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altrincham. - Cheshire County Council - Cheshire County Council ...

altrincham. - Cheshire County Council - Cheshire County Council ...


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Davies Joseph, farmer, Marsh farm, Kelsall Alfred, plumber, 'Washway rd health to the Urban District Coun-<br />

Carrington lane Kennedey & Kurton, milliners,Cross st eil &; certifying .factory surgeon,<br />

Dean John Edward, joiner, Barkers la Kenyon Job, grocer & beer retailer, Washway road<br />

.. Dean Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer & wine Glebelands road> ! Renshaw Israel James Edward<br />

&; beer retailer Washway road Lawson Charles, butcher, Cross street F.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.C.P.Lond. sui--<br />

Dunn Martha<br />

Buck lane<br />

(:\'11'8.), greengrocer, Lee John Robt. VolunteerP.H. Cross st .geon, Cross street .<br />

Linden Bowling Club (John M'Call, RIchardson Wm. f~rmer, Ashton lane<br />

Fairhurst Joseph, boot maker sec.), Linden avenue . Rob~rtson J. & J. bIcycle mnfrs.Crss.st<br />

Faulkner Samuel, grocer, Washway rd Linfoot Joseph, Plough l~n, Green la Rob~nson John, upholstere:~ Dunbar la<br />

Fielding Thomas, stationer &; musical Longworth James, Buck mn, Green la Robll~son Thos. farm baIliff to Mr.<br />

instrument salesman, Ashton lane Lowe John, draper, Cross street Elhson Greenhough, Harboroughrd<br />

• Fielding Wm. Henry,. beer ,rblr.Cross st Luddington Florence (Mrs.), draper, Rayle .Wm. ~ecorato~, 6 Elm grove<br />

Fox Jane & Alice (Misses), dress & Ashton lane· Rutter Lomsa (MISS), teacher of<br />

mantle makers, Ashton lane McKenzie Wm.boot&shoe mao Cross st music, Glebelands road<br />

Freeman- Marga.ret Elizabeth (Mrs.), McMurney Elizabeth (Mrs.), teacher St. Mary's Nursing Institution & Disconfectioner,<br />

Ashton lane of music, Mersey road tric~ Nurses' Home (Miss Dorothy<br />

French Alice (Miss), schl. Southern rd McNulty John, shopkeeper, Cross 51 DaVIS, matron), St. Mary's. road<br />

Garside Wm. shopkeeper & beer re- Maguire Ann' (Mrs.), boot & shoe mao Sale :& Ashton High. Schoof for Boy~<br />

r tailer., Mersey road Ashton lane Lim. (Rev. Fredk. Hy. Mentha<br />

Goodall Elizabeth (:Miss), dress maker, Marsland Jas.landseape grdnr.Ashtn.la M.A. principal)<br />

Washway road 'Mason William, nurseryman & florist, Sale· & Ashton-upon-Mersey Public<br />

.Goodier John E. cycle repairer, Albany Ashton lane Hall Co. Lim. (J. O. Barrow, sec)<br />

terrace, Cross street Massey Thos. paperhan,ger, Somer- Scott Wm~ M.A., :M.B. &; C.M.Edin.<br />

Greenough Ellison, butcher, Cross st set place physician & surgeon, Ashton hine<br />

Gresty John, market gardener, Car. Millatt George, farmer, Green lane<br />

; '!'ington lane Millatt In. market gardener, Buck 13<br />

Skerratt Geo. provision dlr.Green 180<br />

Smith John, porter, Cross street<br />

.Hall James, newsagent, ashway road Milne~'Sophia (Miss), draper, Cross st Smith William, joiner, Mersey road<br />

!Hampson W. & Sons', grocers & pro- Moore Joseph, pa,inter, Garden view Speight. Edward, fried fish shop,<br />

vision dealers, Cross· street Morrell' William; butcher &; grocer, Green lane .'.. .<br />

