Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory

Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory

Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory


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Chapter 3<br />

Natural Numbers<br />

3.1 Peano Axioms<br />

In order to see that ZF is strong enough to develop all (or most) of mathematics, the<br />

notions and objects from mathematics have to be defined —better: simulated— in ZF.<br />

The main mathematical notion is that of a function, and this one could be introduced<br />

thanks to the possibility of a set-theoretic definition of ordered pair (Definition 2.3.1 p. 8).<br />

As regards the mathematical objects: here follows the (set of) natural numbers; from<br />

these, the other number systems (rationals, reals) may be defined in the well-known way.<br />

The set of natural numbers can be characterized (“up to isomorphism” — see Theorem<br />

3.1) using the Peano Axioms. More precisely, these axioms characterize the system<br />

(IN, 0, S), where S is the successor-operation on IN defined by: S(n) = def n + 1. The Peano<br />

Axioms are the following five statements about this system:<br />

1. 0 is a natural number: 0 ∈ IN,<br />

2. the successor of a natural number is a natural number: n ∈ IN ⇒ S(n) ∈ IN,<br />

3. S is injective: S(n) = S(m) ⇒ n = m,<br />

4. 0 is not a successor: for all n∈IN, it holds that 0 ≠ S(n),<br />

5. (“mathematical”) induction:<br />

if X ⊂ IN is such that (i) 0 ∈ X and (ii) ∀n∈X(S(n) ∈ X), then IN ⊂ X.<br />

Let us call a Peano system any system (A, a 0 , s) that satisfies the Peano axioms.<br />

An isomorphism between such systems (A, a 0 , s) and (B, b 0 , t) is a bijection h : A → B<br />

for which h(a 0 ) = b 0 and such that for all a ∈ A, h(s(a)) = t(h(a)), and systems between<br />

which such an isomorphism exists are called isomorphic. The idea is that isomorphic<br />

systems are complete lookalikes.<br />

Theorem 3.1 Every two Peano systems are isomorphic.<br />

Proof. Sketch. (But see Exercise 31 p. 17.)<br />

Assume that (A, a 0 , s) and (B, b 0 , t) are Peano systems. Define a n = def s(· · · s(a 0 ) · · ·).<br />

(n occurrences of ‘s’).<br />

Claim. a n is different from a 0 , . . . , a n−1 .<br />

Proof. Induction w.r.t. n.<br />


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