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S· J m'ah quarry owner, Redmond Mrs. 6 Town lane<br />

Clay John, Spital road Impson er.e I , . Richmond Mrs. 58 Old Chester road<br />

*Evans Edwd. jun. J.P. Spital Old hall Storeton HIll quarnes. '11 Rober~s Joseph, 44 Old Chester road<br />

*Gre~n HerbE'rt L. Poulton hall Taylor Wm. farmer, Storeton VI age v<br />

Robe1'ts William, 5 Ash road<br />

*:\-Ioore George A. Bardfield 'VOODHEY. Roberts Wm. Valentine, Llwyn-On,<br />

MidwQod Walter Henry, Poulton Hey<br />

. I hall PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ash road<br />

*Nicholson Hugh H. Splta 'llardice David lV. Woodburn Robinson Edwin, 3 Woodhey road<br />

*Watson Wm. Lancelyn, Spital road .::l. h 6 W'h d<br />

*Wright. Charles Henry, The Cot Armstrong Robert M. G. Kenmare, Rowbotham Art ur, ooa ey r<br />

Wright Clarence D. Chapel dale 50 Old Chest.er road Sayee Mrs. 84 Old Chester road<br />

..hrowsmith James Kenneth, 82 Old Sinith Capt. Jdmes B. 10 Woodhey rd<br />

COMMERCIAL. Chester road Smith James, 28 Woodhey road<br />

Ashcroft Samuel, farmer Ashcroft Sum!. 78 Old Chester road Smith Mrs. 24 Woodhey road<br />

Broster George, gamekeeper to Thos. Baker Edgar, 26 Woodhey road Sncdkar ~dward, 48 Old 'Chester rd<br />

Green esq Barber Charles Edward,22 Woodhey rd Stalker MISS, 13 To'!n lane.<br />

""Hardwick John E J'oiner Home cott Beckett Fredk. E. 27 Elm road Troughton Rev. Leshe 'Yychffe :M.A.<br />

Jellicue Jo~m, farmer, . Lancelyn , farm Beynon Joseph, 4 Elm road (. l~cumb en t . of Cbnst Church'<br />

Jones Charles, gardener to Edward BewlE'Y JO~l1 .Armstrong, 8 Woodhey rd Hlg~er Bebmgton), Beechwood hOe<br />

Evans jun. esq. J.P Beynon RlCIhard F.R.G.S. 23 Elm rd T.o'\\n lane<br />

Jones John Walter, station master, Cannell James, The Hawthorns,Oak rd W~lltram Mrs. t; Woodhey road<br />

Spital station Chipp Henry JnLn, 18 Elm road Wl1son Mrs. 8 Town lane<br />

Lathom John, farmer, Heath farm Chrimps Joseph, 88 Old Chester rd Wood?ock Robert. Ro11.o, 18 Woodheyrd<br />

*Ranson Thomas, gardener to H. Christi0 Thomas, 70 C?ld Chester rd Woodm Walter Denms, 76 Old Ohes~<br />

Rushton Rodger esq. Oakland lodge, Clare Mr~. Dl1n~\eld, "oodhey road tel' road .<br />

Spital Coomber FredeTlck, 80 Old Chester I'd Wrenshall MISS, 3 Ash road<br />

Warburton Wm. Henry, gardener to Cooper Knowles, 2 Town lane Yearsley William R. 10 Ash road<br />

Frederick Wignall esq. Woodhey Idg Cox. )'irs. 7 Woodhey road COlIlIERCI.1L.<br />

*WarinO' William farmer Poulton frm DavIes John, 25 Elm road .<br />

Withint:rton "" John. " blacksmith Dawson Nath ame, . I 3 Ash road Arnott George, mast.er marmer, 20<br />

Wright" Thomas C. farmer, Claremont Dean Ernest, Greta, Beech road Elm rood<br />

farm Dutton Edwa.rd, 42 Old Chester road Bebington Cemetery (J. E. Lloyd,<br />

Gilhert Albert Edward, The Grove, Town hall, Birkenhead, clerk to the<br />

STORETON. Town hlne burial hoard; Saml. Moss Dyer,<br />

Grout George, II Beech road registrar), Town lane .<br />

COMMERCIAL Harford Wm. Fredk. 56 Old Chester rd Dyer Samuel' Moss, regIstrar, The<br />

Ashton Samuel,. gamekeeper to Sir Hignett John .1, Swallcroft, Old Cemetery, Town lan~<br />

Thomus Brocklebank bart Chp~ter road Grice Alfred, commercial traveller, 86<br />

Broster ,James, blacksmith Hill Robert lV. Avonhurst Town lane Old Chester road<br />

Dickin lVilliam, bailiff to Messrs. Mills Holmes George Robert, 8'Elm road Hayes & Sons, monumental masons,<br />

& Fletcher Houghton l\Ir~. 2 Elm road Town lane . .<br />

~a~rclough Thos. R. frmr. Bricldields Hutton Charles. 10 Town lane Hig-nett John A. regIst.rar of bl!th~ &;<br />

hurclough Thomas R. wheelwright JefferiE's Geo. Fredk. 20 Woodhey rd deaths for the B9bmgton dlstnct,<br />

HancockJane(.:\lrs. ),farmer,Hillside fm Jone-s John, 46 Old Chester road . Swallowcroft, Old Chester road<br />

Hancock Saml.farmer,Storeton village Kelly John W. 6 Elm road Howard Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, II<br />

Hulme Thos.frmr.Ley farm,Drickfip-Ids Knox Mrs. 52 Old Chester road Oak road .<br />

