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altrincham. - Cheshire County Council - Cheshire County Council ...

altrincham. - Cheshire County Council - Cheshire County Council ...


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Electors (the whole bOTough) , I902, I5,557. Pop. IgOI,<br />

IIO'926•<br />

Member of Parliament.<br />

Sir Eilliatt Lees baTt. D.S.O., 1~1.A., J.P. iSouth Lytohet<br />

manor, Poole, DOTSet; I.+ Queen Anne's gat~ S W;<br />

Oarlton & Oonservativt! clubs S W & Garrick club W C,<br />

London<br />

Returning Officer, The Mayor.<br />



The senior magistrate present take·s the chair.<br />

Bell Hy. esq. Greenfield, Oarpenters lane, lVest Kirby, B<br />

Bell "VtiHiam esq. ~I.R.C.S.Eng. Rutland house, St.<br />

George's mount, New Brighton, B<br />

BiDgham Wm esq. Lingdale hOe Lingd1ale rd. 01aughton,B<br />

Brccklebank Ralph Eric Royds esq. PouLton Boyd, Bebington,<br />

B<br />

Brocklebank Thomas esq. The Rosecote, 'lIeswall, Ohester<br />

Bulley Thomas Raffies esq. 'Breck hey, Mount Pleasant<br />

road, Lisoard, B<br />

Bushell Ghas. In. esq. The Woodlands, Bromborough, B<br />

Bushell Reginald esq. F.R.A.S. Rinderton lodge, Neston,<br />

Chester<br />

Clarke Thomas esq. Leahurst hall, Windle hill, Neston<br />

S.O. Oheshire<br />

Corbett Uveda~e Bennett esq. Modywn, Chester, B<br />

Crow George Busk, Stoneleigh, Highfield South, Rock<br />

Ferry, B<br />

Elliat John esq. SunnyfJide, 56 Stapley road, HoylJake, B<br />

Evans Edward, jun. esq. Spital Old hall, Bromborough, B<br />

Evans In. Jas. esq. Brackenrwood, Higher Bebington, B<br />

Forwood Sir William Bower, Bromborough hall, B<br />

Graveson Michael Tyson esq. Mostras, Sea View road,<br />

Lisoard, B<br />

Hannay Thomas Scott esq. Greenbank, Upton, nr.Birkenhd<br />

Harmood-Banner John Sutherland esq~ D.L. Ashfield<br />

hall, Neston, OhesteT<br />

Harrison Edward Hodgson esq. Plymyard, Eastham, B<br />

'Harrison Frederic James esq. Maer hall, near Newcastleunder-Lyme<br />

Heap William esq. Elm mount, Penkett road '<br />

, Liscard, B<br />

Hibbert Charles esq. 26 Kingsland ro~d, B<br />

Hind Herbert Wheeler esq. Ashville, 8 Ashville road, B<br />

Hobson Richard esq. D.L. The M'aNords, Bromborough, B<br />

Ho,pe Charles Edward esq. The Bank house, Burton, Neston<br />

S.O<br />

Hope William esq<br />

Jackson Thomas Hughes esq. The Ma:nm house, ~I:anor<br />

hill, Clau.ghton<br />

Jackson William esq. 12 ForeSlt road, Claughton, B<br />

Johnston Francis esq. Rothiemay, Promenade, Liscard<br />

Joyce J{)hn esq. Seabank house, Bank Td.north,Lis'card, B<br />

.Joynson Tertius esq. M.ontpelier house, Montpelier crescent,<br />

Kew Brighton, B<br />

Lee Thomas Russell esq. Oak lawn, 'Stanley road, New<br />

Ferry, B<br />

Lloyd John Qlleb esq. V.D. Ne9ton S.O. <strong>Cheshire</strong><br />

Mellor Wm. Moseley esq. I6 Devonshire pI. Olaughton, B<br />

Napier Thomas 'ViHiam Adam M.D. Darling.ton honse,<br />

Darlingrbon street, Egremont, B<br />

