RFP Part 1 - 5

RFP Part 1 - 5

RFP Part 1 - 5


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Controls Upgrade Building 6401NBK –Bangor, Silverdale, WA.F95FYRSECTION 00100 ~ INSTRUCTION TO OFFERORS1. Pre-Proposal Inquiries. Offerors who determine that the technical and or contractual requirements ofthis <strong>RFP</strong> require clarification(s) in order to permit submittal of a responsive proposal shall submit allquestions in writing. The pre-proposal inquiry format is provided by Section 000100, Attachment A, inthis Section. Inquiries shall be submitted via e-mail to Ingrid.anders@navy.mil with a copy toRuss.Lund@navy.mil. Questions shall be clearly stated, and include the specification or drawingreference.Due to time constraints and to ensure fairness to all offerors, the cut-off date for submission of preproposalinquiries is close of business March 22, 2012. All PPI responses will be published viaamendment to the solicitation.2. Proposal Format, Delivery method, and Due Date. Proposals submitted in response to thissolicitation shall be submitted electronically; however, a hard copy for the price proposal must bereceived within 3 business days after the proposal due date. Proposals shall be formatted as follows andfurnished in the number of copies stated herein:2.1 Proposal Package Identification. Offerors shall affix their names and return address to the upper leftcorner of the proposal package. Each package shall include the <strong>RFP</strong> number and must be sealed.Submit separate packages for the price proposals and technical proposals. Each package shall clearlyidentify the contents (price proposal or technical proposals).2.2 Proposals shall be submitted as two separate volumes. The volumes shall be organized as follows:Volume I – Technical ProposalVolume II – Price Proposal2.3 Paper dimensions shall be 8 ½‖ x 11‖, utilizing both sides of the paper whenever possible. The fontsize shall be no smaller than 11 pitch. Whenever possible use the forms provided; however, offeror maysubstitute their own forms as long as the information submitted is substantially the same as that shown oneach form.2.4 Each copy of the proposal shall be securely fastened/bound. Tab each section and label allattachments. Provide a table of contents. For recycling purposes, a soft cover or title sheet is sufficient.Submit one (1) original and one (1) copy of the price proposal; and submit electronically one (1)Technical Proposal and one (1) Price proposal. The original proposals shall be identified as ―Original‖ onthe cover.2.6 Instructions for electronic submission: Contractors will submit proposals electronically as a PDFfile to the contract specialist at: Ingrid.anders@navy.miland copy ross.lund@navy.mil. The NAVFACCost Analysis Spreadsheet shall be submitted as an excel file. The subject line of the email must containthe solicitation number ―N44255-08-R-3010 XNNN ~ PROPOSAL – (Insert Company Name)‖.Each electronic file submitted as an attachment to an email transmission shall not exceed 10 megabytes insize. If the aforementioned electronic file exceeds 10 megabytes, divide data into separate files so as notto exceed 10 megabytes per file. Due to file size limitations, each electronic file should be attached to aseparate email. Files shall be named as stated previously with the addition of ―email X of X‖ (e.g. email1 of 2) in the subject line.<strong>Part</strong> 1 - Page 2 of 37

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