~Hannan Suttill, greengrocer, Cross st Green lane Spence Wm. stone mason,Washway rd<br />

Hardy Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress & man- Newton Robt. R. farmer, Manor farm' Stacey William, draper, Cross she'et<br />

tIe maker, Cross street Newton 'Villiam T. farmer, Ashton Stelfox A. &; M. drapers, Washway rd<br />

Hardy John, cab proprietor, Cross st Hall farm Tonge J. & Son, wheelwrights, Glebe-<br />

Hay Walter, tobacconis·t· Nuttall David, shopkeeper & beer re- land'S road<br />

Hayman Thomas, gardener, Cross st tailer, Mersey road· . Tonge Joseph, farmer, Glebelands rd<br />

Higgins Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Owen George, confectioner,. Albany ter- Vernon Enoch, insure agent, Mersey rd<br />

Cross street . race, Cross street Vickers- (Frederick William, coffee<br />

Hill John, cabiDf~t makr.Glebelands rd Penney Henry, saddler, Cross street tavern keeper, Cross· street. '<br />

Hockheimer Walter, decorator, Ash- Pennington Dennis, farmer, Ivy farm Walker Fredk. H. shopkeeper,Ohaperla<br />

ton lane<br />

Phillips James, provision dealer & beer Wallis Thomas, t,ripe dresser, Cross st<br />

Hodcroft 'Charles, farmer, Mersey farm ~etailer, Florence stI"eet· Watson John &; William, wheelwrights<br />

.Holt Jane (,Mrs.), umbrella maker, Pr~ce Edwafl'd';brush manufr.Ashton 18 & blacksmiths, Chapel lane .'<br />

Grange rOlld. Prlestner John T., ,M.R.C.V.S. vetin- West William, draper, Green .lane .1<br />

Howe Mary E. (Mrs.), tmplate worl{er, ary surg;o.n, Cross. street . Westerman Joseph, shpkpr. Green'1&<br />

Cross street .. Ray Ro?t. Jomer & bUIlder, BarWIck pI Whitehead John,shoeing smith;Cros8 st<br />

Hutton Fred, surveyor. -& .samtary l~-. Read RIchard, grocer & beer retailer, Whitelegg Newton,farmer, Grange frm<br />

spector t? ~rban DIs~rlct CounCIl, Renshaw ·Charles 'Adolphe Knowles Wilkinson JeremiabJas.frmr.Gnat frm<br />

Urban DIStrlCt <strong>Council</strong> office .M.A. &; M:B.Camb., L.R.C.P. & S. Winter Henry confectioner Post<br />

Huxley Henry, cab propr. Wa.shway rd Edin. surgeon & medical officer & office, Green 'lane '<br />

~Ingham In. pho!ographer, Wmton ho public v~cci~ator,· Ashton-upon- Wqodfine Wm. JarS. shopkpr.Oross st.<br />

~ames F~a~k, l~o~monger.. Cross st Mersey dlstrIct, Bucklow union, Wright John Edwd. plumber, .Green la<br />

~ames Wl1ham, J~mer, Ashton lane Washway road Wrigley Lees wheelwright. & smith,<br />

Jones Chas. & Josmh,frmrs. Moss frm Renshaw· Oharles Jeremiah M.D., Washway r~ad<br />

J9nes Mary (.Mrs.), shopkpr. Green la .M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & certifyinO'<br />

