Memorandum and Articles - Sino

Memorandum and Articles - Sino

Memorandum and Articles - Sino


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Registerof Directors 101. The Company is to keep at its Registered Office a register containing the names <strong>and</strong> a'ldresses <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> notification of occupations of its direcìors <strong>and</strong> is to send to the Registrar of Companies a copy of such register, <strong>and</strong> shall from time to<br />

changes to Registrar timeiotify the Registrar any change that takes place in such directors as required by Section 143 ofthe Ordinance.<br />

Managing Director <strong>and</strong> Assistant<br />

Managing Directors<br />

Managing Director<br />

<strong>and</strong> Assistant<br />

Managing Directors<br />

Remuneration of<br />

Managing Director<br />

o¡ Assistant<br />

Managing Directors<br />

Managing Director<br />

or an Assistant<br />

Managing Directot<br />

not subject to<br />

retirement<br />

Directors may<br />

delegate poweß to<br />

the Managing<br />

Director or an<br />

Assistant Managing<br />

Director<br />

102. The Company shall have a Managing Director <strong>and</strong> one ot more Assistant Managing Directors. Mr.<br />

ping-yuan Taîg (È'Ær,Ê.j otherwise known as Sing-Hai Tmg (È El+) shall be the fìrst Managing Director of<br />

the Company. Subject to this, the directors may, from time to time, appoint any one of their body to be the<br />

Managing Director ánd any one or more of their body to be the Assistant Managing Directors of the Company,<br />

either foi a fixed term or 'ù/ithout any limitation as to the period for which each of them is to hold such office,<br />

<strong>and</strong> may from time to time (subject to the provisions of any contract between him <strong>and</strong> the Company) remove or<br />

dismiss him from office <strong>and</strong> appoint another in his place.<br />

103. The remuneration of the Managing Director or an Assistant Managing Director shall (subject to the<br />

provisions of any contract between him <strong>and</strong> the Company) from time to time be fixed by the Directors' <strong>and</strong> may<br />

te by way of fìxed salary, or commission on dividends, profits or turnover of the Company, or of any other<br />

.o-puny itt which the Cómpany is interested, or by participation in any such profits, or by any, or all of these<br />

modls, irovided that, unleis othe¡wise agreed, the temuneration or other money payable to the Managing<br />

Director or an Assistant Managing Director hereunder shall be in addition to his remuneration as a director, if he<br />

shall also hold such office, <strong>and</strong> in addition to any other remuneration that may be provided by any confract<br />

between him <strong>and</strong> the Company.<br />

* 104. A Managing Director or an Assistant Managing Director shall, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing any contractual or<br />

other terms on which he may be appointed or engaged, be subject to retirement under <strong>Articles</strong> 94 <strong>and</strong> 95 hereof,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, subject to the provisions of any contract between him <strong>and</strong> the Company, he shall be subject to the same<br />

provisions as to resìgnation <strong>and</strong> removal as the other directors of the Company, <strong>and</strong> he shall, þso facto <strong>and</strong><br />

ìmmediately, cease to be a Managing Director if he ceases to hold the office of director from any cause.<br />

* Amended by Special Resolution passed on 10/6/2005.<br />

105. The Directors may from time to time entrust to <strong>and</strong> confer upon the Managing Director or an<br />

Assistant Managing Director ior the time being such of the powers exercisable under these presents by the<br />

Directors as they mãy think fit, <strong>and</strong> may confer such powers fo¡ such time, <strong>and</strong> to be exercised for such objects<br />

<strong>and</strong> purposes, una upon such terms <strong>and</strong> conditions, <strong>and</strong> with such restrictions as they think expedient; <strong>and</strong> they<br />

*uy'.onf.. such powers, either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of, <strong>and</strong> in substitution for, all or any of the<br />

po*.r, of the Diiectors in that behalf; <strong>and</strong> may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or any of<br />

such powers.<br />

Proceedings of Directors<br />

Meetings of<br />

Directors, <strong>and</strong><br />

quofum<br />

Convening meeting<br />

of Directors<br />

Powe¡ of director to<br />

appoint altemate<br />

director<br />

Chairman of<br />

Di¡ectors<br />

*106. The Directors may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn, <strong>and</strong> otherwise regulate their<br />

meetings <strong>and</strong> proceedings, as they thi;k fit, <strong>and</strong> may determine the quorum necessary for the transaction of<br />

business. Until otherwise determined, two directors shall be a quorum. The Board or any committee of the<br />

Board may participate in a meeting of the Board or such committee by means of a conference telephone or<br />

similar communications equipmeni through which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate<br />

with each other simultanèously <strong>and</strong> instantaneously <strong>and</strong>, for the purpose of counting a quorum, such<br />

participation shall constitute presence at a meeting as if those participating were present in person.<br />

* Amended by Special Resolutions passed on 2916/1990 znd29/812002<br />

*107. The secretary may, al any time, <strong>and</strong> upon the request of two directors shall, convene a meeting of<br />

the Directors.<br />

* Amended by Special Resolution passed on I 0i6l2005.<br />

*108. A director may, from time to time, appoint any member of the Company, who is approved by the<br />

majority of the directors, or alternate or substituted directors, to be. an altemate substituted director. The<br />

appointle, whilst he holds office as an altemate director, shall be entitled to notice of meeting of the directors<br />

arrã to attend <strong>and</strong> vote thereat as a director, but he shall not be entitled to be remunerated otherwise than out of<br />

the remuneration of the director appointing him, <strong>and</strong> shall ipso facto vacate off,rce if <strong>and</strong> when the appointor<br />

resumes office or vacates ofhce as director or revokes his appointment. Atty appointment <strong>and</strong> revocation under<br />

this Article shall be effected by notice in writing under the h<strong>and</strong> of the director making the same <strong>and</strong> delivered to<br />

the secretary of the Company.<br />

t Amended by Special Resolution passed on 28/9/l 993<br />

*109. The Directors shall have a Chairman for their meetings. The said Ping-Yuan Tang (Æ*t¡rF.)<br />

otherwise known as Sing-Hai Tang (þ þìE) shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company<br />

until the Annual General meeting in 7967,but shall be eligible for re-election. Subject to this, the Directors may<br />


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