Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory

Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory

Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory


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There are versions of the recursion theorem with F having parameters. For instance,<br />

we might have a recursion equation of the form<br />

F (x 1 , . . . , x n , α) = H(x 1 , . . . , x n , α, {(β, F (x 1 , . . . , x n , β)) | β < α}).<br />

However, the same proof works.<br />

An abstract version of the recursion theorem holds:<br />

Theorem 4.13 Suppose that ε is a well-founded relation on the class U such that for all<br />

a ∈ U, {b ∈ U | b ε a} is a set. Then for every operation H : V → V there is a unique<br />

operation F : U → V such that for all a ∈ U:<br />

Exercises<br />

F (a) = H(F |{b ∈ U | b ε a}).<br />

64 ♣ Prove Theorem 4.13.<br />

Hints. First, assume that ε is transitive. Check that the proof for this special case can<br />

be copied, word for word, replacing OR by U, from that of Theorem 4.12.<br />

Next, using this, recursion along a possibly non-transitive ε can be reduced to recursion<br />

along its transitive closure ε ⋆ : Given H, define an auxiliary operation H ′ by<br />

H ′ (f) = def H(f|{y | y ε x}) if x is such that Dom(f) = {y | y ε ⋆ x}. (Its values for other<br />

arguments are irrelevant.) Now if F satisfies the ε ⋆ -recursion equation F (x) = H ′ (F |{y |<br />

y ε ⋆ x}), it follows that F (x) = H ′ (F |{y | y ε ⋆ x}) = H(F |{y | y ε x}).<br />

65 ♣ Let a 0 ∈ V be a set and G : V → V an operation. Show: there exists a unique<br />

operation F : OR → V on OR such that<br />

• F (0) = a 0 ,<br />

• F (α + 1) = G(F (α)) ,<br />

• for limits γ: F (γ) = ⋃ ξ

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