'Owen Peter esq. The Manor, Oapenihurst, Chester<br />

Peers George Hunter esq. MUl1:lhwa.ite, St. Hilary brow,<br />

Wallasey,B<br />

Pooley Frank esq. Penkett road, Liscard, B<br />

Pooley Henry esq. Homestead, Penkett rd. Liscard, B<br />

Premn Robert Wheeler esq. Ola·re lodge,01laremount road,<br />

Wallasey, B<br />

Shaw WillJiMn Otho ~licholSion esq. B.'A., F.R.G.S. The<br />

Coppice, Bishopwood, Ross, Herefords-hire<br />

Smith James esq. Dalmorton, New Brighton, B<br />

Stead John Oharles esq. Stoneycl'Olft, Penkett rd.Liscard B<br />

Steel Richard esq. Z'igz,a.g hall, Penkett road, Liseard :B<br />

Stitt Col. Samuel V.D. Holmfield, Shrewsbury road. 'B<br />

Wall George esq. Reatherdene, Ckange road, West<br />

Kirby S.O<br />

Williamson Stephen esq. Copley, Thornton-Hough, Neston,<br />

Chester<br />

The Chairmen, for the time being, of the Hicrher Bebington,<br />

Lower Bebington, Bromborough, HoyLake & We,st<br />

Kirby &; :Keston &; Parkgate Urban & Wirral Rural<br />

District <strong>Council</strong>s are ex-officio l:Ilalristrates<br />

. Clerk to the Magistrates, Godfrey .Allan Solly, 55 Ham­<br />

Ilton square<br />

Assistant Clerk, Jonathan Joinson, 42 Manor rd.Liscard<br />

The places in the petty sessional division are :-Arrow<br />

Higher Bebington (part of)~ Lower Bebington, Bidston:<br />

Burton, Bromboroug-h, Bnmstage, Barnston Ohilder<br />

Thornton, Caldy, CIatterbridge, Claughton, Eastham,<br />

Egremont, Frankby, Grange, Gayton, Greasby, Hooton,<br />

Heswell-cum-Oldfi'eld, Hoose, Hoylake, Irby, Ledsham<br />

Liscard, Landican, Moreton, Great & Littl~ Meolse'<br />

Magazines, Netherpool, Ness, New Brigthton, Newton~<br />

cum-Larton, :New Ferry, Noetorum, Great Neston Little<br />

Neswn, Overpool, Parkgate, Poulton-cum-Sea~ombe<br />

Puddington, Pensbv, Br-enton, Raby, Saughall Massie'<br />

Seacombe, Spital, Storeton, Great Sutton, Little Sutton'<br />

Thingwall, ~ornton .Hough, Thurstaston, Upton, Wal~<br />

lasey, 'Vest KIrby, Wl1laston & lVoodchurch<br />

Pett~ Sessions are held at the <strong>County</strong> Hall, Abbey st. B.<br />

dally, at IO a.m. but thursday only for returnable summonses<br />

rut ~he Court ~ouse, Brand/on street, .at IO.30<br />

a.m.; at "allasey daily at 9.30 a.m. but wednesday<br />

only for returnable summonses at IO a.m.; at the Court<br />

House, Neston, the last friday in eoch month at IO<br />

a.m.; occasional courts are ~lso held at New Bright.on<br />

New Feny & Hoylake<br />

'<br />


Hazlehurst George S. The Grange, St. Peter's road,<br />

Rock Ferry (Mayor 190I-2)<br />

RecOTder, Clement Higgins K. C. 30 Rosary gardens South<br />

Kensington, London S W<br />

'<br />

Atkin George, Egerton house, Egerton park, Rock Ferry<br />

Beazley Edwin Arthur, Merefield, Wexford road Orbon<br />

Bingham Wm. Lingdale house, Tollemache rd. Claughton<br />

Coohran James Taylor, Violet bank, Annan, N.B<br />

Cook Thomas, Parkbury road, Talbot<br />

Cooke Bancroft, 34 Broad Green road, Formby-by-the-<br />

Soo, Liverpool<br />

