Kitesoul Magazine #2 English Edition

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122TECHLinestrimmed; just like a violinshould be periodicallytuned!There are four lineswhich connect the kiteto the bar, and thesehave a variety of names:rear-front lines,internal-external lines,directional-de-power lines,left-right and centrelines. The most commonway to call your lines isto divide them into rearand front linesThe rear lines are connectedto the externalpigtails: rear lines areusually coloured red andblue or red and black(red is always left, whilstthe right line could comein several colours).The front lines start fromthe depower strap andare connected to the bridlesystem in the “middle”of your kite (on the leadingedge). Dependingon the model and brand,these lines can start outas one single line andthen split into two. Beforelaunching your kiteyou should know whichtrim should be used forthat particular session. APHOTO 4PHOTO 5different trim will affecthow your kite flies andhow much power it willdeliver.An important, althoughpretty obvious, thing toconsider is that the kiteis tuned for productionusing a calibrated bar(all 4 lines, both rear andfront, equal length whende-power adjuster is100% released and barsheeted 100%). So re-

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