Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...

Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...

Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...


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ENHANCING DAIRY SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS IN PAKISTANNo specific trade policy initiatives were contained in the framework. However it may be noted that Pakistanfaces huge competition from other <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>export</strong>ing countries due to provision of heavy subsidies to theirfarmers and Pakistan’s inability to comply with international SPS standards for its <strong>dairy</strong> products in majorparts of the world.Institutional Setup in the Public SectorDairy development is mainly concentrated in the public <strong>sector</strong> including government ministries andattached departments, universities and public <strong>sector</strong> companies. Valuable contribution has also beenextended by the private <strong>sector</strong> for the development of the <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sector</strong> in Pakistan.Until 2008, the <strong>dairy</strong> development initiative was managed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture andLivestock (MINFAL) at the federal level. However, a separate ministry under the title “Ministry of Livestockand Dairy Development” has been formed which is mainly responsible for preparing and implementingnational policy planning, coordination with attached specialized departments in all provinces. The ministryis headed by a Federal Minister (an elected representative) while the provincial departments are headedby a Provincial Secretary and assisted by a Director General.The Ministry of Industries and Production (MoIP) has also supported the <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sector</strong> by managing keyprojects in the <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sector</strong>. One of these initiatives includes the setting up of PDDC. The University ofVeterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) is the only vocational institute which is dedicated to educationabout the animals and research and training. Amongst the departments providing indirect support to the<strong>dairy</strong> development initiative, Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) is responsible toregulate food safety standards including those for <strong>dairy</strong> and <strong>dairy</strong> products.Under the Companies Ordinance 1984 several public <strong>sector</strong> companies have been formed to contribute tothe development of the <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sector</strong>. These were formed through financial support from the governmentand donor agencies. These include PDDC formed in 2006, LDDB formed in 2007, and nine ruraldevelopment programs.The main objectives of the PDDC include improving <strong>dairy</strong> research facilities, training and capacity buildingof <strong>dairy</strong> farmers, veterinary training, improvement of the cold chain system, promotion of healthypasteurized milk, developing model <strong>dairy</strong> commercial farms, improving breed management, facilitatingcredit financing to <strong>dairy</strong> farmers, and linking rural farmers with the markets at the national level.The objectives of the LDDB include improvement of extension services to <strong>dairy</strong> farmers, training ofextension services personnel, enhancing the research capabilities in priority areas of the <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sector</strong> andenhancing national, provincial and donor linkages.The federal and provincial governments play a significant role in the development of <strong>dairy</strong> <strong>sector</strong> throughpolicy formulation and implementation and provision of support services including veterinary care andtraining through a nationwide coverage. However, the public <strong>sector</strong> fails to deliver the required results dueto financial and human resources constraints. Further, due to lack of coordination between relatedagencies and heavy reliance on donor funding that is usually provided to target short term achievementsrather than long term development initiatives the public <strong>sector</strong> has not been able to perform satisfactorily.On the contrary, although the private <strong>sector</strong> has a well-managed value chain but yet it has paid littleattention to make available to the consumers very affordable <strong>dairy</strong> products by bringing investment in lowcosttechnologies. That is why the consumers largely rely on basic <strong>dairy</strong> products including farm fresh milk.54

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