Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Field Theory


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to about the TeV . This is precisely the regime that is currently being probed by theLarge Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. There is a general belief that the frameworkof quantum field theory will continue to hold to energy scales only slightly below thePlanck scale — for example, there are experimental hints that the coupling constantsof electromagnetism, and the weak and strong forces unify at around 10 18 GeV.For comparison, the rough masses of some elementary (and not so elementary) particlesare shown in the table,ParticleneutrinoselectronMuonPionsProton, NeutronTauW,Z BosonsHiggs BosonMass∼ 10 −2 eV0.5 MeV100 MeV140 MeV1 GeV2 GeV80-90 GeV120-200 GeV??– 6 –

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