Jeffs Thomas, farmer, The Grange LanO'ley ~rs. 12 Woodhey road Howa.rd Thos. frmtel"er, 5 Oak lI'oad<br />

r...edsome Joseph, farmer Lea Walter, :;4 Old Chester road McGivering Charles, monu!llental<br />

L~dsome Thomas, farmer . Ledgerwood -Cl"O"!!p. 14 Elm road mason, Town lane<br />

NIeld Henry Charles, farmer &; asslst- Longriggo )1rs. 4 Woodhey road Marsh Henry A. monumental mason,<br />

ant overseer, Home farm :\IcGivering- Cha~. Oak cot. Tow!). la Town lane .<br />

Oxton William, farmer, Hillside Molyneu'"{ ·Wm. 82 Old Chester road Mooney Samuel, bUlI~er, I Oak road<br />

Parr Joseph, farmer, Hillside )Ivprs Frerlk. Greenbank, 74 Old Richman Isaac, furmture dealer, 9<br />

Pate Thomas. farmer ·Cheste.r road Oak road<br />

Peers William, farmer & grocer, Brick- Owpns Thomas E. Millersdale, Ash rd Taylor Annie (Mrs.),shopkpr. 70ak rd<br />

fields Peur,~e "-a1tH R 60 Old 'Chester rd Wrenshall Octavius, teacher of music,<br />

Saint Albert, gameli:eeper to Sir Thos. Pea.rson Andrew. jun.40 Old Chester rd 3 Ash road<br />

Brocklebank bart Pope )irs. 72 Old Chester road Hague N"rman, farmer, Drook farm<br />

Shakeshaft Charles, farmer, Bricktlds<br />

BETCHTON is a considerable towriship on the Trent<br />

and Mersey canal, in the paa-ish of Sand'bach, and consists<br />

only. Sandbach, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money<br />

order & telegraph office<br />

of some scattered houses and the hamlet of Hassall Green' BASSALL i8 a township and villa,ge, 3 miles from Al.<br />

it i~ 2 miles east from Sandbach, about 3 from Alsage~ sager station on the North Staffordshire railway, and 31<br />

statIon OJ?- the North Sta.ff?t:dshire railway and 164 from ~l)nth-ensL from Sandbach, in the parish of 'Sandbach<br />

London, In the Crewe dlVlsion of the counh', XaTlt,wich 1\antwich hund'red and Congleton union and county court<br />

hundred, petty sessional division of ·:\Iidd1e,,·ich and Sand. district. The land is held by the trustees of the Sand.<br />

bach (S~nd~ach section) and Congleton union and county bach Oonsolidated Charities, the representatives of the<br />

court dIstrIct. At Hassall Green is an iron church lat~ Mrs. RedhaU, of Congleton, and Mr. Thomas Hal.<br />

erected in 188 3. serving as a chapel of ease to Christ land. The soil is sandy, and the subsoil is sand and'clay.<br />

Church, Wheelock. There is also a Primit·ive ~lethodist Th~ chief crops are potatoes, wheat and oats. Th~ ar~a.<br />

c::hapel at l\[alkin~ Bank, erected in 1859, and WeRleyan is 1,°38 acres; rateable value, £2,89 1 ; the populatIOn 1D<br />

chapel at Hassall Green, erected in 1858. In the tnwn. 19 0r was 295.<br />

sh~p are extensive salt and chemical works. RogE'r Wm. Letters through S«nd1bach. Letter Box, Hassall Green,<br />

WIlbraham esq. of De)amere House, Northwich, is lord cloo.red at 8.10 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sun. at 8.10 a.m.<br />

of the manor and principal landowner. The area is _\.1~ager, about 2~ miles distant, is the nearest money<br />

2,65 1 acres of land and 14 of water; rateable value, order & telegraph office<br />

£10, 2 °3; the population in 19 0r was 692. lYesleyan School (mixed), Hassall Green, erected in.I85 8<br />

Letters through Sandbach. Letter Box, Hassall Green, & enlarged in 187 1 & 1895 for 180 children; average<br />

cleared at 8.10 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays. 8.10 a.m. attendance, 101; John Williams, master<br />

BETCHTON. IBarratt James, farmer, Bolt's green Broad Amos, jun. farmer, Rough-<br />

Armistead Rev. John M.A. (vicar ot IBarratt. John, farmer, Love lane wood farm<br />

Sandbach), Vicarage Beckett John, farmer, Thurlwood Chesters Wm.shopkeeper, Hassall grn<br />

Jackson Richard farm, Rode heath Colclough Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Cres-<br />

Shutt John Beech .James, farmer, Capper's lane well shaw<br />

Upton George, Manor house Beech Thomas, f:1rmer Colclough Frank, farmer, Love lane<br />

lVoodgate Misses IBeech William, farmer, ChelIs hill Colclough James, farmer, Roughwood<br />

Boffey John. farmer Colclough James, jun. Horseshoe<br />

COMMERCIAL. Boffev Richard, farmer P.H. & farmer<br />

Bailey Enoch, fanner Bolshaw Thomas, farmer Colclough Thos. frmr.Roughwood bnk<br />

Barnard James, farmer<br />

Brunner, Mond & Co. Lim. (branch), Cooke John, New Inn, blacksmith &<br />

Barnard William, farmer, Hassall grn alkali mannfacturers (William A. bicycle dealer<br />

Barratt Ann pIrs.), farmer Richards, manager), Malkin's bank Egerton George, Red Lion P.H

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