~Tones Samuel, farmer factory surgeon & medical officer ;f<br />

ASHTON HAYES is a parish formed ill 1849 from<br />

that of Tarvin, and CQmprises the townships of Ashton,<br />

.~o~t?n-cum-Peele, and: Mouldswortb, in the Eddisbury<br />

diVISlOn of the count.y, hundTed and petty sessional divisio~<br />

of Ed~isbury, Ohester 'county court district, Tarvin<br />

UD!')n, and lD the rural dearery, archdeaconry and diocese<br />

of Chester.<br />

ASIJTON is a township and village on the north-west<br />

border of Delamere Fore,st, 5 miles north-west from Tarporleyand<br />

I mile from Mouldsworth station on the Che­<br />

8.hire Lines I'~ilway. .The ch:ur?h of St. John the Evangelist,<br />

-erectedl lD 1849, IS a bwldmg of stone in the Perpendicular<br />

.style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays,<br />

porth aIsle, sonth poreh and an embattled western tower<br />

with four crocketed pinnacles and octagonal spire containing<br />

.a clock and one bell: there is a mural mC'nument to<br />

William Atlcinson esq. d. 1883, and a' brass to the Rev<br />

Henry Cuttill Stubbs, vicar here 1884-90, d. 1890: th~<br />

c;:hurch affords 250 sittings. The register dates from the<br />

year 1849. T~.e livin~ is a vioarage, net yearly value<br />

£240 , WIth resl~ence, lD the gift of Joseph Charlton Parr<br />

esq. and held smce 1·8g6 by the Rev. .Ambrose HeyO"ate<br />

M.A. of Keble Oollege, Oxford. The 'church, parso;acre<br />

on~ . school :were erected at the sole cost of the late<br />

WIlham Atkmson esq. J.P., D.L. then patron, by whom<br />

also the churc~ was endowed. There is a Wesleyan<br />

eh~pel~ erected m 1845, and a Primitive Methodist chapel,<br />

bUl.lt lD 1846 and rebuilt in 188a. Ashton Hayes, the<br />

I'esldence of Frederick Hayes esq. stands in a fine park<br />

Of::> about 72 ac!es. Joseph Charlton Parr esq. of Grapp.,~nhall<br />

Heys, IS lord of. the manor and chief landowner.<br />

'I he a·rea .of the to,!ns~lp is 1,324 acres; rateable ,alue<br />

£2,492 ; the populatIon m 190'1 was 403, and of the parish<br />

612. '<br />

Post ~ffice.--,Mack Mounfiel9-, sub-po&tma&ter. Letters<br />

arrIve from Oh~ter at 7.20 a.m.; dispatched at 7.30<br />

p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.<br />

The nearest money order &; telegraph office is at Kel..<br />

saIl, 2 miles distant<br />

National School (mixed & infants), for 120 children;<br />

average attendance, 86; Edward Alvey, master .<br />

HORTON-auM-PEEL~ is a small townsbip, a mile' and<br />

a half north £rom Tarvm. Peele Hall, the property of<br />

~oseph Charl~n Parr esq. is a stone buiii(ing, now consistmg<br />

of a p?rtlOn only of the ori~al hall erected in 1637,<br />

and occupIed as a farmhouse. The area is' 343 acres; rate­<br />

~ble value, £561; the population in IgQI was 32. Peele<br />

IS a part of this township. .<br />

Letters from ~hester. The nearest money order & telegraph<br />

office IS at Kelsall, about 3. miles distant<br />

MOULDSWORTH is· a township, 8 miles north-east<br />

from Chester, with a station on the <strong>Cheshire</strong> Lines rail·<br />

Wlly. T?e Weslayan Methodist chapel, erected here' in<br />

1877, w1l1 seat 100. Col. Charles. Hosken France-Bay:..<br />

hurst, of Bostock Hall, Northwich, who is lord ·of the<br />

manor, and Joseph ChaI1ton Parr esq. are the chief landowners.<br />

T~e a~ea is 886 acres; rateable value, £x,540;<br />

the populatIon lD 190X was 172. The children of this<br />

township attend the Ashton school.<br />

\Vall Box, Railway station, cleared at 7.55 p.m.; sundays,<br />

7.40 p.m<br />

Letters from Chester. (Kelsall, 2! miles distant is the<br />

nearest money order & telegra.ph office ,.<br />

~Iouldswor~h Station, Fredk. Harvey Turner, stn. master<br />


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