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56 BIClERT08. CHESHIRE. [KE1LY'~.<br />

Petty Sessions are held at Broxton Petty Sessional Court Cotton Edmonds, Crewe, Cuddington, DnckingtoD',.<br />

Bouse the last tuesllay in each month at IO.~o a.m. Edge Edgerley, Egerton, Farndon, Foulk Stapleford,<br />

& occasional courts every monday when reqUIred at Golb~rn Bellow, GolbofOo David, Grafton, Hampton,<br />

II.30 a.m. except the m~mday be.fore Br~xton p~tty Handley, Harthill, Hatton, Horton, HuxJey, King'&<br />

sessions, also at the 1Ialpas & Tattenhall Pol~ce Stabo~s Marsh, Larkton, Lea Newbold, Macefen, Malpas, Newwhen<br />

necessary. The following places are mcluded m ton-by-Malpas, Newton-by-Tattenhall, Oldcastle. Overthe<br />

division :-Agden, Aldersey, Aldrford, Barton, ton Shocklach Oviatt Stockton, Stretton, Tattenhall,<br />

Bickerton Bickley, Bradley, Broxton, Bulkeley, Til;ton, 'fhreapwood, Tushingham-cum-Grindley,<br />

Burwa.rdsiey, Buerton, Caldecott, Ctarden, Chid- Waverton, Wich-hough, Wigland<br />

low, Gholmondeley, Ohorlton, Cho'W1ey, Church<br />

Shocklach. Churton-by-Aldford. Churton-by-Farndon, Police Court. erected in 18 79, with residence; Charles-<br />

'Churton Heath, Clutton, Coddington, Cotton Abbots, Edward Hicks, superintendent<br />

BICKERTON. COMMERCIAL. Wigan Coal Co. Lim. Broxton station<br />

Blake Philip Henry, Bank cottage .Arthan David, {anner, Gleggshal1 Windsor Joseph, coal & lime mer-<br />

Hall Rev. James )ilelville M.A. (vicar Bamber Tho~as, cheese merchant, chant, Broxton station<br />

& surro,;!ate), Vicarage Broxton statIon . BULKELEY.<br />

Haswell William Denson, Combe dale B~n?on John, farm;r. . Brassey RIchard, The Grange<br />

Johnson John<br />

BIllmgton J. H. LImIted, c.oal ,& hme Barnet Chas. frmr. Wallnut Tree frID<br />

COMMERCIAL mel'chant~: Broxton statIOn Bate John farmer<br />

Bickerton Reading Hoom ·(George Wal- Bird Ed,:ard, farmer, Summerfield Boffey Jm~e,s, shopke·epeT, & ,Post off<br />

ley, jun. sec)<br />

Bourne Rlchd. frmr. Meadow Bank frm Fleet George, saddler Ii farmer<br />

Bourne Robert farmer, Pool farm Carr Henry, farmer Hall William, farmer<br />

Brookes Wi1lia~ cattle dealer Carr Thomas, farmer Harding William, farmer<br />

Caldecott Mary blrs.), farmer J ~ckson James, farmer. Hopley Joseph, blacksmith & whlwrgti.<br />

Cemetery (Jonathan Yernon, clerk to HIcli:s Cha.rl~s Ed. ,supt. J?o~lce Johnson Thos. fa!mer, Bulkeley hall<br />

the burial board) Hopley WIlham, '" ~eelwrlgt Nield Joseph, mIller (steam), Bulke-<br />

Dodd Lewis, farmer Hough T.h~s.threshmg machne.proptr ley mill<br />

Harding George farmer J ~nes 'Vllham, shopkeeper DUCKINGTON<br />

· 11..1' An' (M ) Red Lion Klmev George. farmer •<br />

: N lxon .lUary n rs. , Lea John farmer Aldersay .Alfred &; Justina (Miss),frmrs<br />

R?·:;~f~ i~~::~d::;:er Post office Le:l. Tho~as, ~rmer, Oak bank. Beecroft William, farmer, Duckington<br />

S' y 1 t Harry' farmer' Lee Robert Grmdley, beer retailer grange<br />

T lhllg edollid W·lli' f LewiS! Thomas, farmer Crooke Norman, The Bank<br />

V rea gJo th1 am, ~rmer .& Lightfoot .Alfred, saddler Griffiths John, cowkeeper<br />

ernton ona mil seeh s~~aCl'e assist- Lutener Capel Harrison, land agent Hopley Chas. wheelwright & cowkpr-<br />

~r an ovJerseer, f oug '" to George Barbuur esq Lightfoot Charles, cowkeeper<br />

,erll'Jl1 osep, h armer "". Ch 1 E A P H<br />

Walley George, farmer, Hill farm .uC'rhmE:r ar es, gerton ..3.rms . EGERTON.<br />

Walley Hugh Shore, farmer, Bicker- Pres~ott Thomas. farmer Aldred 'Wright, farmer<br />

ton Hall farm Probm John, cowkeeper B 1" ('.I') f Egerton.<br />

P dl J h f· ,0 k f rOt" ..3.n!1 .YJ.rs., armer, ..<br />

Wardle Matthew general dealer rou ove 0 n, armer, a arm<br />

, Redfern John, gamekeeper to George green .<br />

BROXTON. Barbour esq H~ssall Jobn, farmer, Egerton green<br />

Barbour George M.., A D.., L J.. P R· h d- Th RIO k PH Ikm John, farmer, Egerton green<br />