Oornwall Wil·nam CcMJon L.R.C.P.Edlin. II Hamilton sq.B<br />

Crow Geo. Busk, Stoneleigh, Highfield south, Rock Ferry<br />

Dodds Thos.LiddeH, Sunnymead,'8 Gha~lesvil1e, Olaughton<br />

Floyd Thomas Sargent [M.D. r6 Devons'hire rd. Clanghton<br />

Frost Meadows, Hill house, HesWlall B<br />

Getley William, Woodbank, 30 CHft~n road, Tranmere<br />

Gostenhofer Gharles Thomas, I8 Beresford road Oxton<br />

Rarris A:Lfred Charles Edward 'M.D. 2 Devonshire place,<br />

Claughton<br />

Hinson William, Holm-Lacy, 32 Bidston road, Oxton<br />

Jaclrson Thomas Hughes, The Manor house, Manor hill,<br />

Claughton<br />

Jackson William, I2 Forest road<br />

Jones Benedict B.A. 6 Wexford road, Oxton<br />

Kelly James Moses, 59 Old Che'5ter road, Rock Ferry<br />

MacMahon P·eter, IS Hollybank road, Tranmere<br />

Mott Charles Grey, Haxrow Weald lodge Stanmore Md!}sx<br />

:N~'Whouse Christopher, 4I Lansdowne r~ad '<br />

Oldham George Samuel, Florenceville, Prenton rd. west<br />

Penno?k John, Roslyn, 42 Olifton road, Tranmere<br />

R.awohffe Henry, Kirkland, Vml3.ge TOad, West Kirby<br />

Singleton Charles, Hadleigh, 8 Park Toad 'West Claugbton<br />

Tl3.ylor Edmund, Wirral l'odge, I2 Mount Plea~ant Oxton<br />

Walker William, I9 Park road south<br />

'<br />

Williams Edward, Rockmount, 3.8 Oliftc:m road Tranmere<br />

Willia.mson John, Claughton grange, 65 Devon~hire road,<br />

Claughton<br />

Worthington Joseph Hall, Alton villa, 28 V1Uage rd. Oxton<br />

Clerk, Gerrard Copeland, Sessions court<br />

Assis·tant Clerk, In. Woodend, Sessions ct. Brandon st<br />

Borough Petty Sessions B,re held at the Court house<br />

Brandon street, D. daily at II a.m<br />

'<br />


190I- 1902•<br />

Mayor.<br />

<strong>Council</strong>lor George Stewart Hazelhurst<br />

Recoroer.<br />

Clement Higgins K. C. 5 Paper bldgs. Temple, London E 0<br />

Aldermen.<br />

Retire in November, 190 4,<br />

Bloor Henry, 39 Beresford road<br />

Cook. Thomas, Parkbury, Talbot road, Oxton<br />

Deakm Thomas Samuel, 20 Devonshr.ire road Oxton<br />

Gamlin James, 2 Hollybank road, Tranmere'<br />

LE'es Luke, I47 Bedford road, Rock Ferry<br />

:VInson Edward Goeorge, Saxonhurst, Rock Ferrv<br />

Rawcliffe Henry, Kirkland, Village road, West 'Kirby<br />

Retire in November, 1907.<br />

Clarke T~o~oa.s Charles, 6 Rock park, Rock Ferry<br />

Getley Wilham, 30 Clifton rood, Tranmere<br />

Jones Benedict, 6 .Wexford road, Oxton<br />

Shaw Thomas, 54 Park road south<br />

Singleton Oharles, 8 Park road west Olaughton<br />

Stott William HenTy, The Gables, Egerton pk. Rock Ferry<br />

Thompson Jas. Thos. Chetwynd mount,Chetwynd rd.Oxtn<br />

Aldermen a.ppoin~d to preside at Ward Elections.<br />

Arg~'le Thos. Samuel D~akin Clifton Henry Bloor<br />

Bebmgton Henry Rawchffe Egerton William Getley<br />

Claughton Charles Singleton GranO'e Thomas Cook<br />

Cle\'eland James Thomas IMers;y Luke Lees<br />

Thompson<br />

Oxton Thomas Shaw

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