,<br />

(0<br />

he w}t; reactionary.<br />

•<br />

my ow n acquaintance<br />

Often we hear the ad\'anc.ed<br />

know several people who grie,'e<br />

people scoffing at others fo r holdinC"<br />

old-fashioned or exploded<br />

o\'er the. invention of the -auto-<br />

4 mobile. One keeps the resOlve<br />

it to the day 4f his death. People<br />

used to tum and look after him<br />

as. straight and tall, he pas~esl<br />

down Fifth Avenue ... "a strange<br />

figure (rom the past.· 1 used to<br />

....<br />


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