ASRIS Technical Specifications V1.6

ASRIS Technical Specifications V1.6

ASRIS Technical Specifications V1.6


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2 User needs for soil and land resource informationThe general proposition that our natural environment should be mapped and monitored is widelysupported by agencies responsible for managing natural resources, industry groups and communityorganisations. This information provides a basis for devising, implementing and monitoring landmanagement. It also provides a basis for diagnosing the general condition of landscapes. Information onsoil and land resources is fundamental and this is where <strong>ASRIS</strong> plays a central role.The emergence of a range of large-scale environmental problems in Australia has added to the generaldemand for better information on spatial variation and trends in the condition of soils and landscapes.Satisfying this demand requires a clear view of how information on natural resources is used to good effect.The first way is through reducing risks in decision-making, and the second involves improving ourunderstanding of biophysical processes.2.1 Reducing risks in decision makingReducing risk in decision-making requires the provision of information to be closely linked to, andpreferably driven, by the decision-making process, whether at the scale of the paddock, enterprise, smallcatchment, region or nation. For example, farmers need information at the scale of the paddock, while afederal funding agency will usually require information at the regional and continental scale. Decisionmakers in Australia require timely access to information at relevant scales. <strong>ASRIS</strong> is a significant componentin the delivery system. It has been developed with a view to satisfying a diverse range of needs at variouslevels of resolution. The following demands from government, industry, and community groups are ofprimary interest.GovernmentThe provision of reliable natural resource information to support policy decisions by federal, state, territoryand regional agencies is necessary to address serious environmental problems, including global warming,dryland salinity and soil acidification. Improved natural resource information is required to:• design, implement and assess the effectiveness of major natural resource management programs(e.g. schemes for widespread planting of perennials to control recharge)• implement trading schemes (e.g. for salt, water and carbon) to achieve better natural resourcemanagement outcomes• establish baselines (e.g. for contaminants)• set targets and monitor trends.3

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