Surface Water Management Plan - Hampshire County Council

Surface Water Management Plan - Hampshire County Council

Surface Water Management Plan - Hampshire County Council


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10. Review & MonitoringIn order for a <strong>Surface</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> to be effective, it will requireupdating when new information is obtained. This could include additional sitesaffected by flooding or completion of schemes reducing the risk in a particulararea. Changes to legislation and guidance and the availability of funding willalso need to be considered at a national and/or local level.Given the range of documentation that could be updated within differenttimescales, this SWMP will remain as a live document and will be updated assituations change.The action plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that each partyis progressing their relevant actions. This will also aid in the identification andpreparation of schemes to be put forward onto the capital schemeprogramme.Although the areas identified within this document have undergone an initialinvestigation and assessment, it is essential that any flood incidents that occurin the future are identified, assessed and put into future work programmes asappropriate.This need is consistent with the requirement to investigate flooding undersection 19 of the Flood and <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Act 2010. Section 19 statesthat on becoming aware of a significant flooding event the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, inits role as Lead Local Flood Authority must, to the extent that it considers itnecessary or appropriate, investigate which risk management authorities haverelevant flood risk management functions, and whether each of those riskmanagement authorities has exercised, or is proposing to exercise, thosefunctions in response to the flood.In order to fulfil this requirement and to ensure an investigation is of the mostbenefit to the community, <strong>Hampshire</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will also investigate thecause and effects of significant flood incidents and make recommendations onreducing the risk of the flood incident reoccurring. These reports will be linkedto the relevant SWMP and any agreed recommendations added to the actionplan.To facilitate the reporting of significant flood incidents, a standard templatehas been developed and is available for all parties to complete and forward tothe LLFA. This form will be available on <strong>Hampshire</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s flood riskmanagement web pages (www.hants.gov.uk/flooding)Any reviews or updates on this document will be carried out between the keystakeholders as identified in section 5. If there is a particular issue relating toother stakeholders, they will also be invited to assist with this procedure.31

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