RFP Part 1 - 5

RFP Part 1 - 5

RFP Part 1 - 5


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Controls Upgrade Building 6401NBK –Bangor, Silverdale, WA.F95FYR6.1.3 Factor III ~ Basis of Design /Logistics Plan/Scheduling & Coordination(1) Definition: Basis of Design/Logistics Plan/Scheduling and Coordination pertains to the Offeror’sunderstanding of the work to be performed and a clear representation of its ability to perform therequirements without risk to the Government.(2) Proposal Submission Requirements:a. Basis of Design. Provide a design/technical approach in narrative format, not to exceed four (4)pages. Describe how the functional requirements of this Request for Proposal (<strong>RFP</strong>) will be met.Describe your design approach, concept, and ability to execute the design in a timely and efficientmanner.b. Logistics Plan. Provide a logistics plan, in narrative formant, not exceeding four (4) pages, detailingthe construction elements of this project to ensure a quality product is delivered on time. Describehow the Offeror plans to accomplish the specified construction efforts. The plan should addresscritical construction activities such as description of labor, materials and equipment includingequipment movement use; work areas/staging; crew size; long lead material items, schedulecoordination (phasing); etc.c. Scheduling & Coordination. Provide a scheduling and coordination plan in narrative format, not toexceed not to exceed four (4) pages (excluding schedule if provided). Discuss the Offeror’s proposedschedule and coordination with ongoing Government activity in and around the vicinity of the projectarea. The schedule shall include administrative submittals (EPP, QC Plan, APP, schedule, etc);operational delays, no work periods or other security delays (if noted) associated with the location ofthe project, pre-construction activities (submittals, utility outage requests, mobilization, orderingmaterial, etc); critical construction submittals, delivery of equipment and material; long lead timematerial/supplies; construction activities, and post construction activities such as inspection, rework,commissioning, facility evaluating testing and acceptance.(3) Basis of Evaluation. Evaluation of this factor will be a subjective assessment Offerors understandingof the work requirements and its ability to accomplish the required work within the proposed timeframeand existing conditions.6.2 Volume II, Price Proposal6.2.1 Factor IV ~ Price: The price proposal shall include the following, separately tabbed:(1) Cover letter: A Cover letter, in accordance with FAR 52.215-1(c) (1), shall accompany the priceproposal and shall include:a. The solicitation number;b. The name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and e-mail addresses of the Offeror.c. A statement specifying the extent of agreement with all terms, conditions, and provisions included inthe solicitation and agreement to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price setopposite each item;d. Names, titles, phone numbers, facsimile numbers, and e-mail addresses of persons authorized tonegotiate on the Offeror’s behalf with the Government in connection with this solicitation, and;e. Name, title, and signature of person authorized to sign the proposal.f. DUNS # as required by FAR 52.204-6(a)<strong>Part</strong> 1 - Page 6 of 37

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