Surface Water Management Plan - Hampshire County Council

Surface Water Management Plan - Hampshire County Council

Surface Water Management Plan - Hampshire County Council


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Only measures which score 2 or more will be considered further under Stage2. Stage 2 considers individual measures scored against various criteria, withscores summed to generate a short-list. These short-listing criteria areoutlined in Table 3 below. The purpose of the scoring is to rank individualmeasures to identify those to take forward for more detailed appraisal. Thekey criterion is whether the measures will assist in meeting the objectivesestablished at the outset of the SWMP.Criteria Description ScoreTechnical Is it technically possible andbuildable? Will it be robust andreliable?U (Unacceptable) –measures eliminated fromEconomic Will benefits exceed costs? further consideration.SocialWill the community benefit or sufferfrom implementation of themeasure?-2 Severe negative outcome-1 Moderate negativeoutcomeEnvironmental Will the environment benefit orsuffer from implementation of themeasure?0 Neutral+1 Moderate positiveoutcomeObjectives Will it help to achieve the objectives +2 High positive outcomeof the SWMP partnership?Table 3: Example of Short-Listing Criteria (taken from Defra Technical Guidance)Sites considered for mitigation against flood risk arising from surface water willbe assessed against these criteria to identify suitable measures for reducingor removing the risk. Those options scoring 5 or more will be considered inmore detail, either individually or in combination, in order to determine thepreferred option of greatest overall benefit.9. Implementation and RecommendationsThe Action <strong>Plan</strong> is an essential part of a SWMP. It summarises the actionsand recommendations made within this SWMP as well as those areasrequiring more detailed investigation. In order for the Action <strong>Plan</strong> to beeffective, it will require agreement from each stakeholder and a commitmentthat the actions will be undertaken within agreed timescales.These recommendations can be summarised in 4 general categories: Communication Maintenance and Capital schemes (Implementation) Policy and Procedures Emergency <strong>Plan</strong>ningIn addition to these generic actions, there is an action plan for each Parishwhich provides more details on individual sites, schemes and other measuresto assist in the reduction of flood risk.The Action <strong>Plan</strong>s are located within Appendix E29

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