ACCT/ACCF-Customer Account Information-11/09

ACCT/ACCF-Customer Account Information-11/09

ACCT/ACCF-Customer Account Information-11/09


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PERSHING STANDARD FILE LAYOUTSDETAIL RECORD F – MAIN ACCOUNT INFORMATION, ADDRESS 7POSITION PICTURE TYPE DESCRIPTION001-002 X(02) AN TRANSACTION CODE = “CI”003-003 X(01) AN RECORD INDICATOR VALUE = “F”004-0<strong>11</strong> 9(08) N RECORD ID SEQUENCE NUMBER; begins with“00000001”012-020 X(<strong>09</strong>) AN ACCOUNT NUMBER INCLUDING OFFICE(3); BASEACCOUNT(5); CHECK DIGIT (1)021-023 X(03) AN INTRODUCING BROKER DEALER NUMBER024-024 X(01) AN Not Used025-027 X(03) AN INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL NUMBER028-028 X(01) AN Not Used029-038 X(10) AN ACCOUNT SHORT NAME039-040 X(02) AN Not UsedACCOUNT ADDRESS #7041-041 X(01) AN ADDRESS (7) TRANSACTION CODE; values include:“X” or “ ” = Unchanged record“A” = Add new address“C” = Change existing address information042-042 X(01) AN SPECIAL HANDLING INDICATOR (7); values include:“N” = No special handling required for this address“Y” = Special handling required for this address043-043 X(01) AN DELIVERY IDENTIFIER (7) defines the address type thatfollows; see DELIVERY IDENTIFIER (1), Record C, position43, for values044-047 X(04) AN ATTENTION LINE PREFIX (7); acceptable values include:“ATTN” = Attention of“C/O ” = Care of“ ” = May be blank in user-titled accounts048-075 X(28) AN ATTENTION LINE DETAIL (7)076-107 X(32) AN ADDRESS (7) LINE <strong>11</strong>08-139 X(32) AN ADDRESS (7) LINE 2140-171 X(32) AN ADDRESS (7) LINE 3; only if ATTENTION LINE containsspaces172-203 X(32) AN ADDRESS (7) LINE 4; only if the country is not the US orCanada204-218 X(15) AN CITY (7); for US/Canada addresses only219-220 X(02) AN STATE (7); for US/Canada addresses only; see Appendix Q,“<strong>ACCT</strong> Codes and Values”221-235 X(15) AN ZIP (7); for US/Canada addresses only236-237 X(02) AN COUNTRY CODE (7); see Appendix Q, “<strong>ACCT</strong> Codes andValues”<strong>ACCT</strong>/<strong>ACCF</strong>Page 24 <strong>Customer</strong> <strong>Account</strong> <strong>Information</strong> 10-<strong>09</strong>

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