IC ar lSon omas,' oya a .. 'I . Ed d f E rt b ,-<br />

Bolesworth castle / & grocar -, or~ls mun, armer" ~~e on nBl<br />

Barbour Robert B.A., J.P. Bolesworth Siddorn Jsph. farmr. Up.Broxton hall Robmson ~~hur, farmel, E",erton hall<br />

castle<br />

Singleton Harry,farmer & general dlr Ruscoe Phihp, farmer, Egerton green<br />

Carr ..iustin Cooper, Broxton wwer hII SeviJI Jos~pn, horse breaker Shenton James, farmer, Egerton gra<br />

Cooper Richard, Mount Pleasant Stant Frederick, baker ~;~rt0n.rJ~hnf farmer<br />

Grosvenor Lord .!rthu.r Hugh D.L., Studley Thomas & Levi, farmers, ,Valley GO n, arfmer<br />

J.P. Broxton Old hall Holywell farm a ey eorge, armel'<br />

JonE's John, Sandcroft cottage Townsend Richard, tailor LARKTON.<br />

Littledale Mrs. Bank head<br />

Turton '\V'llter, stud groom to Lord Shone .Arthur .Augustus, farmer, Lark-<br />

Overton Mrs<br />

Tydd John, The Yilla<br />

.Arthur Hugh Grosvenor ton hall<br />

'Varburton In. blacksmith, Post office Sh.me Johr. Fredk. farmer, Lower hall<br />

:BICKLEY is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1892, CHOLMONDELEY is a township in Nantwich union<br />

from the parishes of Malpas, Wrenbury and Marbury- and county court district, 3 miles north-east from Malcum-Quoisley,<br />

and consists of the townships of Bickley,<br />

Cholmondeley, Chorley and a small portion of Norbury.<br />

pas sta.tion, on the London and .North \Vestern and Great<br />

Western joint railway. Cholmondeley Castle, at present.<br />

For civil purposes the respective townships still remain occupied by Granville Farquhar esq. was t'l'ected by Geo.<br />

in the old parishes. Bickley parish is in the Eddisbury J ames, 1st )iarquess of Cholmondeley, about 1800, and is<br />

division of the county, east division of the hundred of now the property of George Henry Hugh, 4th 'Marquess­<br />

Broxton, Broxton petty sessional division, Whitchurch P.C. who is lord of the manor and sole landowner; it is a<br />

county court district, rural deanery of :Malpas, and arch- noble castellated building of stone, occupying the summit<br />

deaconry and diocese of ChestE'r. The village is supplied of a commanding eminence. smrounded with picturesquewith<br />

water by the Corpol'ation of Liverpool. The church plea$ure grounds and a well-timbered park (If about 500<br />

of St. Winefrede. erected in 1'892, from desi!Pls by Messr:,. ncres; the d~mestic chapel, a cruciform structure of<br />

Douglas & Fordham, of Chester, is a building of red brick, stands a short distance enst-by-north of the Castle,.<br />

sandstone, in the Early English style, consisting of chaneel,<br />

nave, aisle, south porch and a western tower, conadjoining<br />

the M·te of the Old Hall; it is Gothic in style,<br />

with a south porch and western turret conroining one<br />

taining one bell. The register dates from the year 1892.<br />

The living is a V1icarage, net yoorly value £IlO, in the<br />

bell, and was restored in 1652. The deed, dated 1285~<br />

licensing this chapel for religious service. is still prE'~erved<br />

gift of the Marquess of Cholmondelev, and held since<br />

1900 by the Rev. Ernest Lake Le Fleming Freeland<br />

in the estate office. The Re,. Ernest Lake Ie Flemincr<br />

Freeland Gorst M.A. of St. John's CoI}ege, Cambridg::<br />

Gorst :M.A. of St. J'Ohn's CoUege, Olmbridge, and private and vicar of Bickley, is the cha.plain. The area is 2,594<br />

chaplain to the )Iarquess. acres of land and 63 o.f water; rateable value, £4.502;<br />

BICKLEY township, in 'Whitchurch union, 2 miles the population in 1901 was 298.<br />

east from 1Ialpas station on the Chester, Whitchur~h and Post, M. O. & T. 0., T .. ~I. 0., Express Delivery, Pat:ceI<br />

S~rewsbury branch of the ~o~don and .North "ester~<br />

raIlway, and 5 north from "hltchurch, IS a large agrl-<br />

Post, S. B. & .A.nnmty & Insurance Office.-Charles-<br />

Betteley Dodd, sub-postmasteor. Letters received from<br />

cultura~ district of scattered. houses. Here is a Primitive<br />

:\fethoclist chapel. erected III 1882. The ~I:Hquess of<br />

~[alpas 7.5 a.m.; dispatched at 6.35 p.m. week days.<br />

only. Telegraph office open on sundays from 8 till JC)'<br />

Cholmondeley is sole owner of the land and lord of the<br />

manor. The area is 2,436 acres of land and 38 of water;<br />

rateable value, £3.424; the population in 1901 was 383 of<br />

the ci,il parish, and of the ecclesiastical pm'ish 803.<br />

Letters by foot post from ~Ialpas. Cholmondeley is the<br />

nearest money order &; telegraph office, about 2 miles<br />

distant<br />

Wall Letter Boxes, Bickley Town. clea'red b p.m. except<br />

sun.; Hethcr!',)n Green, cleared 5·30 p.m. except sun<br />

a.m<br />

Wall Letter Box, Four Lane Ends, opposite the schoo~<br />

Tarporley road, cleared at 5 p.m. week days only<br />

Wall Letter Box, on estate yard, cleg,red at 5.30 p.m.<br />

except sunday<br />

National Sc.hool (mixed & infants), built in J875, for 216<br />

boys &; gIrls; average att.endance, 150 boys &; rrirls &,<br />

40 infants; Robert Swift, master ."

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