RFP Part 1 - 5

RFP Part 1 - 5

RFP Part 1 - 5


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Controls Upgrade Building 6401NBK –Bangor, Silverdale, WA.F95FYR4.3 Accordingly, offerors should submit initial proposals on their most favorable terms, from both atechnical and cost/price standpoint. Again, it should be noted that proposals will not be included in thecompetitive range solely on the basis of technical acceptability, nor will they be included due to cost/priceconsiderations alone.5. Evaluation Method/ Basis of Award5.1 The SMACC permits evaluation using the Best Value – using Trade-off analysis. This sourceselection method permits the evaluation of proposal based on price competition, technical merit, and otherfactors; permits impartial comprehensive evaluation of offeror’s proposals; permits discussion ifnecessary; and ensures selection of the offeror who provides best value to the Government.5.2 Offerors will be evaluated against the established standards set forth herein. Factors I through III(Technical Factors) are approximately equal to each other in importance. Factor IV (Price) isapproximately equal to all of the Technical Factors combined. Subcategories (if any) are approximatelyequal to each other in importance.5.3 The evaluation factors are as follows:(1) Technical(2) PriceFactor I ~ Past PerformanceFactor II ~ Relevant ExperienceFactor III ~ Basis of Design/Logistics Plan/Scheduling & CoordinationFactor IV ~ Price5.4 The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals at any time prior to award; tonegotiate with any or all offerors; to award the contract to other than the offeror submitting the lowesttotal price; and to award to the offeror submitting the proposal determined to be the most advantageous tothe Government. THE GOVERNMENT INTENDS TO AWARD WITHOUT DISCUSSIONS WITHOFFERORS (except minor clarifications as described in FAR 15.306(a)), however, the Governmentreserves the right to conduct discussions if determined as necessary by the Contracting Officer. Therefore,each offeror should not assume they would be contacted, nor afforded an opportunity to qualify, discuss,or revise their proposals.6. Proposal Submission Requirements6.1. Volume I, Technical Proposal6.1.1 Factor I ~ Past Performance(1) Definition: Past performance is a measure of the degree to which an offeror satisfied its customers, inregards to services provided under the SMACC. Past Performance will be evaluated as follows:a. Past Performance (completed projects).b. Current Performance (on-going projects)<strong>Part</strong> 1 - Page 4 of 37

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