ASRIS Technical Specifications V1.6

ASRIS Technical Specifications V1.6

ASRIS Technical Specifications V1.6


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AU Alumic GP Gypsiric PC PetrocalcicAX Alcalic GR Geric PD PetroduricAZ Arzic GS Glossic PE PellicCA Calcaric GSM Molliglossic PF ProfondicCB Carbic GSU Umbriglossic PG PetrogypsicCC Calcic GT Gelistagnic PH PachicCCH Hypercalcic GY Gypsic PI PlacicCCO Orthicalcic GYH Hypergypsic PL PlinthicCCW Hypocalcic GYW Hypogypsic PLH HyperplinthicCH Chernic GZ Greyic PLO OrthiplinthicCL Chloridic HA Haplic PLP EpiplinthicCN Carbonatic HG Hydragric PLR ParaplinthicCR Chromic HI Histic PN PlanicCT Cutanic HIB Thaptohistic PO PosicCY Cryic HIF Fibrihistic PP PetroplinthicDN Densic HIS Saprihistic PR ProticDU Duric HK Hyperskeletic PS PetrosalicDY Dystric HT Hortic PT PetricDYE Epidystric HU Humic PTP EpipetricDYH Hyperdystric HUM Mollihumic RD ReducticDYO Orthidystric HUU Umbrihumic RG RegicES Eutrisilic HY Hydric RH RheicET Entic II Lamellic RO RhodicEU Eutric IR Irragric RP RupticEUH Hypereutric IV Luvic RS RusticEUN Endoeutric IVW Hypoluvic RU RubicEUO Orthieutric IX Lixic RZ RendzicFG Fragic LE Leptic SA SapricSD Spodic SU Sulphatic TY TakyricSI Silic SZ Salic UB UrbicSK Skeletic SZN Endosalic UM UmbricSKN Endoskeletic SZP Episalic VI VitricSKP Episkeletic SZW Hyposalic VM VermicSL Siltic TF Tephric VR VerticSO Sodic TI Thionic VT VeticSON Endosodic TIO Orthithionic XA XanthicSOW Hyposodic TIT Protothionic YE YermicSP Spolic TR Terric YES NudiyermicST Stagnic TU TurbicSTN Endostagnic TX Toxic62

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